Saturday, August 8, 2020

Low-level prophet asks: Could Tkach, Sr. have consulted with the Bilderbergers about getting an earring before he decorated his Christmas tree and then relaxed with some Sabbath sex? Is there a possibility he did this while chewing tobacco? Prophets gotta ask!


Who in their right mind would sit and listen to this trash and think it is godly worship? Once more, Jesus gets dumped on the trash heap out behind the homeopathic pill-pushing low-level prophets' amazing HQ. This shows exactly what a cesspool Armstrongism has turned into.  Does ANYONE in 2020 care about such crap, especially his African followers? These topics are of ZERO concern to his followers or the rest of humanity.

In this sermon, Dr. Thiel answers questions that have been submitted to the Church of God on many topics, such as:

What about making/receiving organ donations?

Should you chew tobacco?

Is there any help to overcome bad habits?

Did Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. have the mantle of succession?

What is ‘servile work’?

Is sexual intercourse prohibited on the Sabbath?

Is a ‘holy kiss’ ever appropriate?

Can you home school your children?

Was it possible for Jesus to be born on December 25th?

Should we fear conspiracy theories involving the Bilderbergers, Trilateralists, Vatican, Council of Foreign Relations, Freemasons, etc.?

Should you force your ‘legal rights’?

Does Daniel 9 help prove Jesus is the Messiah?

Why should the Jews accept Jesus as Messiah?

What about the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon?

Is it acceptable for men to wear earrings?

Dr. Thiel goes through scriptures, facts, COG documents, and historical information to provide answers.


Anonymous said...

Next to Gerald Weston could a COG have a dumber leader than Theil? He has turned into a parody of everything that is wrong with the COG.

Anonymous said...

I guess the Low-Information Prophet never learned how to give a proper sermon with one topic supported by examples. Wouldn't he be better off chopping a "sermon" like this into a dozen or so one-point sermonettes?

Anonymous said...

I watched it while I was waiting until 4:22 for the President's 3:30 news briefing.
Sorry to presidential and prophet supporters, but I don't know which speaker was worse.
But in Bob's defense, people in the old WCG days actually had asked the questions he attempted to answer.

Anonymous said...

That may be true 5:41, but those quesitons were answered with letters from HQ and not preached about in a sermon with 20-30 different topics. It just proves he has no theological foundation to preach from.

Tonto said...

What about making/receiving organ donations?

... (and what about piano donations??)

Anonymous said...

I agree 617. Here Bob reminds me of when I had a weekly segment on community radio. One evening I had no material to present, so the show's host handed me a folder of filler material. I read a few pages to pad out my allotted time.

Anonymous ` said...

I remember an event that took place many years ago - probably in the Eighties. I became very upset that church members were buying jello for the kids at a local cafeteria. My kid even wanted the jello. It was brightly colored and had a mountain of whipped cream on top of it. Jiggly. But I knew it contained pork protein.

I made a big deal out of it and the WCG minister shut me down - told me that jello was so far removed from the original pig that it could be eaten with no issues and that I needed to just chill out. He said he didn't eat it because he didn't like it. I sulked for a while and got over it. I can hardly imagine that I was once that way. But my condemnation of jello eating made a lot of sense to me at the time. I felt it should be elevated to a Mosaic theological crisis for the whole church.

The poster is right - where is Jesus in all of this? And where is the New Covenant? This kind of stuff leads people away from the NT. I still don't eat pork but the decision has no religious implications for me. But some people are caught in a Torahic time warp.

nck said...

I believe Tkach met only once with Rothschild's and Sarah Ferguson (Andy's wife) at the Brittania.

I don't believe she was into "trimming down" yet, at the time.
Although, Tkach decided to trade the GIII for the BAC after the meeting.

I guess they told him........."It's over man, trim down."


NEO's reaction to his kid going for the Jello, like the next heathen, pagan trick or treater reminded me of that line from Gladiator: Quintus: People should know when they are conquered. Maximus: Would you, Quintus?

For me personally I had a "NEO moment" when I arrived back from Berlin having defied the East German Border guards and chopped their stupid Wall and the Church upon being questioned issued a press statement saying that the "fall of the german wall and the ongoing protests in Europe had no prophetic sigificance."

I thought well, this is it, Garner Ted's church coming into existance indeed ushered in the Laodicean era.

Today I am a happy M&M's cochineal red dye eating lover of Turkey Ham. Only a few nutcases on this blog understand the significance of that statement, which makes all of YOU the esoteric insider cabal incrowd of the seven and a half'th floor in my brain.


Anonymous said...

No neo your 80's self was correct. (Apart from the sulking bit)

I recall a biology teacher at School in 90's warning us about gelatine. How it was made, how it is so cheap and put into many children's products. He warned us to avoid any eating of gelatine or jello.
This Biology teacher was not in the WCG at all.

Anonymous said...

To re-quote Dakota Johnson when she stood up to unkind Ellen; Actually no, that's not the truth.

Garner ted rushed out to Germany at the initial falling of the Berlin wall.
I recall his being in front of the wall as quickly as he could get to West Germany. He got access on his journalist card.
He made a big fuss, broadcast live from the wall. Took a million photos and had us all brainwashed about it.
I can remember him being all dressed in a smart biege Macintosh with a microphone in hand right next to the wall.

As a side issue turkey ham hey "nck" Bit of a mistake mentioning that.

nck said...

Since the "health prophet" is the topic at hand, I wondered what the "healt issue is with gelatine?

Since in my 24 year wcg stint I never adhered to the "food laws" for health reasons I dont know much about it.

I never strayed from "OT" food laws, got my wife to adhere to them and would defend the right to do so with my life.

At the same time I recognize the British built a globe encircling empire eating jelly pudding and the Russians ruling 50 percent of the earth mass on pork chops.

I do see health issues with american hormone beef, leading to hormone obesity and easy targetting for covid.


Anonymous said...

so where is ...

The same bullet point approach to answer newcomers is found in Bob's latest sermonette. To find God, he suggests follow one out of context misquoted scripture and read 11 of his booklets.


Not another anemic inducing question and answer sermon.

I think these q & a sermons elevate the doctor`s head a little too much.

I would much rather have a q & a Sabbath sermon from the level headed Nck. My first question for him is: Is it okay to have four chickens and a coke for lunch while on a mission from God?

nck said...

He should have been enthusiastic. He was reporting also when the thing got constructed.

"Laodicean" in my understanding at that moment was not so much a negative label. Just an acknowledgement of the requirement coming into existance of "another real church of god", which was a bit more relaxed. It was before the internet, I didnt know much about other "branches* of the movement and I was bored with the move to mainstream christianity, which I could get around the corner at a cheaper rate.

Herman Hoeh even acknowledged the" laodicean era."

What's wrong with turkey? I do enjoy the beef as few hormones as possible stuff too, I was just being funny asking a question on jello.


Anonymous ` said...

Anonymous (12:33) wrote "I recall a biology teacher at School in 90's warning us about gelatine"

Much of the food we regularly eat is not fresh and pure. A tenacious researcher could no doubt write an alarming exposé on organic carrots. I was not referring in my previous post to the technical side of the jello issue but to the spiritual side.

What if a smarmy preoccupation with this kind if minutiae completely displaces love, mercy and grace? Does this not effectively convert righteous zeal into a sanctimonious destructiveness? We must ask ourselves when Armstrongists become deeply absorbed in these small points if they are seeking constructive righteousness or if they are seeking to weaponize their beliefs against others. Though to the outside observer the overt behavior in each case may seem the same, the former is rooted in love and the latter in hate.

Note: In colonial America, everyone ate natural and organic. There was no food processing and distribution industry. The forests and grasslands abounded with natural, organic foods. And the average life expectancy was about 33 years of age. Most of the longevity we enjoy now is due to medical science.

nck said...


Only if accompanied with dry white toast!

Be sure to ask at the inn.
WATT kinda music do you play here?

The password is:

Ohhh, we got both kinds, Country aaaaaand Western.


Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Turkey? Nothing nck. But you never wrote Turkey you wrote 'Turkey ham '. Oops dead giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Only you could think like that.

Anonymous said...

Big earthquake in N.C. today:
but God's-End-Time-Accidently-Double-Blessed-Prolific-Prophet-of-Possibilities-and-High-Probabilities Failed to predict it!

Even tho N.C. is where leading 'saints' (Tkach, Meredith...) from the Armstrong-Doomsday-Cult take their $millions to retire (thus the earthquake?)

Ronco said...

The 2 B's on Bent-over BoB's Buttocks are a sure sign of his double blessing- what an awesome metaphor!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the two "b's" are surely the sign of a double b-blessing but, the "O" is definitely a capital "O" and given the personality of the bent over prophet, that "O" must be a much bigger font size than the "b's"