Saturday, November 7, 2015

Roderick C. Meredith Biographical Sketch

Read it here as a Flip Book.

Meredith continues to try and lure new members, he gets them scared about an apocalyptic future even though HWA and Co. have produced more than 200 false prophecies as the non-Christian Painful Truth website shows clearly. He then tells them they should pay back for all the free literature the unsuspecting reader is given by tithing, neglecting to tell them that three tithes are expected from the convert until he or she is securely in their grasp and brainwashed. He has lived like this since his ordination back in 1952, 55 long years ago. He keeps telling us that we need to repent, he makes us feel guilty, hoping that we will accept him as the man closest to God and give our loyalty to him as such. Meredith keeps telling us we need to repent. The truth is Meredith must repent. He must repent of spreading fear-inducing and financially-exploiting doctrines that are causing untold misery and anxiety for his long abused and deceived flock, and for those who love them. He does not have much time left. Meredith needs to renounce Armstrongism now.


Anonymous said...

Noah preached repentence for 100 years; it is necessary for such a message to be given time to respond to so that we should have plenty of time to repent...

Christ Preached repentence, warning the jews of His day that jerusalem would be razed to the ground, and for the next few decades so to did the Apostles in jerusalem...

face it, human beings tend to not respond unless it is clear that our life is in jeapardy...

and it is Written: "...Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? (I speak as a man) God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world?" Romans 3:5-6...

Anonymous said...

“He does not have much time left. Meredith needs to renounce Armstrongism now.”

Roderick C. Meredith has been working hard at renouncing the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong for a long time already. What do you think all RCM's “doctrinal upgrades” (that is, doctrinal changes away from what HWA had taught) are all about?

Byker Bob said...

No, no, no, no, no. Bad dog! The Bible doesn't say that Noah did stupid things, like setting gun laps, setting dates that he later reneged and backpedalled on, or pressed the reset button every 3-5 years, or relied on a stupid Anglophile theory! God wouldn't make him do that, because every missed date, every reset, every scientific unraveling destroys the credibility of the message. Believing that the ACOGs were commissioned to carry the end time message is just plain stupid at this late date. If the end ever does come, the message, in order to be effective, would need to be carried by a new and credible group. It simply cannot come from Armstrongism, or even the greater Adventist movement which spawned Armstrongism. The Adventist movement, at this late date, 171 years after the fact, has shot its wad.

Basically, if the WCG had been a rock band, the ACOG splinter groups would be the equivalent of nostalgia acts, or tribute bands. There is only one aging member of the original band known as "Herbie and the Evangelists", and he's got one foot out the door and the other on a greased bananna peel!


Anonymous said...

Is there a list of the "upgrades" in doctrine that RCM has made? I do recall one clarification on the subject of healing. It wasn't a clarification, really. But he didn't have the courage to say, "OOPS, sorry, we were wrong and caused much unnecessary suffering and death."

Anonymous said...

According to the Bible people lived to be almost a thousand in the days of Noah, so 100 years wasn't much, less than 10 years compared to our life spans.

Redfox712 said...

Wow. Good work, Black Ops Mikey. The flipbook looks great. It looks wonderful and beautiful. Thank you.

Thank you No2HWA for highlighting this. Thank you. Please keep up your good work of speaking out about what is happening among the COGs.

This was written quite awhile ago. Back in 2009. I hope readers will find it useful.

Anonymous said...

Rod Meredith is not a nice human being. He exemplifies NONE of the Fruits of the Spirit and never has.

I know people say, "we don't follow a man" as their excuse for staying in Rod's church but yet, they are taking their weekly Sabbath spiritual guidance and from him and he is a crooked as they come.

If you are in LCG and live far from headquarters with a good minster, I can see why you might stay. But the closer you get to HQs the more horrific the atmosphere becomes. I have a hard time understanding how LCG members can see how these people behave and STAY in LCG. I really don't get it.

Rod Meredith is not a man of God. I am 100% certain of that. And anyone who submits to him and his authority is liable to be risking their salvation.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to print it out and pass it out at LCG next Sabbath.

Anonymous said...

I see the expression, "He gives this account" in the biographical sketch. As soon as I read that I was reminded of HWA autobiography, which GTA said is mostly fiction.
If RCM gives an account, you know it is not entirely true. I was surprised to see the name Carol Little, daughter of Stanley Rader as a member. I would have thought that Rader's family would have nothing to do with the C of G knowing what they must know from Rader. The further up in the organization there seemed to be more corruption. So, I wonder if the children of those further up have been less inclined to remain members than those who were lower on the ladder?

Anonymous said...

"Noah preached repentence for 100 years..."

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:20 Here is an idea. Let's make a list of the fruit of the spirit . . . in the other column let's list the antonym of each of the fruits. Then let's give RCM and other leaders a score, one through ten. Those who don't pass are obviously not qualified to be an elder (I Tim 3). Since the leaders feel qualified and authorized to assess the members, let's have the members do the same with them.
Love Hate
Kind Cruel

Let's have everyone from the C of G who visits this site grade their pastors, etc. and then we can send the results to their respective HQs.

Let's see, who would get the lowest score? Perhaps HWA himself. GTA's self-control score?
We can take this a step further. Let's rate people on the street. My guess is that the average person on the street would be rated as more Christian than many in leadership positions of the C of G.

Unknown said...

The publication on Meredith was called a "Flip Book". Probably a better name for it would have been the "FLIP OFF" book!

Anonymous said...

Connie, if you really want to see a flip off book, try 1975 in Prophecy colorized version with spooky theme song.

Anonymous said...

Anon5:20AM wrote:

"...and he is a crooked as they come."

Actually, I don't think this is quite correct, although, not for a lack of trying. I think HWA might be as crooked as they come. RCM has persevered long to become the equal of his master in this regard, but has not managed to attain to HWA's crookedness. But they are like a couple of sith lords, are they not?