Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Apostle Malm: FOR SHAME Those of You That Packed Your Suitcases On the Last Great Day!

Apostle Malm is back from celebrating his Feast of Legalism and is pissed once again at those who defiled his Feast of Law.  You sinning morons that started traveling on the "eighth day" or paid your hotel bill are spitting in the face of God.  You bad, bad people!

The Eighth Day, which is the first day AFTER the Feast of Tabernacles:  Is a High Holy Day,  Lev 23:36.   It is a Holy Convocation. You shall do no servile work (work of any kind)  therein.

For generations now, The Church of God has made it a practice to hold services early, on the Eighth Day;  to facilitate the travel plans of their members.  People claiming to be converted Godly people:  have paid bills, packed belongings, cleaned their temporary dwellings and traveled on this High Holy Day.  And their ministers have encouraged this in word and deed.

FOR SHAME:  This is a DISGRACE and a blot on your garments.  The Eternal will not hold you guiltless for defiling His Holy Time.  Repent quickly and turn from this wickedness;  lest ye be corrected.

Church people even purchase goods and services on Sabbath and Holy Days, especially in restaurants.  

Prophet Thiel Says Those Who Did Not Keep The Feast Are Easily Deceived By Satan

Bob Thiel, the "unofficial" Official spokesman for the Living Church of God and the worlds foremost authority on prophecy and Mayan gibberish, is taking a jab at everyone who did not keep the feast this year.  This is particularly aimed at lapsed ex-Armstrongites.  Thiel thinks that anyone who has left Armstrongism has turned their minds over to Satan and are now his agents. 

Yesterday was the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.  Those who do not keep it are more likely to be deceived than those who do keep it.

Since you are all agents of Satan maybe you would like to print off the business card below and fill in your name so you can hand it out at next years Feast.