Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ungrateful LCG Members Not Giving Enough For Church To Go Through Open Doors

In another "uplifting" message to the faithful, the Living Church of God has laid out instructions on how to Count Your Blessings.  Nothing about Jesus, but lots of Old Covenant whiners and moaners.

William Williams writes an article on being thankful for the blessings God has given us.

Of course, like any true COG leader, he starts the first paragraph off letting you know you are incapable of being thankful to God.

The first sentence lets us know we have great opportunities to thank God, but the second lets us know that we are too dumb to do it and that God is apparently going to be really, really pissed when we don't.

At Thanksgiving, we have a natural opportunity to reflect on our blessings, and to renew an “attitude of gratitude” in our lives. How important is our attitude? God expects us to be thankful, and in Scripture He left us many powerful examples of the danger of thanklessness.

He then goes on to talk about the Israelites and their whining about manna.  When they should have been thankful, they were tired of the same tasting food, day in and day out.  They whine, God gets pissed, and showers them with meat to eat till they vomit it out their nostrils.

So, how did the Israelites respond to God’s gift? They complained about its lack of variety, and asked for meat (Numbers 11:4-6). These people, who had not shown themselves willing to abide by their covenant with God, were already putting Him to the test by their complacency and ingratitude! If God could give them bread, they reasoned, why not meat? They forgot that God did not have to give them anything at all!

But God heard their complaints, and gave them what they wanted—and it was a harsh lesson in being careful what you wish for! He brought waves of quail, and fed them meat until they grew literally and physically sick of it: “You shall eat, not one day, nor two days, nor five days, nor ten days, nor twenty days, but for a whole month, until it comes out of your nostrils and becomes loathsome to you, because you have despised the Lord who is amongst you, and have wept before Him, saying, ‘Why did we ever come up out of Egypt?’” (Numbers 11:19-20). God then sent a plague to finish off those who most offensively allowed their desire for self-gratification to get ahead of their remembrance of their Deliverer (Numbers 11:33-34).

So what does this have to do with us today?  Well, God has blessed us with so much yet we are incompetent fools and ungrateful idiots.  We don't appreciate it all. (Only those in the COG can be appreciative.)

God has done something very similar for many of us today. He has allowed us to live in abundance, and blessed our nations in just about every way possible. Even when times are relatively hard, we must be careful to remind ourselves that such blessings are not shared by all, and are not guaranteed to last.
 Apparently the Living Church of God members are not up to snuff right now in being thankful and for not giving enough money to go through all those open doors before them.  Yet again, the members are too stupid and incompetent to do what God wants so the church is suffering.

When God opens a door for us, as He did for the Israelites, we show tremendous gratitude by going through it, but we often betray a profound ingratitude when we do not! We should have confidence that, as with the Israelites and early Christians before us, God will not “hand us a stone” in place of bread if we ask in gratitude and righteousness (Luke 11:10-12). But if we slap from His hand the gifts He offers, or if we simply walk away in ignorance or self-will, He might sometimes let us have a brush with a scorpion, or give His blessings to others more grateful. So, pray always that you may see—and walk through—those open doors (Philippians 4:6)!

 Then to close the letter, Williams writes that while Thanksgiving might be OK, but just be aware it is a human  made holiday invented by pagans.  Only the enlightened ones in LCG and certain COG's know about those other special days that they think still are required.

Although Thanksgiving is a natural occasion for us to reflect on our attitude of gratitude, it is a holiday invented by mankind. God Himself has given His people an annual series of Holy Days that are even more meaningful, yet have rarely been practiced. Those Holy Days are true gifts from God. If you want to know more, please write or call for our free booklet, The Holy Days: God’s Master Plan, and learn about how God’s Holy Days can change everything you ever knew or thought about “the holidays,” and show you what most to be thankful for.

Thiel: LCG Mouthpiece Says God Does Not Like Football

Armstrongism and it's acolytes have never had the sense to pick their battles.  Instead they open their mouths and make complete jackasses of themselves over various subjects.

Bob Thiel, the Unofficial mouthpiece of the Living Church of God and official world renown authority on prophecy, has picked his favorite battle to rail against this Thanksgiving. Football.

How many of you sat at home today and before dinner or after dinner to watched a football game?  If you did you are a filthy sinner that has bought into the ruinous lifestyle that Satan is promoting as enjoyable

God's greatest earthly messenger on ALL subjects has give us all his two cents about Thanksgiving and football.  Of course no proper Armstrongite can speak on any subject without invoking  the name of God's greatest theologian, Herbert Armstrong.

At least Thiel still thinks it is appropriate to observe Thanksgiving, unlike Apostle Malm who thinks it is a Satanic day for devil worship.

For many, other than food and family, football is a major focus of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Should Christians support violent sports like American football?
The late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:
Hostility toward the other is sin…Boxing at Ambassador College is definitely banned. God did not create the human brain and head to be pummeled and knocked senseless by an antagonist.
Wherever a game in sports involves antagonists–in hostile attitude to harm the other and/or to “get” from the other–to get the best of the other then a harmful, satanic and evil attitude enters in, and the sport is evil, not good…
Football (American football) is a violent body-contact sport. It is often played with an attitude of hostility and is dangerous and is fraught with physical injury. (Plain Truth, July-August 1984)
While I have even heard some people thank God for football, it is not a sport that I believe that the God of love would condone.

The scripture used to back Thiel's stance up is this:

“Love does no harm to a neighbor” (Romans 13:9), yet what do sports like American football and boxing do?

This is something that Christians, and others, should think about.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Van Robison: "Is God a Monster as Portrayed by the Bible?"

It leaves me speechless that so many "Christians" seem to relish punishment, judgment and pain for those whom they consider "sinners."   You indeed must be a "sinner" if your views differ with that of "Christians" or church goers, or the "pastors" of churches.    Some seem to think that Sunday church goers are so evil, that they have no chance of salvation, because they are part of "Mystery Babylon the Great."   Without realizing it, Saturday Sabbath keepers are a very small minority among human beings on earth.  In fact they are a speck of sand upon the seashore of humanity.   Are these the only people who will survive into eternity?

Oh foolish human beings, who follow preachers who take captives.   Every pastor takes captives and only the childish in thought, follow such people.   Pastors of churches dearly love to cause church goers to live in FEAR, that "God is going to get you, if you do not comply."   For thousands of years, the simple minded have been screwed by the religious rulers who assume power and control over the childish, naive and gullible minds of non-thinkers. Pastors of churches love to quote verses from the Bible, that instill FEAR in church goers.   Naturally FEAR is one of the greatest motivations in life on earth.

Preachers endlessly proclaim "tithe or be cursed", "obey those who rule over you"  or God will "get you."   I suspect that this fraud actually has been going on long before preachers, who use the name of Jesus Christ fraudulently ever existed.   In the old days, it was purchase your animals from the priests or temples and then sacrifice your animals for your sins, or be cursed.   The benefactors have always been the priests and the pastors.

Among the greatest frauds in life on earth, are "pastors" of churches and "priests" who pretend that they speak for God.   No one but the most childish of adults would submit their lives to such charlatans.   Every church goer who thinks some "pastor" or "elder" or group of men, speak for God, is among the most STUPID of human beings on earth.   Until God Himself speaks to you individually and personally, you actually know NOTHING about God, other than BLANK SPACE.

Van Robison