Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Here is a Quick Way To Earn $10,000 By Proving The Sabbath Is A Weekly Command

We will give $10,000 dollars to anyone who can:
  1. Give us a single Bible verse where the weekly Sabbath commandment is quoted in the New Testament. (Almost all the 10 commandments are listed in the New Testament, find the 4th commandment quoted in the New Testament.)
  2. Give us a single Bible verse after the resurrection of Christ, that says Christians should keep the Sabbath day. (Heb 4:9 is not the weekly Sabbath, but the eternal Sabbath rest in heaven. Looking carefully at the text, you will see four rests in Hebrews 4: 1. Eternal rest in heaven. 2. The creation rest of God in Gen 2:2. 3. Canaan rest in the promised land for the Jews that Joshua gave: Deut. 12:9-10. 4. 7th day Sabbath rest. Hebrews 4 shows that the weekly Sabbath was merely one of three anti-types of our eternal Sabbath rest in heaven! It certainly cannot be a command to keep the weekly Sabbath!)
  3. Give us a single Bible verse where exclusively Christians came together on the Sabbath day as a church or prayer meeting after the resurrection of Christ. (We have an example of a church meeting with exclusively Christians were in the audience who came together for the purpose of partaking of the Lord's supper and preaching on the first day of the week, Sunday, in Acts 20:7. Paul preaching to Jews on the Sabbath to convert them, is not an example of the church meeting on the Sabbath day, but is an example of Paul going into a Jewish worship service.) 
  4. Give us a single Bible verse where the Hebrew word for the weekly Sabbath found in the ten commandments, is found in the book of Genesis. (Sabbatarian preachers always say that Adam and Abraham kept the Sabbath, yet offer no proof! Sabbatarians will find the common word for "rest" in Genesis, but never the special word for the weekly Sabbath!)
Collect your money here. Imagine how great your next Feast vacation will be with this!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Delicate, But Not Bitter, COG Leader Continues His Crybaby Matinee Series

And the show continues!

A former follower of Not Almost-arrested and Not Bitter Bob Theil sent me Thiel's list of "proofs" he is a martyr because this blog, Ambassador Watch, The Painful Truth and other blogs and websites have been picking on him.

It is actually quit funny reading his list while realizing that REAL prophets, apostles, church leaders, etc., could care less what people thought about them, nor have they ever found the need to publish detailed lists defending themselves from vicious attacks by perceived persecutors.

Here is the detailed list of "profs" that Improperly Named But Actually True Almost-arrested Not Bitter Bob Thiel writes about himself:

  1. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a chiropractor.
  2. I did not attend, nor graduate from, the old Ambassador College.
  3. As far as being repeatedly called 'almost arrested Thiel' by a critic online who seemingly wants to imply I was some type of criminal, it is true I faced possible arrest for keeping the Day of Atonement when I was still part of the US military. I was told by the military leaders that I had no legal ground to stand on, and I knew would be arrested after I failed to show up at on the Day of Atonement. However, after I prayed, got an answer to prayer, and gave that answer (cf. Luke 21:14-15; Nehemiah 2:1-6) the military backed down, and I was not arrested, but was able to properly keep the Day of Atonement that year (1979). I also left the military with an honorable discharge when my enlistment ended 6 months later (I was not part of the COG when I initially enlisted).
  4. My Ph.D. degree is real and the Union Institute and University is not a diploma mill. (FWIW, former UCG, and now COGWA minister, Dr. Ralph Levy attended Union Institute & University when I did and that is also where he got his doctorate.)
  5. My M.S. degree is real and I really did attend, and graduate from, the University of Southern California.
  6. The fact that I have pursued other education beyond my M.S. and Ph.D. degrees should not be considered a negative as some of my critics imply. As I already had an accredited doctorate, an international school that would allow me to study aspects of church history was later chosen for cost, convenience, and the fact that I would not be forced to accept doctrines I disagreed with, but instead could rebut them was a logical choice, irrespective of what others may think of it. The fact that a foreign school I studied theology from changed its name (and some people online have tended to make a big deal about this), does not change the fact that I wrote a 589 page, single-spaced, doctoral dissertation with 1302 end-note references plus hundreds and hundreds of scriptures for my Th.D. which may or may not have 'accreditation.' The work done there and in my doctoral dissertation helped restore much that many have lost related to the true history of the Church of God. Information from that work is included in the booklet. Perhaps I should mention that when I was in the Living Church of God, after reviewing my degree, I was told I would be given the title of 'Adjunct Professor for Theology' at Living University--shortly before I left that church.
  7. I have never knowingly posted incorrect information about anyone in any of my articles, etc. And I do correct factual errors that are properly brought to my attention. Those who claim I am a liar and do not fix factual errors are bearing false witness as I have always corrected factual errors and do so after such errors are learned.
  8. Most of my articles are documented with references to news articles, books, and the Bible. Yet, for some reason, many critics seem to overlook the facts when they make a variety of odd (and sometimes false) statements about me and/or my writings.
  9. The overall cost of production, distribution, and promotion of theological books that I have written exceeds the revenues and royalties that they generate, hence I have no overall net profit from the sale of theological books--so no, I am not making a living off of them.
  10. I have made no false prophecies about Karl-Theodor Guttenberg nor anyone else. Actually, seven-nine of my speculative predictions about Baron Guttenberg have been confirmed (Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North?) and world events have confirmed at least thirty-three predictions in my book about 2012 (see End of Mayan Calendar 2012--Might 2012 Mean Something?).
  11. I have never personally claimed to be an apostle.
  12. In order to try to separate aspects of my life from my COGwriter site, as well as to minimize certain potential criticisms, I do not list every possible piece of information about myself, my education, or my job. I suspect that if I did, I would also receive additional false criticism that I do COGwriter/CCOG to make money for a business I own, etc. I believe that there is enough factual information here and at and that those interested in the truth should be able to recognize it.
  13. I took no salary from the Living Church of God despite the articles and work I did for it for over a decade (and turned down two offers from its then presiding evangelist to pay me). I am not, no ever have been, a 'hireling' like some liars have posted. A 'hireling' is a minister who is in the ministry for a paycheck, and I have never taken a paycheck from the Global, Living, or Continuing Church of God.
  14. I still take no salary from the Continuing Church of God nor does my wife. Nor was the Continuing Church of God began as some type of personal revenue generator like several have falsely indicated on the internet.
  15. I am not a religious 'profit.' Critics who falsely call me a 'profit' to imply that I run CCOG and/or am working on the final phase of the work as some type of a personal fund raiser are extremely wrong. Doing the work I have done associated with COGwriter/LCG/CCOG these past two decades has cost my business and family more money than they would believe. This fact alone should get any who see this false accusation to realize that I am serious about doing the work that I believe God wants done.
  16. Despite insults and other names, I am not bitter, but am disappointed that certain COG leaders I worked with for years broke their words and espouse improper doctrines. It seems mainly to be bitter people who falsely ascribe that 'bitter' word to me. And yes, I do regularly, "pray for those who spitefully use ... and persecute" (Matthew 5:44) me.
  17. Although mainly because of lighting, the late Herbert W. Armstrong did wear makeup when being filmed, I do not. Nor have I ever had a spray-on tan like some critics have alleged online. The fact that I have worked in the hot sun doing church videos/research in some parts of the world, and have gotten tanned sometimes through the process, is not a negative.
  18. As a Church of God leader I have never 'destroyed peoples lives' nor attempted to profit from their tithes & offerings as some who libel/slander me on the internet have asserted without proof. I have repeatedly worked to keep marriages and families intact.
  19. Hands were laid upon me as I was privately anointed with oil and prayed over to receive a 'double-portion of God's Spirit' on December 15, 2011. Since King David ended up getting anointed in private and in public, I, too, was also publicly anointed--that was on February 9, 2017 by Evangelist Evans Ochieng (formerly of GCG) and Overseer/Pastor Samuel Ofosu Gyeabour (formerly of CG7). I am not a self-anointed nor false prophet, but do meet the New Testament criteria (see also How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God). Sadly, most people have their own prejudices and will not believe what the Bible teaches on that subject (see, for example, Bob Thiel addresses some false statements from ‘accusers of the brethren’). The Apostle Paul warned to not to "despise prophecies" (1 Thessalonians 5:20) and explained that there would be prophets in the church (Ephesians 4:11), yet people do not accept the criteria he was inspired to lay out (e.g. 1 Corinthians 14:29-32).
  20. Despite the FACT that God says He speaks to prophets through dreams per Numbers 12:6, some scoff and make fun of how God has said He reveals Himself to prophets. I did have two dreams that were confirmed, and others had dreams related to the CCOG that were also confirmed (see Dreams, the Bible, the Radio Church of God, and the Continuing Church of God).

Not almost-arrested, but really almost arrested,  but not bitter Bob also writes:

Notice something that Jesus said:
11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12)
And many have reviled me and said all kinds of evil against me falsely (to see some false accusations and responses, check out the article Banned by HWA and Ambassador Watch.).