Saturday, March 2, 2013

False Prophet Thiel Is Still Shocked That The Living Church of God Ignores Him

Prophet Thiel writes about how the Living Church of God ignored his articles and papers he sent them.  They refused to join his version of the "final work."  He still apparently finds it shocking that he is ignored.

While I did submit a detailed paper to my former church related to this on December 14, 2012 (which they failed to directly respond to, despite oral statements to me of support previously) since at that time I had hoped they would wish to be part of the final phase...
False prophet Thiel feels that there will be an "ecumenical" rise in the worldly churches that will persecute the COGers instead of the Catholics being the persecutors.  The false prophet tried to talk Meredith into accepting this vital truth many times. Each time Meredith ignored him.

False prophet Thiel also believes he is the ONLY COG out there that is BOLDLY taking a stand and preaching out against sin in the nation, something the wimps in the rest of the COGs do not do or are afraid to do.

A bolder, yet truthful, willingness to “name names” and call out what is happening will need to happen than the official COG groups formed between 1986 and 2011 have done–and this would seem to have to be led by the Continuing Church of God. (I have emails from one or more LCG evangelists where they objected to doing parts of this themselves, as well as notes from a meeting where they told me, and one was Dr. Meredith, that they were afraid that I was could become too bold and that they did not want to take bold proclamation steps that could trigger the persecution that they teach is biblically prophesied.)

Prophet Thiel: Still Waiting For The GCG/LCG/WCG/UCG/COGWA/EnCOG/ECG to Move Over To The Dark Side

Prophet Thiel's bitterness towards Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God grows stronger each day.  Prophet Thiel writes how he had to tell Meredith that he and the LCG are no longer doing the work.

Perhaps I should mention that Dr. Meredith did send me an unusual email this week, and in my reply, I told him that "without changes, I do not believe that LCG can possibly be the group that God will use to complete the final phase of the work. I have totally committed myself to support the Philadelphian end time work of God, which is why, to a great degree because of steps you did and did not take, the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) had to be formed."

Maybe those in LCG should realize that God may not be giving that group as much favor anymore? LCG no longer truly leads God's work. Hopefully, possibly because of its fast today, some will be better able to reflect on that.
Then the prophet makes a comment that shows he just does not  truly get it.  He thinks that all the people in the hundreds and hundreds of splinter groups will eventually wake up and move over to the dark his side.  Doesn't he realize ludicrous it is to even write this? 


Doesn't the worlds biggest buffoon prophet realized that the hundreds and hundreds of splinter groups will NEVER join together to accomplish any mighty work  There are to many egos and big heads in the picture.  Just look at the ego of prophet Thiel!  He will not share the spotlight with anyone.  He wanted to do it with Rod Meredith and got swiftly rebuked.

We in the Continuing Church of God are boldly going forward with the work. We are leading the final phase of the work. Hopefully, more who were once part of GCG/LCG/WCG/UCG/COGWA/EnCOG/ECG, etc., as well as those who are newer seekers of the truth, will be like the Bereans and search to see that these things are so (Acts 17:10-12).

The Bereans would laugh at the Continuing Church of God!