Showing posts with label Wadsworth cult leader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wadsworth cult leader. Show all posts

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Dave Pack: "we are "swimming in metrics"


From an RCG source

According to the master, prophesy is an "enigma" and an "obscure saying". So, I suppose this means that God was simply drawing our attention to these enigmas for the last six years, not actually solving them through His chosen apostle of glory. Huh, you still get disfellowshipped for respectful disagreement with his interpretations. I'm confused, is God's authority behind His word or the man He so obviously has chosen? Interesting times.

Also of note, shout it to the whole world... we are "swimming in metrics"... we are IN the season of the anti-christ. But not to worry, 100 Billion people will soon be resurrected to face the judgment of David C Pack in a 75 day window in an environment of paradise.

We are left to ponder the addition of a new glass to the table and an ominous question mark indicating its time signification. 

A personal note: I know most of the people sitting in that hall, attending these insane Bible studies. They are in a hopelessly trapped position, unable to speak anything that would even remotely undermine the authority of the series while at the same time planning Church events months into the future, ie into a time which they are duty bound to believe and speak as though will be a time of prophetic fulfillment. Many of these individuals/couples/families have liquidated their assets and given the proceeds to the Church. They now live in homes owned by the Church and they derive their household income from the Church. One misstep or misspeak and they lose it all... they're out on the street with nothing. They have fallen into a trap that is very difficult to get out of. Pack has them right where he needs them, constantly lending their credibility to the derangement of the RCG with no ability to escape.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Dave Pack's Timeline Torn Asunder….By Himself

 Dave's Timeline Torn Asunder by Dave

Last week Dave had an elaborate timeline that includes 2.5 days, then 1 day, then 22.5 days, then 3.5 days.

This week, he literally tore it up in front of the brethren, as the audience uncomfortably laughs. 

This weeks timeline

How much longer, RCG brethren, will you endure utter FALSENESS being slapped in your face? 

From an RCG source

Monday, October 26, 2020

Dave Pack: Dave Only Has One Thing On His Mind As Employees and Members Struggle with COVID and His "christ" Failed To Appear


From an RCG source:

Meanwhile, Dave Pack is pretending that all is well in Dave World. No mentioning of the COVID cases in his 'church'. No mentioning of any heartfelt concern for the RCG members that are sick. No mentioning of ministers (and members) leaving his 'true church'. What does Dave do? What he always does, asking for more money, like in this weeks announcements. Be good slaves and don't forget to send Dave your money boys and girls:

“Third Tithe Reminder: As many are aware, third tithe years begin after the Feast each year. At the bottom of the homepage in Member Services, you can find a link titled “Calculate Third Tithe Years.” This webpage will automatically calculate your third tithe year cycles for you. The cycles are based on your baptism date. Remember that one’s third tithe year occurs every three years in a seven-year cycle.

Those who have questions about third tithe years should contact their local minister.

Tithe of Tithe, Excess Second Tithe, and Holy Day Offerings Reminder: Many will recall that, before the Feast, an announcement was made for brethren to calculate and send in any tithe of tithe and excess second tithe ahead of time, if possible. We thank those who were able to do this. Now that the Feast is over, however, all excess second tithe should be calculated and sent to Headquarters, along with any tithe of tithe that was not already sent, noted as a separate amount. Please notate on your checks or money orders “excess second tithe” or “tithe of tithe,” whichever is applicable.

In addition, those who have missed services on any of the four fall Holy Days and have yet to mail in their offerings should do so as soon as possible. It is vitally important to God’s Work that all Holy Day offerings are accounted for. Please feel free to contact the Business & Accounting Office at if you have any questions concerning your offerings.” 

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Dave Pack adds another home to his growing list of Wadsworth real estate

Dave and his cult just added another home to his expanding list of Wadsworth real estate. Is it his goal to buy all the homes bordering the campus where Jesus is to return to? Before long he will own all the homes on Akron Road and Hartman Road.  If he accomplishes this then he will totally enclose his campus to all outside visitors.

double click to enlarge

This was Dave previous home:

This is his new home, custom-built.  Remember he said he downsized to move here. Maybe size-wise, but certainly not cost-wise. 

One guess as to which of these is Dave's.


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Dave Pack on how two-faced the new leader of United Church of God was (and still is)

After Dave gave his farewell sermon and scores of Akron members reported him to Pasadena, Dave began the process of joining up with Global, Church of God and Rod Meredith.  After Pack was disfellowshipped from the WCG, his replacement came into the Akron to do damage control.  This man, while in WCG was busily disfellowshipping WCG members for not agreeing with the new teachings while all along he did not believe in them either. Then, just like many other of the top boys of UCG, he jumped ship with his severance package and straight into a paid job as a UCG minister. Later this same man rebelled once again and split off from UCG to form COGWA. 

Of course, Dave is just as big a hypocrite as they all still are.
“But Joseph Tkach’s statement demonstrates that I had anticipated most of the false teachings that would come, and Worldwide did make the changes that he so vehemently denied in Columbus and elsewhere. It was humorous, while also tragic, that my replacement was actively teaching new doctrines that supposedly ‘had not yet been presented by the WCG Headquarters.’
“Such was the deceit of the time—deceit attributed to me and others by those who were the real deceivers. And I include in this both the type of deceit from the Pastor General above and the type offered by my replacement who taught false (deceitful) doctrines. I wondered why my replacement never felt shot in the back by the Headquarters for whom he was so ardently cheerleading.
“My replacement would 26 months later ‘stand up for the truth,’ and leave the WCG to enter the largest splinter with over 200 drowsy Akron brethren happily following him. Incredibly—and this is its own statement about his new organization—he became its president in 2005!
“Let’s summarize. The friend I spoke with in Big Sandy would become the initial leader of the ministry in the largest splinter in 1995, and is still on its Council of Elders, and is still a regional pastor.
“The Indianapolis friend, having left his foxhole, would soon become this man’s replacement in the Cincinnati-based group, and would lead for many years the over 450 ministers that would join that organization.
“The Cleveland East friend would become the regional pastor of its headquarters region (one-tenth of the United States).
“The upset son-in-law minister who confronted me in Indianapolis about his in-laws’ concern, would go on to anchor the television program for the new splinter.
“And my replacement would quickly be a regional pastor, before going on to become president over the entire church of 20,000 attendants.
“No story of my life is complete without such facts. Of course, that these men ‘rallied in understanding’ and ‘found their voice,’ and ‘courage,’ at the last minute would only be known later. If this sounds like mocking, it is because it is. Remember Elijah with the prophets of Baal. And then remember how strong was Mr. Armstrong—and the apostle Paul—in describing grievous wolves coming among God’s flock.
“I have more respect for those who sold out completely and stayed in the Worldwide Church of God, openly accepting the changes, than for those who left professing to stand for the truth, while secretly holding to a host of false doctrines, as do their organizations.
“Oh that God’s people would look more closely at those whom they follow! But Adolf Hitler’s rule of leadership again presents itself, ‘What luck for rulers that men do not think.’”