Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Herbert Armstrong's Own Words Make Mincemeat Of Bob Thiel And His Fake Prophet Status

This video is from a pro-Herbert Armstrong site that uses HWA's own words in various video clips.

The interesting thing about this one is that it uses Herbert's own words to totally debunk and deflate the self-appointed prophets of the Church of God. Herbert calls out the over-inflated buffoons like Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, and Alton Billingsley, to name a few.


Anonymous said...

That's gonna burn the self-righteous ones butt big time!

Anonymous said...

Bill said..

It's a bit of nifty footwork by the apostle it seems to me as he appears not say he's not in the role of a prophet but at the same time holds out he is a proper interpreter of prophecy and as these interpretations are his own and don't reflect the Bible , then in this sense Armstrong is acting like a prophet by making statements of things that will surely come to pass ?
ps I've noticed the JW Organization in its failed prophecies also roll out the same argument that they are not prophets seemingly as an excuse for them to make prophecies but not be blamed when they fail.

Anonymous said...

Bob will say that HWA was right about "no prophets" back when he spoke those things, as Bob's prophethood came after HWA was gone.

But there's one other point Bob cannot evade. Scripture, church history, and HWA make it clear: Bob can be EITHER a Prophet OR an Overseer. Not both. The fact that Bob claims BOTH of those titles is proof that he is qualified for NEITHER of them.

Anonymous said...

A few takeaways from these clips.
1: The Bible is complete. Here he puts down the argument of those who claim there is a missing chapter of the book of Acts to support BI.
Unwittingly and unknowingly pulling the plug on this nonsense.
2: No Prophet in the church today.
That’s the cat amongst the birdies.

These were the good old days, one in which we all sat paying rapt attention to every word spoken by ‘the man’.
Everything was black and white back then, in a world a lot less confusing than today.
How things have changed.
Who would have predicted all this?
Don’t stand up all at once please lol.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised he thinks Norm Edwards is valid proof that he is a prophet. Edwards is a nut job and not theologically sound.

Anonymous said...

No more prophets b/c the Bible is completed.
Likewise no more apostles. There are only 12 and Herb is not one of them - Rev 21:14.

Anonymous said...

Herbert's own words to totally debunk and deflate the self-appointed prophets of the Church of God.

HWA at the same time holds himself out as able to interpret prophecies. And in doing so effectively takes on a prophetic role to warn what he understands to be Israel. Thus he acts like a prophet but says otherwise? All a bit weird as he had no qualms of assuming the apostle title.

Anonymous said...

Damn! I can't wait to see how Thiel weasels his way out of this one!

Anonymous said...

PS to my comment of 10.22PM
And in doing so effectively takes on a prophetic role to warn what he understands to be Israel......
That is to say, because the bible does not teach British Israelism, Armstrong has indeed taken on a prophetic role. He stated he had to warn Israel (USA/UK) of impending disaster . Therefore, Armstrong cannot be a mere interpreter, he has assumed a prophetic function which essentially he had interwoven with his 'gospel'.

Anonymous said...

Accuracy would prove a prophet. None have been unless you want to spin, and bullshit to make it falsely appear that your imaginary prophet actually has been accurate. Until someone comes along with a perfect track record, prophets simply do not exist today. It doesn't matter what the aspiring ones call themselves. The tale is told by their accuracy. And, frankly, isn't the title "prophet" one that others call you, and not something you proclaim yourself?

Anonymous said...

A few years ago I got blocked from PCG's FB when they were promoting MOA again and I commented that it was the version that left out HWA's opinion of modern-day "prophets". No retort, they just blocked me.
You can't expect a group like that to have any integrity though. Just cowards trying to feather their own nest.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am looking for specific scripture that addresses whether a "prophet" can/or cannot simultaneously be also an "overseer"?

Anonymous said...

4:17 wrote:
"Hi, I am looking for specific scripture that addresses whether a "prophet" can/or cannot simultaneously be also an "overseer"?"

Overall, there is nothing wrong with the word. The problem comes in when one of the COG's biggest narcissistic controlling men attempts to use the name to control his black members in Africa. That alone carries overt racial tones. If Bob was actually a grace-filled man it might be a different story. But he comes across as lord and master over an imploding disaster in Africa that he has zero control over.

Anonymous said...

The prophets we read of in the bible were used by God to convey His message. When we read of their lives they show traits of wisdom, character, were not leading worldly lives, or wanting extravagant and materialistic lifestyles. Each may decide for themselves of the extent to which modern day self-proclaimed chosen instrument Armstrong and others like him meet this high standard.
These frauds are going to face a harsher judgement I suspect. He lived the good life here and now I wonder what his lies mean in the future.

RSK said...

Ya got his goat, he's crying again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Especially because the words of his G.O.A.T. Have once again invalidated him! (Snicker!)