Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Working So Hard To Hit The Mark And Never Quite Doing It

It has to be an endless tiring process for UCG members and so many other Church of God members to be constantly working day in and day out to make themselves better and get so close to hitting the mark as they can and yet never being able to do it. 

Even now, just a few days after the Armstrongist Passover when their past sins of the past year were wiped clean, they are already racking up black marks that they will carry as burdens till the next Passover. They will spend the next year listening to ministers tell them they are doing something wrong and that there is a chance God will not forgive them.

The threat of losing one's salvation is always looming at the end of the dark tunnel members can never seem to get out of.

This went out before Passover

In just over six weeks from now, we will repeat the cycle of the annual “feasts of the LORD” (Leviticus 23) beginning with Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. In the days ahead we will be reminded of the responsibility to examine ourselves, to put sin out of our lives and seek reconciliation with God and each other. 
The Greek word most often translated “sin” in the New Testament is hamartia and it is an archery term for “missing the mark.” So while we examine ourselves, we should look for where we are missing the mark—where our lives do not mirror the perfect righteous character of our elder brother and the only perfect standard, Jesus Christ. Once we identify our sins, we repent and go forward. The more we do this, the closer we get to hitting the mark!


Anonymous said...

What's the issue with this? Way too pedantic.

Anonymous said...

In thinking about it perhaps it brings up Armstrong's oft stated words of building perfect righteous character by our doing of things. Tithing, fasting and many other things.

We are instructed to put on the ''new man''' - of course.

In doing so instead of an effort to verify that we’re doing sufficiently well, we rest in faith in God’s sufficiency.

This is most important because to the degree that we think we can achieve a godly lifestyle apart from reliance on Christ, we eventually will become self-righteous. Christianity can then become a club of the godly elite rather than a fellowship of the growing and the learning.

''..So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever[c] you want;

..But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit''

Cathy said...

The issue is "examining yourself and preparing for the Passover" six weeks ahead of time isn't scriptural. This teaching started creeping in with Kubik, I think. It coincides with the beginning of Lent every year. Getting ready so far ahead of time is more of a Catholic concept.

Plus the idea that your sins are only forgiven once a year is being taught in UCG congregations now. I remember when it was just a commemoration of Christ's death.

John said...

Comment made said: "...Even now, just a few days after the Armstrongist Passover when their past sins of the past year were wiped clean, they are already racking up black marks that they will carry as burdens till the next Passover. They will spend the next year listening to ministers tell them they are doing something wrong and that there is a chance God will not forgive them..."

When will those hirelings, tails between their legs, who fled from the former WCG finally come to realize for them and their members the significance of Paul's words in Romans 6:7?

"For he that is dead is freed from sin"??????

Time will tell...


Byker Bob said...

I have not been part of Armstrongism since the days of one of their biggest imperfections as a group, namely 1975.

Having read perhaps a dozen self improvement books in my own personal recovery program, I got into the habit of taking daily introspection, as I process the activities of each day, in an effort to tidy things up, and to work at being the best version of myself. That process was mentioned in a number of the forementioned books. It's a good idea provided that one does it voluntarily, and not because some arbitrary authoritarian force feeds the standards to one as an endless list of things one must do in obedience to a church government that they equate with God. When one makes it about life itself, it simply becomes part of being successful, as opposed to how to become a better slave.

I've often wondered why the church itself does not take introspection, and make improvements upon itself. Seems like a valid question, because some of the doctrines and practices have been harmful throughout the past. The fact is, there are examples of the group, or groups, having done exactly that. People don't like it. They want the original to have been perfect, and use phrases like "sticking to the faith once delivered", "preaching another gospel", and "proving all things". And they whitewash the bad effects of the past instead, and rewrite their own history to make it appear that they've always been right, and pure as the driven snow. Imagine! If an individual member were to do this, it would be considered to be the sin, and vanity, of self-justification.


Anonymous said...

Self-examination and all it entails is not a once-a-year process similar to New Year's resolutions. It is a year-long process and will continue to be so as long as we still have human nature.

Anonymous said...

Agree Cathy. The annual observance of Jesus Christ's death posed as a 'top up repentance' to baptisim is NOT what WCG taught nor is it taught in other COG.It is a long lasting sign of Tkach.

Anonymous said...

"Put sin out of our lives" but no mention of putting out effort to grow as a person. Why is that? Herb hinted at the answer by stating occasionally that his members must build character, but then swamped it by frequently condemning "pulling yourself up by your own boot straps." So if you don't like a truth, muddy the waters with contradictions.

Herb and his minions wanted the best positions in the kingdom for themselves and their family members, so they either hid personal growth and/or muddied the waters. In fact it's the person who lifts himself/herself most by their own boot straps that gets the most cities in the next life. If you accept this, the ACOGs leaders and their boot lickers will be weeping and gnashing their teeth.

Anonymous said...

the introspection you recommend seems a worthwhile thing to do.
when this group looks over its past there is so much stupidity they always have to find ways to justify/
when they use the word another gospel that is their way of saying the whole world is deceived as only they know the true gospel - which paradoxically is not he case at all

Anonymous said...

Did "putting sin out of your life" ever actually put anything out? Did fasting ever draw anyone closer to God?. Did tithing ever open any widows of heaven? Did anyone ever become perfect/mature as the Heavenly Father is perfect/mature? Did washing anyone's feet ever make anyone more humble? Did driving hundreds of miles back and forth to church ever worth the wear and tear? Did showing up to hear Gerald Waterhouse's 4 hours of blather ever matter?

I think not

Anonymous said...

When I was in WCG (1967-1980) There was a strong emphasis that your sins were forgiven once a year at Passover and then you had to start over. You could never be "good enough."

But when I came to know the grace and truth of Jesus Christ by sitting with my husband, only, and reading the epistles, we had our eyes opened to the truth that we were forgiven once for all time. We were rebaptized because we were starting again in truth.

When you are truly born again and have the Holy Spirit, you can't leave sin behind fast enough! You want to please God by obeying Jesus' commandments. It is not a burden. It is freedom. No longer a slave to sin.

Seek God's TRUTH and join the family as brothers and sisters of Jesus.

Anonymous said...

This “sins are forgiven once a year” thing is news to me. I’ve never heard anyone preach that.

John said...

Byker Bob, Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 9:07:00 PM PDT, said:

"...I have not been part of Armstrongism since the days of one of their biggest imperfections as a group, namely 1975...

...I've often wondered why the church itself does not take introspection, and make improvements upon itself. Seems like a valid question, because some of the doctrines and practices have been harmful throughout the past. The fact is, there are examples of the group, or groups, having done exactly that. People don't like it. They want the original to have been perfect, and use phrases like "sticking to the faith once delivered", "preaching another gospel", and "proving all things". And they whitewash the bad effects of the past instead, and rewrite their own history to make it appear that they've always been right, and pure as the driven snow. Imagine! If an individual member were to do this, it would be considered to be the sin, and vanity, of self-justification..."

BB, it may just be that the "church" was just another organization, group, another "church of god," where actual Christians, sealed Firstfruits, like being part of a spiritual organism (HWA used to alude to that word), were just embedded within the former WCG and other such labels. Time will tell.

And yes, "...some of the doctrines and practices have been harmful throughout the past..."; however, if they were wholly part of God's Church, then that situation would perhaps have been modified such that they would put off the evil, and put on good in its place: such that the following would have become reality:

"But grow in grace, and [in] the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him [be] glory both now and for ever. Amen." 2 Peter 3:18

I suspect that verse is being fulfilled within the sealed Firstfruits' lives within the organism, but not be evident for all to see at this time. Additionally, all of the world is deceived: it's just a matter of degree.

Regardless of our ideas, opinions, etc., will God fulfill the following words that the Apostle Paul was inspired to speak, not just for a spiritual organism, but for reconciling the entire world?

"To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;..." 2 Corinthians 5:19

Time will...

Oh, and will God fulfill the following?

"Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:" Matthew 25:34

Time will tell...and BB: you are enduring "to the end!"


R.L. said...

@Cathy - Early Passover prep has been common with some COG ministers for decades.

One UCG Pastor (now deceased) started giving pre-Passover "self-exam" messages as soon as the calendar hit January.

He said he did it because distractions would get in the way. Winter sports, YOU talent shows, events with guest speakers, etc. actually did that.

Anonymous said...

Listening to G. Waterhouse for hours was probably good for G. Waterhouse. And WCG used to aim people into propping up or appeasing or humoring individuals in leadership who had that "need" from those around them. It was promoted as the group sacrificing "self", and showing "love" toward the ego-centric.

Anonymous said...

This notion -- that we had to work to hit the mark but God might still not deem us worthy enough -- was perhaps the single biggest source of my anxiety and depression when part of WCG and later UCG.

I could write a book about it. Maybe some day I will. All I can say for now is that such a belief system produces a life based on fear. Such a life is guaranteed to result in a life not lived but rather a life spent just trying to survive.

I grieve the years of my life wasted, and the opportunities lost, from this notion.

Anonymous said...

Waterhouse spent hours applauding Armstrong and his great work, finding meaning in all kinds of minutiae of church events ; such as Armstrong .... strong arm ...strong leader ...God's work; Garner ... gathering .. God's instrument (before the rift of course)..God's work ,,,. and this immature propaganda dragged on for hours with not one thought for the audience (who strangely sat through this stupidity for hours on end).

Trooisto said...

Working so hard yet never hitting the mark is the sad fate of all COGdom because they reject the doctrine of Justification.

Their feverish in striving for a righteousness they cannot obtain drowns out the offer of the perfect righteousness that makes peace with God.

Romans 5:1
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

This “sins are forgiven once a year” thing is news to me. I’ve never heard anyone preach that.

Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 7:29:00 AM PDT

I agree. It was and has always been "examining oneself" diligently, starting a couple of months before Passover season. This will put us to be in a positive attitude to partake this once a year solemn occasion as commanded by God. We come to God to ask for forgiveness whenever we sin throughout the year and He will always forgive.

Anonymous said...

This notion -- that we had to work to hit the mark but God might still not deem us worthy enough -- was perhaps the single biggest source of my anxiety and depression when part of WCG and later UCG.
>>> i fully understand where you are coming from and we need forgive ourselves for mistakes and stupidities and move on trusting in the Lord - peace to you

Anonymous said...

If that's what you really believe then why don't you join Grace Communion and live happily ever after ?????? But you don't.

BP8 said...

Working so hard to hit the "mark"?

It's an interesting thought considering most of the debates on this site are over just WHAT THE MARK IS!

Is the "mark" God's word? OT/NT, both?

Is it the law of God, the law of MOSES, or the law of Christ?

Is Christ, (the way, the truth, the life), the "mark"? If so, how does that work? Many say we can't follow His example. Most of His teachings were under the OC so that's out.

" Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there be go. But straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads unto life, and few there be that FIND IT", Matthew 7:13-14.

There are 41,000 Christian denominations out there which translates into 41,000 versions of the "mark"! That makes hitting the mark very difficult when you're not sure what it is.

Anonymous said...

If a person tries to live a Godly life, they will suffer persecution. This abuse alone will open people's eyes to the fact that God will not allow such behavior and persons into His kingdom. So it's either the behavior or the person that will cease. All this clap-trap about forgiveness and/or a relationship with Christ, is not a substitute or get out of jail free card.

Byker Bob said...

Yes, 7:08. And, there are also thousands of interpretations amongst all the individual members of each of the 41,000 denominations. This is also true of any work of art, music, philosophy, political stance, or any category of framework known to man. We all tend to evaluate and personalize these things in an effort to make them our own. I have a huge problem with presumptuous collectors of people who would impose their particular line of thinking on their followers as a universal standard, and consign those who might take exception to or add their own perspectives to eternal death. That is only God's prerogative.


Anonymous said...

Living a honest life and living true to your beliefs and leaving all double standards, double talking and secret blogs behind would be a start in the right direction.

But you all won't.