Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Rod Meredith Said It Was OK To Lie As Long As It Protected the Church

From a reader here:

When I was a student in Rod's class in Pasadena in 1967 I heard him say that it it OK to lie to protect the church or "the work". He suggested that one could make an untrue statement and then (in your head) add something to the statement or amend it in some way that would make it true. So, I would not believe anything that comes out of Rod's mouth on the witness stand because you don't know what he is blathering inside his own mind. He is simply not credible in any circumstances.

Living Church of God/Scarborough Lawsuit: The Quandry Supboened Members and Ministers Are In

Now that members and ministers in the Living Church of God have bern subpoenaed to testify in the Scarborough lawsuit, there is a quandary that members and ministers are having to face.

These members and ministers have to testify, under oath, the truth about what they saw happen.  They are faced with a dilemma that none of them are comfortable with.  If they tell the truth, they have to tell how despicable Rod McNair and Rod Meredith have been towards the Scarborough's, and in doing that they face the possible expulsion from the church and being kicked out of the ministry for betraying  Meredith.

On the other hand, if they lie, then they will be wracked with guilt knowing that they are covering up for the abusers and that they have broken the law, both biblically and nationally.  However, there are many in the Church of God who believe that "justified lying" is ok.  Church members did this during the court receivership in Pasadena when the State of California smacked the church with a lawsuit on misuse of funds.

It's an even bigger dilemma for ministers.  If you testify and tell the truth, then the chances are high you will be terminated when the Scarborough's win the lawsuit.  Rod Meredith will never forget those that stabbed him in the back.  The church will keep records on who testifies and it will be used as a weapon against them.  WCG did this to members in the State of California lawsuit.  Those who supported the claimants and those who testified with the truth, were terminated and disfellowshipped.

There will be a big purge after this is all over.  Win or loose, those that testify will face repercussions.

Vic Kubik's LifeNets Church of God

Many in UCG have always felt large discomfort with the blurring of the lines of UCG with LifeNets, the pet "ministry" of Vic Kubik.  Many question the man running two organizations that are suppose to be separate, but are they really?  LifeNets presents itself as a "humanitarian organization" to woo in the public while failing to disclose it is a Church of God related tool to encourage people to come over to the dark side.  Is Kubik and UCG too embarrassed to to say UCG is behind it and that it is a recruitment tool for  its "god", much like HWA started Ambassador Foundation because he was too embarrassed to say he represented the Worldwide Church of God?  While it has undeniably done some good, its motives are questionable.

See more here: LifeNets

Those in Australia need to know (as do those in South Africa and most international locations) that their ‘church’ is not really an extension of the UCG in the USA — instead they are what Cincinnati calls the “LifeNets” churches –they are not funded by UCG any longer, have to be self-sufficient, and Kubik travels to them on LifeNets funds, not UCG money. This is why the moment the “airy” sermon is over, Kubik launches into a 45-minute LifeNets presentation to the congregation. Legally he has to do this because he is on LifeNets money which is being audited. The members are not in a Church, they are just laborers in a commercial LifeNets exercise, even thought they don’t know it. Council members who did not want Kubik as president (took the most re-balloting ever ) finally acquiesced over the information that it would save UCG money since Kubik was the only only one who could travel internationally on another budget (namely his private Corporation Sole LifeNets, which has made him the wealthiest Council member, and which he built in competition with the Good Works program, since that one wasn’t going to earn him anything personally). 
And yes, we are all supposed to give up our various ‘cultural backgrounds’ to put on the culture of Christ, but this man Kubik still can’t disconnect himself from a Ukrainian village he has never really lived in, now bending the truth to accommodate a small Pentecostal and trinitarian group there that clearly for over 20 years has shown no interest in joining with UCG. But,like the populism of Brexit and Trump, it’s beginning to all blow up: we have what we call the “parking lot church” in our congregation — it’s about what is said when everyone goes to their cars so the minister can’t hear them, and it’s about 50% of the congregation now that meets this way — outside. The moment someone stands up with some integrity and calls UCG out on all of this, the following is in place and ready to move.