Sunday, July 5, 2015

UCG: Only In A COG Will You Have Leadership Devoting Hours Of Talk While Fasting About A LOGO!

The latest Counsel of Elders report is out from those fun folk in Cincinnati.  UCG has been dumping tens of thousands of dollars into brave attempts to rebrand its image.  The tired and worn out 1980's ways of doing things are not working too well for the Cincinnati crowd.

They first started a media campaign to give the world a better view of the UCG.  That hundred thousand dollar expense basically garnered "1" potential member.  Money was dropped on billboard campaigns and other advertising avenues.

Then UCG had the bright idea of redoing its main web site.  Frustrated by the more advanced new designs of the Philadelphia Church of God and the Restored Church of God with their new web site, UCG knew it had to do something.

Always ones to blend into the world as best as the can while still keeping a little toe in Armstrongism, they redesigned their web site.  The problem with their new design was that you had to go several steps into it before you ever found out anything that really described what the church was rally about or what it believed.  the first few pages was full of syrupy feel good articles meant to draw the viewer in.

Their next step was to redesign the Beyond Today blog and TV cast.  That is where things are starting to get weird.  The UCG COE has been "fasting" over its new logo. A logo!

In the Church of God, fasting was always used as an avenue to appease a god that was eternally pissed off about something. It was always used by the church as a tool to gain more money.  Occasionally it was used as a means to beseech the angry god to heal people. They were always "one time acts" meant to make God change it's mind.

Isaiah58 has a different take on fasting than what most COGs every use it for.  Fasting was never a required in scripture and was never something that Jesus commanded of his followers.

Christian fasting is more than denying ourselves food or something else of the flesh - it's a sacrificial lifestyle before God. In Isaiah 58; we learn what a "true fast" is. It's not just a one-time act of humility and denial before God, it's a lifestyle of servant ministry to others. As Isaiah tells us, fasting encourages humility, loosens the chains of injustice, unties the chords of the yoke, frees the oppressed, feeds the hungry, provides for the poor, and clothes the naked. This concept of fasting isn't a one day thing - it's a lifestyle of servant living for God and others.

Imagine that, fasting is about "servant leadership."  We have all seen to well how well THAT has worked in the COG!  Servant leaders in a COG is an oxymoron.

Instead of praying and fasting for the continuing trauma in the UCG due to its burdensome doctrines and heavy handedness, they are fasting and praying for a logo!  A stupid advertising logo!

President Kubik welcomed everyone and explained that the purpose of his presentation was to show the Council the latest design of the proposed United Church of God and Beyond Today logos. This is a follow up to the meeting in May in which general consensus led to the further development of one of the designs. He discussed the many meetings held with the LPK firm about the logo design. The discussions included what could not be used such as religious symbols and any depiction of God.Clint Porter, Beyond Today (BT) visual designer and video producer, was introduced to give a presentation on what logos are and what they are not. Then three representatives from LPK were introduced to give their explanation of the design they have been working on.

The Council was then asked for input. Their questions and comments about the logo were discussed for over an hour.

Mr. Kubik reminded everyone of the need for an updated Church and BT logo and mentioned the credentials of the world-renowned LPK firm. The administration has prayed and fasted about this process, and they are now asking the Council to reach a decision. A resolution was read and discussed. The discussion continued for about another hour and a half.

The COE spent an hour and a half talking about a LOGO and then not able to reach a consensus, they knew they could not put it to a vote, so extended the "study" time of the all important logo. There are priorities in the UCG and it apparently does NOT include its hurting members.  The all important logo will inspire tens of thousands of new income bearing members  to join the end-times army as they prepared to become "Gods" and get their own planets.

Due to the length of discussion and considerable input expressed about the proposed logo, Mr. Webber recommended not taking this matter to ballot, which is the normal outcome of a proposed resolution on the table, but to continue research and development at this time. The “sense of the Council” was to agree with Mr. Webber’s comment.
Peter Eddington, Media and Communications Services operation manager, requested that each council member write and send their comments about the logo so that the administration can have a basis to work from in going forward.

Mr. Kubik thanked the Council for their input and commented that the administration will review their comments and present them to LPK for further revision. He also stated that he and the administration’s desire is to continue working with the Council on this matter and all issues and fully appreciates the Council’s oversight role and looks forward to complying with its input and directives.   COE Meeting Report, June 10, 2015

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Living Church of God Splinter Group Reveals New Logo

From a reader here:

Here's the just finished logo for a soon-coming LCG splinter after RCM's demise.  It's core doctrines will be everything RCM ever said or did, including wife spanking, gay bashing, sermons on sexual perversions, boxing, and wildly speculative prophecy.  All members will share the honorary title of Third Most Important Person in the Work.

That is not a cross you see.  It is a sword.

Canadian COG Member Dethrones James Malm's Prophecy Predictions: Says Tribulation Starts October 2016

For many decades we had one crazy American Church of God member after another coming up with every imaginable end-time scenario.  Now that every single one of them have been abject failures at their predictions, it seems the Canadians now are taking over.

First we had James Malm with his endless tirades of Pharisical bullshit and false prophecies. Now we have another Canadian in our midst. His name is Henry.  He is a 61 year old Canadian from Alberta.  Henry knows more about "true"prophecy than the angry divorcee James Malm.  Malm must be cowering at the awesomeness of Henry!

He writes:

Mr. Armstrong passed away in 86 leaving as his successor, Mr. Joe Tkach Sr., who in short order, began changing doctrine from those taught by Christ through His 12 Apostles.  It was at that point that I left the Worldwide Church of God organization.

From that time until now, I have remained on my own, holding fast to the teachings of the 12 Apostles.

For the last 31 years, with very few exceptions, I have maintained a minimum two hour per day bible study regime.

Also, during that time, the principal taught in the Book of Daniel regarding prophetic events being revealed on a "need to know" basis has been manifested much more so now then ever before. Those events are made known in order to give a warning.

For whatever reason, and I am sure He has one, God has been giving me understanding of those prophecy's.  Having been "stuck" through inspiration, in the Book of Ezekiel, for the better part of a year, I do know it is the responsibility of those blessed with that knowledge, to pass it on.
That is the main reason for this website.  To make known to those whom God chooses to be taken into His "Place of Safety", the fulfillment and time sequence of the prophetic events leading up to and including when they are taken.  He reveals a massive amount that until now has not even been considered by those making claims to the contrary.

Henry says the tribulation will begin in October of 2016.  Get your bags packed because its going to be a bumpy ride!

As you will see, there is absolutely no doubt that the "Great Tribulation" is about to take the world by surprise.  You will also prove from the word of God, that it starts in Oct. 2016.

At that point, all are saved.  Some saved in the "Wilderness" where God protects them, some saved for canon fodder, famine and pestilence, and some saved for captivity, slavery and torture.

We can choose to deny it or work at being taken to God's "Place and Safety" for the duration.

The Prophet Isaiah tells us that of those outside that Place and Safety, only 1 in 10 live to see the start of the millennium.

In 2020 Jesus Christ will return.

The return of Christ in 2020, ushers in the 1,000 year reign known as the Millennium. The start of the Kingdom of God on earth.

The fall of 2016 marks the time Christ takes His people into the wilderness spoken of in Revelation 12:14
Henry apparently feels he has the power to offer a prayer for you over an anointed cloth that will prevent you from heading into the tribulation:

As a small token of gratitude, I have initiated a "Prayer Cloth" program where those who have donated to this work will be given a cloth over which a special blessing has been asked.  

One that asks God to consider that person as worthy to be protected during the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. 

You can read the rest of the silliness he is publishing here:  Its Time Church of God

Friday, July 3, 2015

Vic Kubik Proclaims UCG's Stance Of Gay Marriage While His Own Church Is Morally Bankrupt

Vic Kubik is speaking out with his interpretation of what he and UCG thinks marriage is.  Vic declares that the UCG only acknowledges the Supreme Court of Heaven and not the decision of any human court.

Anyone that has ever followed or been part of the United Church of God or any other Church of God for that matter,  know that marriage has never been held up as a pinnacle of virtue by some of its leaders and members. Adultery has been rampant in the COG for decades.  UCG is filled with it.  Even its own leaders have been guilty of it.

What about the embezzlers in the COG that steal Church members tithes and offerings for their own benefit?  What about COG leaders living lives of excess and luxury as members suffer?

If the UCG and the other COG's really uphold what they are claiming to hold dear from the Bible, then why do NONE of them aid the homeless, help the suffering, feed the hungry, care for the prostitutes or care for the environment?  When have any of these Churches ever set foot in an AIDS hospice or cared for people with AIDS?  When has any of them ever worked with gang members to help them get out of that life style?  How many of them have ever worked with children who are stuck in the system without parents?  How many have ever set foot in a local school and tutored disadvantaged kids and been role models to the parentless?

How many of these men have ever actually sit down and had a deep conversation with the gay and lesbian members sitting in their own churches this very day?  They are sitting there in UCG, LCG, PCG and RCG. Imagine what its like to hear their so called leaders stand in the pulpit and say some of the absurd shit that they are currently doing!  Imagine sitting in an LCG service with Rod Meredith!!!!!  Bloody hell!

When the Churches of God get their own corrupt sin-filled houses in order then and only then might world actually sit up and take notice of them.  Decades of placing emphasis on the law instead of Jesus and grace has left the Churches of God looking rather maladroit.

Why Does Rod Meredith, Rod McNair and Bob League Treat LCG Members With Such Disdain?

The Living Church of God has been going overboard lately in trying to impress upon its members  how "unified" the church is.  You can be guaranteed that when any Church of God starts a "we have never been more unified" campaign that they are any thing but!

Why does the Church of God (Armstrong version) have such a horrendous record of being unkind and unforgiving to its members?  Jesus certainly NEVER acted this why does Rod Meredith., Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, James Malm and Vic Kubik?

A reader here writes:

The sad thing is I know of several of the disfollowshipped. Who have gone to Meredith and McNair and League to make peace. They just wanted to live in peace, some even confessed that they were wrong and all LCG did was spit in their face. Saying that there was no room for forgiveness for them. And that they would never attend LCG again. They also said that they did not believe they were repentant. Can they see their hearts and minds? It took a lot for some of these people to just go to them. Believe me they will never go again!

Now I hear that LCG is saying that they did all this in LOVE for these people. WHAT!!! How can this be love? There is no forgiveness and kindness in LCG. God would not treat people this way. He ate with publicans and sinners. And they Bible says only he can see the hearts and minds of people and to be careful how you judge! I think they are just modern day Pharisees.