Sunday, March 22, 2020

Norbert Link Upset Church Has To Be Canceled

End of age fatalist and Millerite false prophet, Norbert Link, is upset that church services have to be canceled due to the coronavirus. It is all vast conspiracy to numb people to future shutdowns of the church.  Apparently, he and Bob Thiel have been drinking too much of the same fermented tea. Biblical rules about quarantine are not convenient when it interferes with the personal interpretations these guys need to get their end-time malarkey across to the tens of their viewers.

Are We Heeding God’s Warning?
Norbert Link

Coronavirus! A man-made pandemic which originated in China, apparently due to the ungodly consumption of unclean meat. It is destroying the world—its civilization; its societies and global economy. Panic reaction to the virus has changed our daily lives… including cancellations of social and sport events; closure of schools, restaurants and shops; serious restrictions for our jobs and work abilities; national and international travel bans; prohibitions of assemblies and confinements in mandated isolation and quarantine… as well as cancellations of our religious worship services.
Many countries have already banned church services, and who is to say as to how long these limitations of our religious and individual liberties and freedoms will continue… It is as if we are victims of a worldwide war… and in a sense, we are—each country seems to fight a suicidal war against itself and an all-encompassing “preemptive” war against other nations. 
When hearing this mind-boggling news which affects many innocent people and which sounds like the wild imaginations of a science fiction or horror movie, I wonder how much we have taken our freedom from autocratic restrictions and totalitarian governmental intervention for granted with the opportunity to assemble each week for our religious services. Many times, the sad truth is…
It is always the Church of God being attacked.  To hell with the rest of humanity.  It is always about them.


Anonymous said...


No, I'm not wishing ill on our Germanic friend; I'm simply announcing "The Norbert!"

Anonymous said...

Widows are dying. Youngsters are becoming orphans.

Norbert is pissed that fewer people are listening to him.

Someone just doesn't get it, it seems.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of the guy. It just goes to show the low impact he has on the COG movement.

Anonymous said...

This is an opportunity for church goers to become independent minded. Those who spoon feed members always slant and distort the Bible to their advantage. There's always a price to be paid for being dependent on others.

Tessa said...

THis is a great opportunity for church members to break free from spiritual overlords and grow up. I think it's great that people will be keeping the passover in their own home and talking as a family about the meaning of the passover - that is really what the night to be observed is about. The night to be observed is the night of the passover and not the following night as herbert armstrong taught. Time to come out of spiritual bondage and become responsible adults, people.

Anonymous said...

Norbert has tall hair like Raymond McNair. It's weird how these guys go to such lengths to emulate their man-crushes.

Anonymous said...

Morbie is a fraud like Bob Thiel.

DennisCDiehl said...

Junge oh Junge, wie würdest du diesen Kerl für deinen Pastor mögen!

Anonymous said...

“Norbert Link Upset Church Has To Be Canceled”

The greatest number of UPSET people will probably be in the really sinful groups such as what is left of the split-up, so-called “United” Church of Apostates, and satanic imposter cults like Gerald Flurry's Philadelphia Church of Predators.

Who will all the heretics tell all their crazy pet theories to?

Who will all the gossiping, lying, slandering perverts be able to harass now?

Who will the semi-retarded, demon-influenced weirdos hiss and mutter at now?

What will the stalkers do now? (The UCG and PCG used to care so much for their precious stalkers.)

Where will the old Deaconesses find young boys to get their filthy old hands on?

What will become of all those godless bums who got set up as fake “ministers”?

For sure, the wicked will be extremely UPSET about the cancelled “services.”

Anonymous said...

Norbert has tall hair like Raymond McNair. It's weird how these guys go to such lengths to emulate their man-crushes.

I know, my thoughts exactly! When I came into contact with him back in the 90's, he didn't look anything like Raymond McNair. He's obviously expended A LOT of effort to adopt "The Look"...

Anonymous said...


Meanwhile the Great Packster is telling the RCG members that services are mandatory, so is tithing and offerings. No matter what local governments are saying about NOT traveling. And HQ also has this ‘encouraging message’ for the RCG members:

By now you have heard yesterday’s message that mentioned the Work of God is under threat of immediate shutdown.
Earlier this afternoon, the governor of Ohio announced a stay-in-place order, shutting down all non-essential businesses in the state beginning Monday. While this was expected, the blessing (and answered prayer!) is that religious organizations are still exempted. Think about this. If the Work was still headquartered in California—where a more strict stay-in-place order without a religious exemption was put in effect late last week—this would be a much different notification.
God’s Work today can continue!
Brethren, we do not know how much longer this religious exemption will apply. But without a doubt God’s hand is clearly on His Work and He has given us additional time to finish strong. Allow this to encourage you.
Given the current situation, the Business and Accounting Office will soon update you on more efficient ways to send your contributions to Headquarters. These steps are important in case there are disruptions to the mail service or further restrictions are enacted.

It is amazing the clarity that the passing of time will bring. Today, Mr. Pack took time to cover what may be the biggest reason yet that time is short. Unsurprisingly, it has much to do with the world collapsing around us. The Work of God—a Work that Christ promised cannot—CANNOT!—be stopped, is at risk of being shut down. Members in an increasing number of states in the U.S. are already being forced, under the threat of fines or jail time, to stay in their homes. They are being permitted to leave only for the barest essentials. Other parts of the world are today—right now—under even stricter circumstances as governments are shutting down public life.

In Mr. Pack’s message, he referenced the situation with the brethren in California. However, we have learned that brethren in several other locations are under increasing pressure. Shelter-in-place orders are now in force for Illinois, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Oregon and California. Some states have issued similar orders for specific counties. And this is just the United States!

Orders are also expected or have already been issued in Ontario, Canada, the United Kingdom, much of Europe, as well as the Philippines.
With all the bad news going on around us, today’s message is actually one bringing encouragement. You will want to listen to it as soon as possible to see for yourself. While we cannot know the day or the hour (something that will be covered in the message) we are able to project what has to be ever so close.

One thing to consider, this Tuesday evening, going into Adar 29, is the exact day—the last day before the first day of the sacred year—we reach the 6,000-year plan of God. Could this be the “last day” we have all been looking forward to? Only time will tell but so many things line up for us to consider this possibility.

Regardless brethren, we are to wait, and God tells us exactly how to do so. In Revelation 3:10, a people are lauded for keeping “the word of [Christ’s] patience.” The Greek word for patience there, as we know, is hupomone, or cheerful endurance. Notice this is not hupomeno, which means to “stay under” or “bear.” Christ meant what He said. We are to cheerfully endure as we await the return of Jesus Christ. This is despite those in the world (and our brethren in the splinters) who are bearing under all that is going on around us.

To close, stay encouraged! Why? To quote Mr. Pack, “Everything is right on track.”

The Headquarters Ministry

Anonymous said...

Norbet who? Never heard of him.

Anonymous said...

Norbet who? Never heard of him.

I think I saw him on YouTube - he kept referring to HWA, BI, etc.

Tonto said...

All together now, clap your hands and shout... "NEITHER HERBERT NOR NORBERT" !

Anonymous said...

eh, not being able to assemble is a minor inconvenience.

we can still live lives obedient to God's instructions....we know when the Sabbath comes each week, we know when the annual holy days are....we can exhibit love toward one another (avoiding crowds to help slow the spread of disease is certainly love toward fellow man)

leaders need to chill.

RSK said...

And LCG?

Byker Bob said...

Everyone is disappointed in the changes the virus has brought to life and routine. The thing is, a disease epidemic has happened. That is fact. Denying that, or complaining about how it has affected us personally is not what is going to help get us through the crisis, nor will it save lives. Norbert is simply one more link (hah!) in a long chain of irresponsible leaders of Armstrongism. These people don't get a pass for their reaction to the crisis. I hope that most of their followers realize this, and are writing them off no matter how they squeal and scream about their little works being in financial crisis. Anyone contemplating making offerings to them would be much more astute in using that money to help get their own families through the pandemic.


Anonymous ` said...


Ich bin einverstanden damit. Wir brauchen keine Kerle - nur die reine Wahrheit, wenn das möglich ist.

Anonymous said...

All together now, clap your hands and shout... "NEITHER HERBERT NOR NORBERT" !


Anonymous said...

Without church services, ministers can't play Gestapo. They must be weeping and gnashing their teeth.

Anonymous ` said...

Millerite prophets like to have their prophecies of destruction up-to-the-minute. This is far more effective than destruction in the abstract in squeezing congregations for more money. Millerite David Koresh prophesied that destruction would happen at the Waco Compound and he was shown almost immediately to be right. I assume there were some people who wished he had been wrong on that one. No doubt they came away, if they survived, with a new perspective on up-to-the-minute.

Armstrongists have long prophesied that 1/3 of "Israel" would be destroyed by disease epidemics - remember Waterhouse's lurid descriptions to fascinated audiences. Now here is a little foretaste, up-to-the-minute, and some Armstrongists are bent out of shape about its disruption of their activities like this is something they never considered before. Well, maybe it was supposed to impact only other people not Armstrongists. Sometimes things are not as neat as one would want.

Anonymous said...

not being able to assemble is a minor inconvenience

Although the figure may have changed, China allowed assembly of up to 25 people. For house churches (which are the norm) this would mean a full house.