Sunday, May 13, 2018

COG Evangelist Rails Against "Queers" & "Hippie" Bill Clinton

Wes White writes:

I can’t believe i once thought GTA was a great speaker!  Just listen to the nonsense in this clip!  The old Ambassador Report once rightly labelled Ted’s preaching style as “hallucinatory braggadocio.”  I don't remember ever hearing any Christian love in his messages.  Just prophetic warnings that, if you don't heed my message, you will be killed or taken into slavery by the German beast power.  That is, if disease and pestilence don't kill you first. (Remember the Basil Wolverton pictures of people with boils all over their bodies?  And the guy with a spear thru his neck?) 
Looking back, i now find Ted’s nastiness and negativity unsettling.  I now find his name-calling repugnant.  As i recently watched this clip, i was reminded of Joe McCarthy’s drunken rants that included half-baked accusations against “all those communists” who had supposedly infiltrated the US State Department during his time.   Both practiced demagoguery. 
Yes, politicians and preachers love to create boogeymen for us to hate and fear.   
And the false prophecy in this clip is hilarious.  Ted spoke these words in 1992 during the Clinton Presidency.  In this message, he falsely claimed that America would never again win some conflict and then proudly wave the Stars and Stripes as was done in the First Gulf War.  
Apparently, the evil spirit that inspired him to utter this false prophecy was not aware that the second George Bush would soon — not only defeat Saddam Hussein — but that Bush II would also topple the Iraqi dictator from power.
Finally, it is public knowledge that Ted served in the US Navy.  However, after his subsequent conversion to the WCG and promotion to being one its top leaders, he presided over an organization that forbade the young men in the church to join the armed forces.  While enforcing this prohibition, Ted had the audacity to preach military saber rattling and military action.   You can’t have it both ways.
What was wrong with me for falling in with this group led by people with so much personal, religious, and corporate dysfunction?  Call me namby-pamby, but i find more helpful teachings in Matthew 5, 6, and 7 than in Ted’s sermons.
It is clear to me that, when i read the hateful rants of Mark Armstrong today, his teachings are an almost carbon copy of his dad’s futile blusterings.   Until recently, i had forgotten how messed up Ted’s messages were.  
May God forgive us for supporting men like this.  For those of us who claim to be Christians, it’s time for us to repudiate these twisted prophetic teachings.  It’s all done for financial gain.  These teachings appeal to our basic instincts. They bring out the worst in us.  
Instead, let’s embrace the wonderful teachings of the Word of God — remembering that while Armstrongism’s teachings and Bible teachings would often converge, the teachings in this clip are NOT biblical.  They are not of God.  
Wes White has a self-funded ministry called that does not ask for and does not accept donations from the public.  Wes may be reached at  

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Blast from the past: GTA Sings "My Way"

That song pretty much sums up GTA's life and the life of most all of the splinter group leaders. In 2018 they are still doing it their way.

Dave Pack: "I am a clay pot that God is using to accomplish the impossible"

Dave starts Chapter 1 of his biography off with this deceptive myth that Dave likes to foster off as if Herbert had Dave constantly by his side in order to exclusively train him. That is an absolute impossibility that anyone in Pasadena could verify as never happening in the last 15 years of HWA's life and particularly the last 6 years or so.
David C. Pack was personally trained by Mr. Armstrong during the last 15 years of his life. (This was in addition to four years of Ambassador College.) In part because of this unusual training, Mr. Pack was in a position that God could use him to restore everything that had been lost. Today his ministry is a continuation of the same Work.
It took ever so humble Dave 2 1/2 years of intense humbleness and examination of his godly soul to determine that his story needed to be told.
The idea of a biography of Mr. Pack’s life first arose in late 2003 or early 2004. It took Mr. Pack a long time—about two and a half years—to come to grips with the fact that the book needed to be written.
Dave is God's chosen human and imperfect vessel.
Many fail to comprehend that God works through flesh. While all people are imperfect and all people make mistakes, it is vital to recognize that God has always chosen to work through human beings—flawed “clay pots.” But when a man determines to yield himself to Christ—when he dedicates his life to following the will of God no matter what—God can use that man to accomplish the impossible (Matt. 19:26Phil. 4:13).
Dave has been tested by his god to be chosen for his extraordinary and difficult assignment.
As you read this biography, you will see that God tries, tests and proves His servants time and time again—over and over and over—and He has to do this, not only because trials both reveal character and build it, but He must know and understand the heart and mind of the human instrument through whom He is working.
How much more and greater become these trials and tests if the man at their center has been chosen for extraordinary and difficult responsibility?
God's direct intervention in Dave's life is even more extraordinary than Herbert Armstrong's.  Dave says that HWA heard God's call at the age of 34, but Dave was even more special, God spoke to him when he was 17!  Dave says he has received an even more comprehensive and intensive training than Herbert did for the same position.
...God called Mr. Armstrong when he was already 34 years old and married for 10 years with two children. He first opened Mr. Pack’s eyes to the truth when he was half as old—a teenager of just 17. Then, Mr. Armstrong had very little time to prepare for the role of leading the Church, while Mr. Pack was blessed with many years of comprehensive—and intensive!—preparation before coming to the same position.
Dave ends Chapter 1 with this:
Finally, Mr. Armstrong was Mr. Pack’s teacher, not the other way around. Mr. Pack attended Ambassador College, while Mr. Armstrong started and led it.
However, there are similarities seen throughout the two men’s biographies, with the most notable being that both men led lives of submission to God’s will, coupled with a unique determination not to compromise any of His truth, no matter how seemingly “small” or “minor” the point.
Humility. Apparently, it is a commodity that neither man had!