Friday, March 19, 2021

UCG Member Arrested For "gross sexual imposition and one charge of luring a minor by a computer."


This information came in today:

Robert David Teitgen, 52, is facing three charges of gross sexual imposition and one charge of luring a minor by a computer. If convicted of gross sexual imposition, the more serious of the charges, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $20,000 fine for each of the three charges. He faces an additional maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine if convicted of luring a minor. 

According to court documents, Grand Forks police received a follow-up on a Suspected Child Abuse of Neglect report that 12-year-old Jane Doe told her older brother she had been "molested" by Teitgen. 

The girl's father told police that he and his son then located sexually inappropriate texts, photos and videos on Doe's phone. See rest of story here: St. Paul man pleads not guilty to sexually abusing a Grand Forks 12-year-old

And here: Massachusetts man accused of sexually assaulting Grand Forks teen

He is the son of the late UCG minister named Herb Teitgen. He is also attended UCG's, Ambassador Bible Center and worked briefly for LifeNets.


Anonymous said...

It's very sickening how anyone can do that especially to a child.

Anonymous said...

Let's wait and see how UCG covers up this one. They did that in the Pacific Northwest several years ago and covered up for a man in Virginia or West Virginia.

Anonymous said...

Robert Teitgen deserves to be in prison for the rest of life.

Anonymous said...

Common practice in the COG’s: they allow predators like that to stay in the ‘church’. And lots of times they even help to cover it up..

Two years ago something like that happened in a RCG congregation and members were ordered not to talk about it. The guy is still a member. He bought his protection by ‘giving freely’ and donating a lot of cash to Pack’s cult.

Tonto said...

From Teitgens "Linked In" page:

"I love to help people almost to a fault. I am very service oriented. I like to work outside with my hands especially. I love to teach. "

Anonymous said...

It's sad to see things like that that make for a bad example of what a Christian is and it makes people to speak badly of the church of God groups because people like Robert Teitgen go around doing sexual abuse to minors and other bad guys to it make the church look bad because he goes out representing the church and those are horrible thing like this I hope he changes his way and never does something like this again.

Anonymous said...

According to Yahoo News it says
"Yahoo News
Tribune Publishing
St. Paul man pleads not guilty to sexually abusing a Grand Forks 12-year-old
Hannah Shirley, Grand Forks Herald
March 19, 2021, 8:31 pm
Mar. 19—A St. Paul man pleaded not guilty this week to sexually abusing a Grand Forks 12-year-old.
Robert David Teitgen, 52, is facing three charges of gross sexual imposition and one charge of luring a minor by a computer. If convicted of gross sexual imposition, the more serious of the charges, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $20,000 fine for each of the three charges. He faces an additional maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine if convicted of luring a minor.
According to court documents, Grand Forks police received a follow-up on a Suspected Child Abuse of Neglect report that 12-year-old Jane Doe told her older brother she had been "molested" by Teitgen.
It said " The girl's father told police that he and his son then located sexually inappropriate texts, photos, and videos on Doe's phone.
Doe was forensically interviewed on June 25, 2020, when she told investigators that Teitgen had sexually assaulted her on multiple occasions, including while she was sleeping. Photos were also located on Teitgen's Facebook account that appeared to show him exposing himself to Doe, according to court documents. Similar photos that appear to be screenshots of a live video chat between Teitgen and Doe were also located."
Here is the link if you want to look for yourself.

R.L. said...

It was also shocking to hear this past week about a mainstream pastor's son, baptized three years ago - now accused of the deadly shootings at Atlanta-area massage parlors. (Those details were mentioned on the "Haven Today" one-minute commentary.)

How do we explain such things? By claiming, as at least one UCG Pastor has, that God vetoed the baptism and refused to provide the Holy Spirit in some cases?

A believer in Christ can't really accept the argument that the Holy Spirit is a hoax and a mirage. That's considered the unpardonable sin in some circles.

Perhaps it's simply like the untimely deaths that occur in church families. We can't understand such things in this life - and must have faith that Jesus will explain it all someday. That's not an answer with closure, but that's what we must accept.

Anonymous said...

And before he did what he recently did he used to abuse his wife.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, he goes to prison for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Robert Teitgen is no better than the priest who molests little boys. Even Herbert W. Armstrong was guilty of incest.

Anonymous said...

Robert Teitgen is like the guys on Hansen versus predator the show where Chris Hansen would catch pedophiles and the police would arrest them. Robert is like those pedophiles on the show.

Anonymous said...

He wasn't much of a follower of Jesus in my opinion. The Bible says to Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church but Robert physically abused his and tried to kill her and he can't see his kids too often but now on top of that, he has been arrested for child molestation.

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

There appear to be three Robert Teitgen COG related Facebook profiles. One of the profiles has multiple postings within the last 24 hours with UCG links. It appears, IF this is the same Robert Teitgen and not another relative with the same name, he is out on bail going about his life seemingly as if nothing has happened. The odd thing about his FB posts is that there are no reactions to his posts, and no one commenting. Perhaps this is an indication that he is being shunned by the UCG community. Strange.


Anonymous said...

The disUnited Church of Godlessness (dUCG) is currently led by that former Tkach goon Victor Kubic. Godless old ministers and godless newer “credentialed” fake “ministers” are trying to establish and grow a church based on bringing in utterly godless unbelievers. All perverts are gladly welcomed and supported while their victims are quickly kicked out. This is what one old dUCG minister thought of as “standing in the gap” for all the perverts and predators who needed someone to help them get away with their bad behavior. Trying to get them to repent was never on the agenda. There was no concern at all for their victims.

The dUCG is not a safe place to go to. The so-called “ministers” there will only protect the predators. They will never help the victims. The godless perverts who go to the dUCG are so bad that it would be too embarrassing to take anyone you know or care about to such a place.

Anonymous said...

Robert Teitgen has multiple accounts it is the same guy.

Anonymous said...

True 3:09.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo News

Tribune Publishing
St. Paul man pleads not guilty to sexually abusing a Grand Forks 12-year-old
Hannah Shirley, Grand Forks Herald
March 19, 2021, 8:31 pm
Mar. 19—A St. Paul man pleaded not guilty this week to sexually abusing a Grand Forks 12-year-old.

Robert David Teitgen, 52, is facing three charges of gross sexual imposition and one charge of luring a minor by a computer. If convicted of gross sexual imposition, the more serious of the charges, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $20,000 fine for each of the three charges. He faces an additional maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine if convicted of luring a minor.

According to court documents, Grand Forks police received a follow-up on a Suspected Child Abuse of Neglect report that 12-year-old Jane Doe told her older brother she had been "molested" by Teitgen.

According to yahoo news, it said " The girl's father told police that he and his son then located sexually inappropriate texts, photos, and videos on Doe's phone.
Doe was forensically interviewed on June 25, 2020, when she told investigators that Teitgen had sexually assaulted her on multiple occasions, including while she was sleeping. Photos were also located on Teitgen's Facebook account that appeared to show him exposing himself to Doe, according to court documents. Similar photos that appear to be screenshots of a live video chat between Teitgen and Doe were also located."

Anonymous said...

It is good that the Banned Blog warns people about the pedophiles in the UCG.

The UCG leaders would just warn the UCG members to keep quiet about it.

Anonymous said...

On a Facebook post according to WDAZ News, they said " Robert David Teitgen, 51, could face up to 70 years in prison if convicted of all charges." Source :

Anonymous said...

Robert Teitgen is the type of person that belongs in prison.

Anonymous said...

What bothers me is that the Church of God they are trying to act like they're better than the world but even they child molesters and other forms of bad guys hiding in their groups. They talk about how the world has broken families but a lot of them do to a Cog member even told me " yes there are divorces in the church some people have more than 3 because we are not perfect and sometimes we choose the wrong partner that's why counseling should be involved and some thinking into the matter." So how is their way to happiness If they get divorced because they are so unhappy they don't want to be married anymore? The church is liars and their churches are not as happy as the magazines make them sound.

Anonymous said...

The UCG lets in all sorts of bad people and allows them to do any evil thing they want to. No victims are supposed to say anything about it or else they get accused of “not showing any love to anyone.” The predators are kept while the victims get kicked out and are told that “the UCG meets in peace.”

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for all the victims of Robert Teitgen's Sexual abuse hopefully he goes to prison for the rest of his life he makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

Robert Teitgen is a very exceedingly horrible human being.

Anonymous said...

I hope he'll be found guilty

Anonymous said...

Robert Teitgen is a scumbag because he caused unnecessary harm to a young person and probably scarred her for life. If there is a lake of fire I hope he is annihilated in it.

Anonymous said...

I am tired of UCG justifying pedophiles, ableists, and other bad guys.

Anonymous said...

Well, I actually glad that Ann and Herb have passed on so they don't have to be burdened beyond measure with this. I feel for his sister and hope she has peace in Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I hope his ex-wife finds peace in all of this. He used to beat her physically, even punching her in the stomach when she was pregnant. This has to be hard on her and their kids, but she is free now!

Anonymous said...

UCG covers up stories like this.

Chill said...

There was a guy in the PCG who attended for 20 years that was arrested for Sodomizing two young girls when he was giving them private music lessons. I'm surprised Flurry didn't have a heart attack when he found out.

Anonymous said...

They don't make the impression of God's people they act like the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Chill at 10:33 AM said...“There was a guy in the PCG who attended for 20 years that was arrested for Sodomizing two young girls when he was giving them private music lessons.”

Well, Gerald Flurry has been serving Satan for over 30 years and “buggering up” everything and everyone while giving them Irish dancing lessons.

Anonymous said...

It is sad to see things like these that are a bad example of what a Christian is and that make people speak ill of the Church of God groups because people like Robert Teitgen commit sexual abuse against minors and physically abuse his wife. the church looks bad because he goes out to represent the church and those things are horrible, so I hope he will change his path and never do something like that again.

Anonymous said...

It is sad to see things like these that are a bad example of what a Christian is and that make people speak ill of the Church of God groups because people like Robert Teitgen commit sexual abuse against minors and physically abuse his wife. the church looks bad because he goes out to represent the church and those things are horrible, so I hope he will change his path and never do something like that again.

Anonymous said...

He was suspended from UCG long time ago

Anonymous said...

It looks as though in 2022 Robert David Teitgen was found guilty.

He was also found guilty of another offense of "Terrorizing-Adult victim".

According to the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation web site, he is currently serving time at North Dakota State Penitentiary, with estimated release date of 22 October 2031.

Anonymous said...

His sister died July 2020, only months after her father, shortly after the crime mentioned.

Anonymous said...

She and her children are physically safe until he gets out.

Anonymous said...

He also has an account under the name Pete Jackson and has posted while in prison.

Anonymous said...

Did UCG immediately (or continue to this day) start visiting Robert Teitgen as a "brother in prison"?

How could (the greater, entire COG in general) treat persons like Manon Chaisson, Morgan Montgomery, & then all the "marked" brethren so sternly & callously...but on the other hand let this
goon cavort amongst "the flock"?

Why does UCG think it has "special ability" to "extend grace" & care to this guy now? Why does UCG think they can discern the clever, scheming sob story this guy will use to lure churchgoers into offering him some kind of "prison ministry"?

Will they minister to Manon Chaisson & Morgan Montgomery someday too as well...