Showing posts with label Six Pack Flurry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Six Pack Flurry. Show all posts

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Flurry, Pack, Weinland - Evil Incarnate

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorAs a child, I sat through many a Presbyterian church service.  We went twice every Sunday, morning and evening which also included Sunday School after morning church and our youth group until about 8:30 PM after evening service.  I was on churched kid!
NEVER in all those sermons did I hear our minister utter anything that he remotely thought was speaking of him, our church or his place in it all from the Bible.  He never said such a stupid thing as , "And yes brethren, I am an Apostle."  He never claimed to be a prophet , priest or king of any kind.  He never would have spoke of himself as "that Prophet" or any other for that matter.  He never bragged about how big our church was because it wasn't.  He never pushed to build a college in the parking lot.  I never heard him utter the words, "Send it in" and by that he meant the proceeds from the sale of our home and my dad's Kodak retirement.  He never used the words "incredible", "awesome", "Overarching" or "amazing" all that much.  Actually I never recall hearing those words.  He never ever read anything from the Book of Revelation that I recall which is one reason I got snookered by WCG. I wanted to know what was in it and where it came from.  Presbyterians must have learned long ago that "John" had good drugs and that book should be avoided if you wish to stay sane and have a normal life.
And this minister never ever ever saw himself in the Book of Revelation as one of the Two Witnesses.  We would have starred in disbelief and then laughed our asses off. He would have been out the door by next Sunday with a parade of new guys hoping to get selected by the board as permanent minister in about a year from then.  I'm pretty sure we would not have even known what a Two Witness was but would have seen some serious mental problems with the man.  
Not so in the COG splits, splinters and slivers huh?  
I did not personally take HWA all that seriously when he or others beat around the bush about his being this or that.  Whether Apostle or Elijah to come, I have to say (along with British Israelism) it was all a rather ho hum topic to me.  You all know how I felt about Gerald Waterhouse's perspectives.  (My kids called him Mr. Watermelon) Pure bunk which I often prayed would not prove to be the least bit true as I could see it tanking the church when it came not to pass. I certainly knew I was not going to tell the church anyone had decided it was time to "flee", whatever that meant.  Sometimes such talk and tales made my stomach hurt. 
 I never bought into GTA being the Joshua with "filthy rags " either.  Most of us, minister and member had filthy rags to worry about so how could we know if we weren't the Joshua to come?  :)
This ego centric habit that the highly untrained leaders of the Revelation based COG's is disturbing to say the least.  Who sits week after week listening to these guys repeat the same stuff about me, my and I over an over?  Where is their critical thinking?  Are they afraid to listen to that "still small voice" that I know speaks to them during most sermons that notes, "this is stupid,"  "he is nuts,"  "how does he know that,"  or "if I and my family keep following this guy, I can see a train wreck in our future."  Why do they suppress it?  Habit I guess.  I thank the gods that I did not grow up in my youth with this kind of mentality in my minister.  
One can't help the church or life one is born into, but one sure as hell can look at it and sense something is very wrong and move on.  
So, to be blunt.  Gerald Flurry is NOT "That Prophet."  He simply is not.  He's a God-Haunted man as are the others in competition with each other for the title of the most or best or truest.  Neither Ron Weinland nor his silent wife in the matter are the Two Witnesses of Revelation, and David C Pack is NOT a real Apostle who has restored anything except the misunderstandings of others he worships. 
These types don't have the theological training and education to utter such things and if they did, they would not utter them.  While David C may mock Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Einstein (because he had "wild hair" of all things), he'd have done well to actually read them.  
Ron Weinland makes fun of science because he doesn't understand science or it goes against his form of literalism.  Nonetheless and unlike himself, when science makes a mistake they admit it, add the facts found out to the existing body of information on the topic and keep looking.  Ron simply makes a new end game with no admission of being wrong in any way at all.  It's either "God is giving us more time," or "God is not done revealing truth to us...incredible, amazing brethren."
So, what's the point?  For those who attend those groups with those kinds of leaders who have those kinds of visions dancing in their heads about themselves and how they fit into the Bible, please at least think and listen when your stomach tells you what you mind is dismissing.  When you have a choice between how your stomach feels when this or that is said and what your brain and head is telling you, your stomach is always telling the truth.  The mind is fooling you into staying a bit longer than will prove to be to your benefit. 
"Prove all things..."  Remember?  "Trust me Brethren" is a formula for personal disaster and disillusionment. 
What word don't you understand?
The COGs are excellent Bible readers .  The vast majority of the followers are sincere people or they would not put up with that niggly feeling in their stomachs they get when their leadership makes some other lame ass announcement about how it all is and where he fits into their lives.  They know what is in the Book but that's can be not much different than knowing what is in the story of Hansel and Grettal or The Emperor's New Clothes if you get my drift. 
Dennis C. Diehl

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Six-Pack Flurry $7 Million in the Red

Armstrong Delusion has taken the latest Co-Worker letter from Gerald Flurry and dissected it rather well.
It seems old Six Pack is in a snit because members pledged a lot of money to help build the Mini-Me Auditorium in the middle of Oklahoma and now aren't sending in the money.  Their lack of faith has resulted in the PCG owing over $7,000.000 for Six Packs monument to himself.  Six Pack is pissed!

Armstrong Delusion includes this excerpt:

…our building fund donations are $700,000 less than they were last year. I want you to think about that.
Before we built Armstrong Auditorium, we sent a letter to our Church members only, asking for pledges to the building fund. We used those pledges to determine how much we could invest in construction and loan repayment until all the construction costs were repaid in full. We’ve enjoyed using the auditorium for over a year now, but we still have a big balance left on the loan–over $7Million.
Have we kept our pledge to God that we would contribute toward this project until it is paid off?

 I won't get into the maniluptaion that Six Pack is pulling on his members.  It's the blame game all over again.  Faithless members who are not relying on God to provide them the money to send it.  It doesn't matter if you have lost your job or have had an income reduction.  You still are required to send it in!  Your salvation is at stake for your unfaithfulness!

I know this is a difficult time financially, and we do have unemployment problems among our members and supporters. But as Mr. Armstrong always said, God blesses us as our ways please Him. The needs of the work have never been greater. And if our ways are pleasing God, no recession or depression could make a bit of difference.

Read the entire article here:  Dear Brethren and Co-Workers!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life With Gerald Flurry

The following are quotes from the "Philadelphia Trumpet", the mouthpiece of Flurryism

1. As a Philadelphia church member you must realize   that you need to be led by the ministry. Christ has not allowed for independent Christians doing their own work. All of us must come under authority!

2. The Laodiceans don't have revelations from God while God has given abundant revelations to the Philadelphia Church of God.

3. From the time God raised up the PCGin the Laodicean era, we have fully supported God's end time Elijah. All of the Laodicean churches reject Mr. Armstrong.

Philadelphia Church of God and it's Brotherly Love.....NOT!

In January I posted a blurb about the Flurry cult, the Philadelphia Church of God.  It was in reference to a letter that was on the Painful Truth from a man who described how one of his relatives was kicked out of her home and abandoned because of the Philadelphia Church of God's asinine rules. Post is here: Flurry Cult Members Abandoning Children

A reader who is a former member of PCG was not too happy and made the following comment:
Anonymous said...
It sickens me to see such complete and utter falsehoods spread about the PCG. Nobody is forbidden to associate with family or anyone else outside of the church. They are merely discouraged from associating those who are hostile toward the church--those who are going to bring people down and relentlessly go on rampages against God and the church. By definition, it is not even remotely a cult. I strongly encourage you to get your facts straight and know what you're talking about before spreading venomous lies like the ones you have here. What right do you think you have to be manipulative, conniving and deceitful? It's extraordinary how people like you twist things around. This is coming from someone who used to be a member of the church, so I do know what I'm talking about.

Another former PCG member also responded, but to Anon's comments above:

Anonymous said...
"What right do you think you have to be manipulative, conniving and deceitful? It's extraordinary how people like you twist things around. This is coming from someone who used to be a member of the church, so I do know what I'm talking about." -Anonymous
 First of all mr./mrs. anonymous, where is all the "manipulation, conniving and deceitfulness" in this article? I too used to be in the pcg for 15 years, and i have seen this happen countless times. I, myself was kicked out at 16 for going to a dance on a friday night. And also, the pcg is strongly against "laodecians" (anyone who has been in the wcg or pcg and left or was kicked out). In my case, it was my grandparents. If a church tells you you cannot see, speak, or even go to a family reunion that your grandparents are attending, what do you call that? I call it a cult. I wish i had found real truth and freedom a long time ago. And by the way, you say "used to be a member" right? well i hope you didnt plan on coming back, cause they almost never actually let you; especially if you're "marked" (a completely unbiblical teaching where you are NEVER aloud to come back to the pcg) Well that's a lot of facts to argue. Of course an armstrongist will almost always answer with something ignorant and completely avoid questions, or most time ignore the real problem altogether. -Jacob Wood

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Most Powerful Building On Earth Owned By PCG?

Did you know that the building pictured above is causing the nations to shake and tremble?  Who would have imagined the  House of Idolatry parked in the middle of Oklahoma could be such a powerful witness?  The Philadelphia Church of God cult thinks it is.  They seem to think that the world is shaking in their boots because of the message Lord Six-Pack proclaims from it's stage.

In Haggai 2, God makes it plain that the shaking of the nations is tied directly to a specific sign. God calls this physical sign His “house,” a magnificent physical structure designed to declare the glory of God, and from which God’s truth flows. In his booklet, Mr. Flurry explains how God begins to “shake all nations” at the same time as this “house for God” is constructed. God intends for this house, Mr. Flurry wrote, to be “a dreadful warning sign to the world,” and “a sign of world upheaval.”

So how does PCG have the right  to claim this?  Well.....since they opened the house of idolatry called Herbert W Armstrong Auditorium in September of 2010 the following dramatic events have happened around the world that PROVES PCG is the ONLY place on earth preaching the gospel. The world is trembling at the message.

Brace yourself and take a look at events since last September. 
Practically the whole of the Middle East and North Africa is violently convulsing. In December, the West-friendly government of Tunisia was shaken from office by a popular uprising. This revolution caused far more consequential aftershocks in Egypt, toppling an American ally, Hosni Mubarak, and creating a vacuum that radical Islamic forces have already begun to fill.
Bahrain has also been rocked with major protests, supported by Iran. Iran has also scored significant victories in Iraq and Lebanon. In December, Iraq finally formed a coalition government, but only after Iranian-supported anti-American Moqtada al-Sadr agreed to support Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. In January, Hezbollah brought down the Saad Hariri government in Lebanon when its ministers and allies withdrew from the cabinet. The new prime minister, Najib Mikati, is Hezbollah’s man—amounting to a soft coup by the Iranian-backed terrorist group.
In Syria, more than a thousand people have been killed by security forces loyal to Bashar Assad. Libya is trembling amid a civil war that erupted when dictator Muammar Ghadafi responded to protesters with brutal force. Yemen is on the verge of civil war. Tremors of popular unrest have also been felt in Mauritania, Morocco, Djibouti, Jordan, Iraq, Algeria and Iran.
Since the wave of Arab protests began last year, tension between Muslims and Christians in the Middle East and North Africa has greatly intensified. Hundreds of Christians have been killed and thousands have been displaced, creating a trend that presages a prophesied Catholic-Muslim clash.
In Israel, in March terrorists knifed to death five members of a Jewish family in the West Bank, Hamas resumed rocket attacks, and a terrorist bomb shook Jerusalem. In May, the “moderate” Palestinian organization Fatah forged an alliance with Hamas, another Iran-backed terrorist group. Then, despite this provocative decision, U.S. President Barack Obama heaped pressure on Israel to negotiate with the Palestinians. His “encouragement” didn’t sit well with Israel and seriously damaged U.S.-Israel relations.

I won't even add the stupidity that he continues on with that the earthquakes and tornadoes of late is more punishing signs from God to back up his witness.  It's too stupid to quote.

That's one mighty powerful building that Six Pack has built.  Even HWA never claimed his auditorium was such a magical place.  Even though Herb had originally called the auditorium The House of God, it quickly fell out of favor as people in the community would not attend a concert series in a building called that.  On top of that, it certainly was not a 'godly' house considering the drugs and alcohol that were used by so many there.  The sexual activity that went on (straight and gay). The theft by employees and many other things.

I also find it interesting that one of PCG's musical CD's looks surprisingly like a propaganda piece for the Red Army!  Is Lord Six Pack a Socialist now? Or, is this a subtle symbol of what PCG considers it's self as warriors conquering the world?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

COG Zombie Pastors?

 Click on the link below to see the entire cartoon.

There is a great cartoon today on The Naked Pastor blog.  His 10 signs describe so many COG pastors and evangelists.  Just put Spanky or Six Packs face in place of the zomibe and.......well, you get the picture.....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Worshipping WCG Relics

Old Six Pack is on a roll in acquiring remnants of the glory days of Armstrongism. He has forked over an undisclosed amount of tithe money for the swan sculpture that used to grace the Big Sandy campus. Will he paint them white like the Harvest Rock Cult Church did with the Pasadena birds? Or will Old Six Pack be bowing down to the swans like some moron in Pasadena did years ago when he proclaimed the egret sculpture was going to come alive and carry the Auditorium to Petra. Stupid people believed that guy just like people believe Old Six Pack.


The swans will be disassembled and transported to a foundry in Oklahoma for minor repairs and refinishing before being installed in their new home, the reflecting pool in front of Armstrong Auditorium. The sculpture and water feature will be installed just as they were in Big Sandy; the five swans will appear to soar into flight as six water jets cascade over them.
In a sermon on April 9 in Sulphur Springs, Texas, Mr. Flurry told church members, "The water cascading over the swans makes it look like they are soaring-or beginning to soar. Aren't we about to begin to soar as never before?"
Referring to Amos 9:11, Mr. Flurry said, "We have a responsibility to raise the ruins. We are going to show the world the best of the human spirit, combined with God's Holy Spirit." He added, "God has given us these gifts to raise up the ruins and He's even giving us some of the treasures He gave to Mr. Armstrong. This swan sculpture is going to bring life to our campus in a special way."

Six Pack is doing everything he can to be like Herb. Six Pack hauled a dirt and moss laden rock all the way from Oregon because he wanted to worship at Herb's supposed prayer rock.


If it was used by Herb it is of value to Six Pack. For a cult that supposedly is the restored gospel he forgets one command of God that he regularly ignores. "Coveting." Oh, and there is also "Pride". The Six Pack cult thinks that there is a miraculous era about to dawn for their cult.


Old Six Pack and Jr. Six Pack both believe that there are glorious new days coming for PCG. They are going to be a magnificent tool in proclaiming some god's word to the world. Six Pack seems to think he is as important as Herb was and will be able to do the same things. Someone needs to tell apostle Six Pack it is NOT going to happen! image

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Failed Okie in Oklahoma Trying To Impress

Six Pack Flurry recently opened his new mini-Me auditorium at his cult compound in Oklahoma.  Like HWA, he spared no expense.  Onyx, marble, swarovski crustal, imported carpets, bird fountains, etc.

I wonder to this day if Six Pack ever has an original idea running around that 'brain' of his.

Happily he is nothing more than the Okie version of HWA and it is just nor working.  At least Herb had some class and good taste, while Six Pack is bankrupt in all those departments.

Monday, September 27, 2010

LCG: "The Most Educated and Sophisticated Group EVER!"

On Yahoo Groups there is a forum for Living Church of God (Rod Meridith's splinter cult).  These people tend to be far more  conservative and rabid in their religious stance.  Not quite as bad as Six Pack Flurry, but far out of the realm of reason.

As far as LCG's 'dynamic' has NEVER happened.  They are still stuck in their time warp.  As for education they are still living in pre-1986 mode.  They frown on higher education, mock theology courses in other colleges, universities and seminaries (where you will get a far better education than you ever would in LCG).

Notice how they still mock Christians in the world around them.  They spell it with a little 'c'.

And true to Armstrongite thought, they say that God is not as pleased with  them as they had hoped for, so God still has to work with them a while longer.  Somewhere along the line they screwed up and God is NOT pleased!  Of that we can be assured because Spanky continually declares churchwide fasts in order for the church to humble it's self.

LCG thinks it is special and set apart from all other COGlet's.


I truly believe that the COG is on a verge of a golden era
and currently Jesus Christ, the head of the body, is laying down a
foundation of people who will be able to handle the stressess, and dyanmism
of fantastic growth. We are the most blessed ERA of christians in the
history of the church of God.
By far we are the most educated and
sophiscated group ever,
we have access to incredible knowledge, hindsight on
the previous era's of the church their accomplishments, and their failures,
our talents as a whole are wide ranging just look at the different types of
careers most church people have compared to christians in other era's we do
have the tools we have access to God's holy spirit.

God is just working with us a little more, and making sure we can handle a
new flood of his children.
I'm excited to see how it all turns out. We live in exciting times, and
perhaps we could be that generation who sees his Lord coming.