Friday, April 29, 2022

Church of the Eternal God (San Diego) How Do You Keep The Sabbath In Space?


The church has always been in a quandary about people who live in the far northern and southern hemispheres when it comes to Sabbath-keeping. From Herbert Armstrong to all of the splinters, the speculations vary by group, with most trying to use the International Dateline as a guidepost. That by itself presents a huge issue because the Jewish nation never has used the international dateline as a standard since it did not exist when Isreal was forming out nations around them.

I remember in the Dayton area people being whipped into a frenzy about the end times when the church speculated that the U.S. and other countries would put COG members on spaceships and shoot them into space in order to get rid of them. Church members wanted to know how they would be able to keep the Sabbath. Can the church get any crazier? then would someone keep the Sabbath in areas of the world where there wouldn’t be a sunset-to-sunset time period during certain times of the year? For example, certain places in Alaska, Norway, Sweden, and other far northern or even southern areas would fall into that category. How is the Sabbath to be kept there? has this to say: 
“Modern living provides some unique situations where keeping the Sabbath might have some questions. For example, keeping the Sabbath in space and the polar regions of the Earth like Alaska presents unique issues for Sabbath keepers. In the north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle, a single period of daylight can last for a month or more during the summer, and the night lasts for a similar length of time in the winter. 
“The Bible says, ‘It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest… from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your sabbath (Lev. 23:32).’ This means that the Sabbath should be kept from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. 
“Therefore, in the further regions of the earth and in countries where the sun doesn’t go down like the Polar zone, the timing of the Sabbath should be adjusted to the International Date Line. Example: permitting local rest-day adjustment, And believers may determine the Sabbath by the longitude that are further south or further north depending on which Polar zone they are in. 
Therefore, for those who live in Alaska, they can follow the time zone of Portland, Oregon. Thus, Sabbath keepers living in those areas can rely on the cycle of day and night in 24-hour periods. These periods are commonplace in most of the world.” 
“Modern living provides some unique situations where keeping the Sabbath might have some questions. For example, keeping the Sabbath in space and the polar regions of the Earth like Alaska presents unique issues for Sabbath keepers. In the north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle, a single period of daylight can last for a month or more during the summer, and the night lasts for a similar length of time in the winter.

They also have this:

A letter was written back in the Worldwide Church of God days asking the question about keeping the Sabbath in the arctic. This is what was answered by the Personal Correspondence Department, Letter L163, which was included in a collection of the letters written under Herbert W. Armstrong, dated August 1, 1988: 

“God has not made it impossible for His people to obey His laws. God’s law is spiritual and is intended for all people, wherever they live on earth. But His law is also practical and workable.

“In the far northern latitudes, the days are divided in the following manner: About the beginning of summer, the sun almost touches the horizon once every 24 hours. When it reaches its lowest point, one day ends and another begins. About the beginning of winter, the sun comes up to, or almost up to, the horizon once every 24 hours. This also divides the days. The effect is that near the beginning of summer the seventh day is from midnight to midnight. Over the next six months, the beginning of the days drops back rapidly until near the beginning of winter the seventh day is from noon until noon. The sun touching, or almost touching, the horizon corresponds to sunset in both cases.

“It should be noted, then, that God revealed the Sabbath commandment to people living in the temperate zone, where He defined the proper observance as being from evening to evening. But in extreme latitudes where farming is not a factor and thus daylight is not associated with work, this rule is not practical or reasonable. Jesus said, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath’ (Mark 2:27). For this reason, the Church has made a judgment based on the spirit of the law. Brethren living in areas crossed by or above the 60th parallel (parts of Alaska, Canada, and Sweden are examples) have been advised that it is proper to begin observance of the Sabbath at 6pm in cases where actual sunset time varies extremely.”

Thankfully Christians are not bound by laws made specifically for the nation of Israel. There is no record of the Sabbath being kept before Moses nor were there any commands to keep it. When the Apostles met in Jerusalem the Sabbath was never imposed upon Gentiles. In fact, Paul rebuked the Galatians for trying to impose the law upon the gentiles in Galatians 4:10 -11.


Tonto said...

How do they keep the Sabbath on the Star Ship Enterprise when they visit Vulcan??

Anonymous said...

That astronaut is in deep trouble with Bob Thiel if he crossed the International Dateline into the Days of UB with that cookie in his hand!

Anonymous said...

Well, it does seem kind of simple here on earth when the sun goes down Friday night the sabbath begins. When the sun goes down on sat the sabbath ends.

Anonymous said...

If God is having Mr. Pack give a bunch of warnings about when the end will come it means GOD DOESN'T WANT IT to wait ANY LONGER, which means it is time for God's End-Time Apostle (David C. Pack) to DECLARE THE YEAR.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this a matter of degree? On the poles, at negative and positive solstice, you have the extremes where it is impossible to determine start or finish of the day by sunset to sunset reckoning? Yet the days still tick off on the calendar, based on 24 hour periods. So, what's the problem? The diligent COG member should go to the local dispensary, get some good medical grade Genesis 1:29 seed bearing herbs to get into the proper meditative attitude for the sabbath, and enjoy either the darkness, or perpetual light provided by whichever season is in play! Freedom is what it's all about! Our polar brethren simply enjoy more freedom. They are not slaves to the sunsets!

Anonymous said...

The problem (determining the Sabbath day) isn’t just a problem for people living above the Arctic Circle, where for much of the year the sun never drops below the horizon, never Biblically sets. It’s also a problem for Sabbath-keepers living in the Western Hemisphere, where Biblically, the Sabbath there is from sundown on Thursday through sundown on Friday. In the Western hemisphere, a Saturday Sabbath is non-Biblical.

This is because placing the International Dateline in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is un-Biblical. Biblically, the dateline belongs in the middle of the Atlantic.

The Sabbath day in the Western Hemisphere is controlled by where the International Dateline is located. By international convention, it’s in the middle of the Pacific. But, Biblically, it should be in the middle of the Atlantic.

Crucial fact. Each new calendar day on the earth starts at the International Dateline, wherever that is placed or recognized. For putative Sabbatarians, the proper, Biblical dateline must be respected, international treaties and calendars, etc., notwithstanding.

Key is this. When Adam and Eve’s children (or Noah’s children) dispersed to the east, the Sabbaths necessarily followed them; never changing. Eventually, they (humans, originating from the Eastern Hemisphere) crossed the Pacific and settled into all of North and South America. The Sabbath day never changed in any of this. Necessarily, it went with them.

That means, of course, that in the modern calendar, because the Biblical International Dateline would be in the Atlantic, not the Pacific, the true Sabbath starts each week at sundown on each Thursday evening (in the present calendar). The true, Biblical Sabbath in North and South America is, in reality, each Friday. The International Dateline in the Pacific is without any Biblical validity.

All these years, since 1492, in the Western Hemisphere, Armstrongists and other Sabbatarians have worshiped on the wrong day, on Saturday. Biblically, it should have been, in North and South America, each Friday. Biblically, the International Dateline has been, from the Creation Week, always in the Atlantic. Observing a Saturday Sabbath in either North or South America is totally wrong. Biblically, off by a day. Columbus, landing in the Western Hemisphere, had no authority to arbitrarily change the local Sabbath (in the Western Hemisphere) conveniently back to the one in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Anonymous said...

Sabbath 101: The sabbath was made for man, including those who lived before Moses. Since creation. For all time. The apostles in Jerusalem knew that, knowing the Gentiles turning to God will learn about the sabbath and Moses because they are attending in the synagogues...... every sabbath - Acts 15:21.

Live at the north pole? Just keep time according to the 7 day week and observe the sabbath, 24 hours, about the time the sabbath is observed in Jerusalem.

RSK said...

Crazy Bob Larson and others have argued that the sacrifice of Jesus is universal, meaning that he died for the sins of any intelligent extraterrestrial life as well as those of us on Earth.

Therefore, if we were to somehow discover intelligence in the cosmos, would COGlodytes be asking if they were Sabbath keepers?

Anonymous said...

I understand and appreciate the question of how to properly observe the Sabbath in unique situations such as these. I also realize some will use these very type of situations to question, diminish and abolish Sabbath keeping altogether. The fact of the matter is that the Sabbath was sanctified at creation itself, not at simply the Mosaic covenant. The Almighty looks upon our heart, and how we consider His words when we determine how we are to worship Him. Say what you will about Armstrongism, Sabbath observance is theologically undeniable.

Anonymous said...

God would have instructed Adam and Eve to observe the Sabbath.

NO2HWA said...

Nowhere does it say that Adam and Eve, nor anyone after them, including Abraham, ever kept the sabbath until Moses.

Anonymous said...

Well they knew to give offerings. We don't know the whole story not the point of the Bible.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:44 says "God would have instructed Adam and Eve to observe the Sabbath."

God never instructed them not to murder, so why was Cain punished?

Anonymous ` said...

This is a major issue that extends far beyond the chronology given to us by celestial mechanics. The practice of Judaism is focused on the Temple. The Tanakh does not address the Judaic praxis outside of the boundaries of the Temple. The chronology for the Sabbath and the Holy Days were within those boundaries. The Tanakh did not envision Jews going happily into Diaspora. That was a curse - a banishment to the wilderness where the animalistic Gentiles lived - like Adam and Eve ejected from the Garden. And the Book of Revelation envisions the Kings of the nations coming to Jerusalem. The Temple was the one and only liturgical center of Judaism. And many devout Jews have been waiting to go back to this Temple based Judaism.

When Second Temple Judaism disintegrated with the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD,
Judaic practice was halted. A Pharisee named Yohanan ben Zakkai, after escaping the destruction of Jerusalem, found favor with Vespasian. Ben Zakkai founded the Academy of Jamnia where Jewish sages essentially re-packaged Judaism to function without a Temple, without an officiating priesthood and without a homeland - all fundamental assumptions of the Tanakh and in particular the Law of Moses. Not only was there not a valid Sabbath at the North Pole, there was no valid Sabbath in Jerusalem or anywhere in Western Europe.

Stay with me. The Academy's re-packaging of Judaism to function without the Temple was the beginning of Rabbinic Judaism. The Academy drew upon the members of the Bet Din. This is the Judaism that HWA knew. The reason why he could keep the Sabbath in Des Moines is not derived from the Bible but from Rabbinic Judaism. And Rabbinic Judaism did not have an origin in a miraculous intervention and communication from God recorded in the Bible as was Temple based Judaism. It was developed by a bunch of Jews desperately trying to survive after the collapse and dispersion in 70 AD.

It is fine to discuss celestial mechanics and date lines, but you have to go back to the origin. You have to work out the line of authority before you get down into the weeds. (Remember HWA harping constantly on "top down" authority?) And apparently ben Zakkai did not address keeping the Sabbath at the North Pole. For Christians, Christ is the authority and he is also the fulfillment of the Sabbath shadow so this is a non-issue. But specifically for those Sabbatarians who include proper observance of the Seventh Day as a condition of Biblically based salvation, it is hellish. I believe that if such Sabbatarians were to study this topic critically, they would necessarily conclude that they must observe the Sabbath only in the context of Temple worship in Jerusalem. They might squeak by if they could determine that the Bet Din had the authority to alter the Tanakh back in the time of Yohanan ben Zakkai. In short, someone pointing to a passage in the Bible and saying that "I am keeping the Sabbath here in Des Moines because the Old Testament says to" is naive and just does not cut it.

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Anonymous said...

Armstrongism presumes that the Law of Moses was the very first covenant between God and mankind. You need to read up on Noahide Law either in the Jewish Encyclopedia, or Encyclopedia Britannica. It will give you a better framework of what actually preceded the Old Covenant.

Anonymous said...

Unless, the Sabbath was for one people, the Israelites, who lived in one area, one time zone. If the Law of was given to them only and only until the Messiah came (Gal 3) then to argue over this issue is to deny Jesus was the Messiah.

R.L. said...

A Sabbath-observing Jew actually went into space.

Ilan Ramon died when the shuttle Columbia broke up 2/1/03. One story that was reported before the disaster was that he forgot to keep the Sabbath while in orbit.

I brought that up to some people after the explosion, and wondered if that was simply coincidence or something deeper. Haven't heard anyone bring it up since.

Anonymous said...

Ilan Ramon died when the shuttle Columbia broke up 2/1/03. One story that was reported before the disaster was that he forgot to keep the Sabbath while in orbit.

Doubtful. Ordinary consumers can buy ordinary kitchen appliances equipped with a "Sabbath Mode" which prevents them from being used to violate the Sabbath. If you can get a $2,000 kitchen appliance with Sabbath Mode, don't you think a $2 billion space shuttle has something not just similar, but better?

Anonymous said...

What kind of god would make six innocent goyim die because one non-observant Jew forgot to say a blessing? Why would a god who doesn't smite thousands of homosexual Jews cavorting on Tel Aviv beaches take the trouble to incinerate one heterosexual Jew during shuttle reentry?

RSK said...

Oh yes, a deity killed a whole shuttle crew because one (nonobservant, not a "Sabbath observing Jew") crew member failed to perform some ritual.

A god who is that petty is a piece of shit and so are his followers.

Anonymous said...

In one of Raymond Cole sermons he said that we all could be put on a space ship! Where did he get this nonsense? This sermon was made about 20 years ago. And we are expected to believe that came from God.!!!!!

NO2HWA said...

That's the same story we were told in the Dayton church.

RSK said...

Well, at least that made sense some decades ago when scifi was full of colony and penal spacecraft.