Saturday, May 26, 2012

Van Robison on "The Real Origin of Mass Deception"

The Real Origin of Mass Deception---The Bible

If it were not for the Bible, there would be no pastors and no churches.  The origin of the so called Bible, was birthed in the minds of many sources all eventually compiled into one book or volume and called "The Holy Bible."  There have always been human beings who understand how to rule over others and it dates back many thousands of years.  Calling something "Holy" or "Sacred" is as old as dirt.  Humans have always been superstitious and human cultures the world over have their "sacred" beliefs, customs and practices.

Church goers who call themselves "Christians" are no different.  Many think they must go to church on Saturday, because it is "Holy" time or sacred.  Others think they must go to church on Sunday as if it is what makes one a "Christian."  Depending on the filters in the mind, the Bible is interpreted into as many different ways of believing as there are pastors or elders, who think they speak for God.  There has never been a greater source of power over the human mind than "sacred" texts, which by now date back many hundreds or thousands of years.  For whatever reason, many human cultures always refer to the "ancient" as the source of all truth.

I suspect that the real authors of much of the Bible, knew exactly what they were doing when they penned their writings and their intent was to control common people through perpetual FEAR.  It applies to the real authors of the Old Testament, just as much as it does the New Testament, including the fictional book of Revelation.  A classic example of fear-mongering and control over people is found in Romans 13 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers,  for there is no power but of God;  the powers that be are ordained of God. (2) Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. (3) For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil.  Will you then not be afraid of the power?..."

It is exactly this type of writing (Romans 13: 1-3) that is a master stroke of genius to gain power and control over human beings by the millions and billions, and consequent train loads of never ending free $money.  Some sources will say that Romans 13 is referring to secular authority and others to religious authorities or both.  Taking a look at Matthew 23:8-10 we read that Jesus said "But be not you called Rabbi (same as pastor or senior pastor or elder or teacher, or bishop or whatever vain title of men): for ONE IS YOUR MASTER, even Christ; and ALL YOU are brethren. (9) And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father which is in heaven. (10) Neither be you called masters; for one is you Master, even Christ."  We also read that you cannot serve two masters.  So then who is Master?  Is it the pastor, the politician, the government, the deacon, the senior pastor, the bishop, the human priest, the organized church group or "spiritual" leader of your group or Christ?

The idea that the bible is either 100% infallible and inerrant or 100% a fraud is the extreme of Bible apologists, who use that nonsense in an attempt to cause people to accept the total bible as true, when it is blatantly not so.  The Bible does indeed have worthy teachings, especially and foremost coming from Jesus Christ, such as "love your neighbor as you love yourself" and "blessed are the peacemakers" and "blessed are the merciful" and "blessed are the meek."    Is anyone who stands in a pulpit a meek or humble human being, or are those who claim power and control over others, simply deceiving themselves and those they mentally control?

If indeed humans obey the "powers", then Master cannot be Christ.  Pastors by the thousands think that Christ functions through them.  This is the great deception of the church world and its man-made clergy/laity system that enslaves millions to false and fake human authority.  Not only do all splinter groups of the Worldwide Church of God falsely represent God/Jesus Christ, but so do all organized church institutions.  There is no mediator between God and man aside from Christ and so the pastor system of churches is 100% fraudulent.

The origin of church deception is founded upon the Bible and the false belief that God inspired every word of the Bible.  The bible is such an overwhelming contradiction to itself in so many ways that it is astonishing that more people don't see through it.  Liars have always put words in the mouth of God and the LYING PEN of the writers have caused massive, worldwide religious bondage to pastors and church organizations for centuries.  Pastors ought to be ashamed of themselves for pretending that they represent Christ to gullible church goers.

Van Robison

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For rulers are not a terror to good works

My, how times have changed.

Or have they?

Hint: If you want to do a good work, do be certain that you are properly registered with the county in which you live, paid all the fees and have the licenses to do what you are setting out to do to do your good works.

Am I missing something?