Tuesday, October 9, 2012

God Punishes U.S. For LCG's Arrogance

Remember the post in a thread that contained Living Church of God's idiotic statement that God caused the gas prices in the United States to fall so that LCG members could travel to the Feast?

Apparently God is royally pissed at the arrogance of the Living Church of God for making such an idiotic claim that was aimed at setting LCG members apart from the rest of the COG's making them far more special in God's sight.Gas prices skyrocketed here in LA right after Living said what they did. You are your own worst enemy.

Los Angeles Times:  Gas Prices Set Record Pace

Living Church of God's "we are sooooo special" posting:
God blesses Feast of Tabernacles travel.
For the last several years, oil prices have dropped right around the time of the fall Holy Days (fall in the northern hemisphere, that is). This year appears to be the same. Gasoline (petrol) prices have been dropping for the last several weeks now. Monday, oil reached its lowest price since September 2010. It ended trading in New York at $78 per barrel. Experts believe it will stay low to year’s end (Associated Press, October 3, 2011).
Thousands of years ago, God gave His people the command to keep His annual festivals, including the Feast of Tabernacles (see Leviticus 23). These days were to be statutes “forever” and blessings were promised to those who keep them, and the rest of God’s laws (Deuteronomy 14:29).

It is both interesting and encouraging to see a trend in dropping gasoline prices (which some would call “chance”) just prior to the “pilgrim” Feast of Tabernacles–a time when God’s people are commanded to travel to locations where He has chosen to place His name (Deuteronomy 14:22-26). In allowing fuel prices to drop, God is blessing the obedience of His people who are willing to travel to worship Him at this very important time of year.

UCG's Bill Bradford: HWA Was RIGHT!!!!!!!!

For some stupid reason I hold out hope that UCG is a little more enlightened than the other COG's.  Every time I think they are moving away from HWA idolatry along comes a fool that destroys that hope.  UCG is just as intellectually bankrupt as the rest of them.  Why do people sit there and listen to this stuff?

A reader here posted this as a comment on Dennis last post:

Would you believe in a LGD sermon on prophecy this past Monday UCG pastor Bill Bradford asserted that, "Herbert W. Armstrong was right! Maybe his timing was a little off, but he's completely correct! Everything he said that would come to pass is happening now!" 

I for one was left gobsmacked that he would utter such baloney! HWA wasn’t correct about anything! He was wrong about tithing, wrong about a Monday Pentecost, wrong about church government, wrong about divorce and remarriage, wrong about masturbation, wrong about the true church, wrong about the British royal family being descended from King David, wrong about Hitler being the Beast and Pius XII being the False Prophet, wrong about WWII being Armageddon, wrong about America and Britain being destroyed in a nuclear holocaust by 1975 and enslaved by a German-led European alliance, wrong about Christ returning by 1975, wrong about water baptism and laying on of hands, wrong about conventional doctors and medication, wrong about makeup, wrong about a place of safety and Petra, wrong about famine, disease epidemics and other natural disasters destroying America, wrong about God commissioning him through a dream to Loma to warn the world of Christ’s return by 1975, wrong about him being the Elijah to come or one of the two witnesses, wrong about so many things that it beggars belief that anyone with any shred of decency or integrity would say such nonsense! And pray do tell what exactly was so accurate about his prophecies that gave him greater insight and divine approval above other Christian groups like the Jehovah’s witnesses claiming Christ would return by 1975 or Bible fundamentalists claiming that the 10-nation EEC in Europe during the 1980s was the Beast of Revelation or the BIWF claiming that the US and UK are going to be punished in a future WWIII?

His record was dismal, he lacked prescience about a lot of contemporary issues of the day and there’s no way he had God’s seal of approval!

I think St. Malachy has a better track record in predicting the popes than Armstrong had in predicting anything! Besides when the Bible prophecies are in the process of being fulfilled it won’t be known by a secret few, but by the whole world!

Apostle Malm: FOR SHAME Those of You That Packed Your Suitcases On the Last Great Day!

Apostle Malm is back from celebrating his Feast of Legalism and is pissed once again at those who defiled his Feast of Law.  You sinning morons that started traveling on the "eighth day" or paid your hotel bill are spitting in the face of God.  You bad, bad people!

The Eighth Day, which is the first day AFTER the Feast of Tabernacles:  Is a High Holy Day,  Lev 23:36.   It is a Holy Convocation. You shall do no servile work (work of any kind)  therein.

For generations now, The Church of God has made it a practice to hold services early, on the Eighth Day;  to facilitate the travel plans of their members.  People claiming to be converted Godly people:  have paid bills, packed belongings, cleaned their temporary dwellings and traveled on this High Holy Day.  And their ministers have encouraged this in word and deed.

FOR SHAME:  This is a DISGRACE and a blot on your garments.  The Eternal will not hold you guiltless for defiling His Holy Time.  Repent quickly and turn from this wickedness;  lest ye be corrected.

Church people even purchase goods and services on Sabbath and Holy Days, especially in restaurants.