Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Summer's Coming! So, A Fireside Chat about SEP Decades ago

I have always said that if there is one thing the Church did right - it was the Summer Educational Program.

Now many may have different opinions on this based on where they were in the Church Timeline. The 1960s and 1970s were particularly rough, with SEP operating more as a boot camp then a Summer Camp for many - spankings and all. My time, however, was an escape from fundamentalist realities and other issues in family life, personal life, and in the Church, and the SEP experience for me was downright liberal to me - based on exactly how much that the teens got away with. I was shocked when I caught two high school workers making out on the anchor desk of the TV/Radio Studio, was even more shocked when on a voyageur canoe trip the Counselors had us go up a hill for our bathroom - which was in clear view of the girl's bathroom in the valley! (I did my best not to look!!) Yet despite these and other contradictions to the Faith I invested every ounce of my time and effort into - SEP was an amazing event for a kid. 

Every moment of my day was filled to the brim with activity. From basketball to volleyball, from windsurfing (or trying to) to television and radio, to softball - from morning to evening it was constant go, go, and go again. The team, led by Dr. Kermit Nelson, would constantly play music meant to "build us up" in teamwork - such as "The Olympic Spirit" by John Williams when we walked into Orientation, to "One Moment in Time" by Whitney Houston. We'd spend our time learning to dance with Rex De Le Pena (a college student) with the song "I Never Walk Alone" by Huey Lewis and the News. And we'd hear "Sail Away" by Enya more times than we could count. This isn't to say it was always Armstrong-Land at SEP. Boyz II Men's "Motown Philly" was always playing on the Camp Radio Station KSEP. (It WAS the Early 90s, after all!) And I will NEVER forget when I woke up one morning staring directly into a counselor's open fly where a flacid Johnson was accidentally exposed. (I am positive this was a complete accident. I turned away fast as we turned away from Christmas at the time!) (No, I'm not saying who this person was!)

We had Christian living classes. We were constantly told that God's Way Works. We'd go into the Gymnasium every Friday Night for hymn sings, or to the Fellowship area for Fireside Chats, or chat with a Dorm Parent. I got to meet people at SEP we all hear about now... Gerald Weston (I have some stories about this dude), Bernie Schnippert, Curtis May, among many others. But if there was one thing we NEVER discussed at SEP was Jesus. 

Sure, we'd hear from Carl McNair about respect and using the names Mr. and Mrs. frequently. We'd hear from Dr. Nelson about this thing about Negative Ions and if there is one place in all the world we would want to be it was "RIGHT HERE" - we'd all yell in unison. We'd hear from other leading pastors (such as Greg Sargeant) about many teen issues. But we were never taught at SEP about Jesus. 

When Gary talks about Jesus Christ as the "Inconvenient Dude" who was hardly ever mentioned - either then, or now, in the Church - he was exactly right, at least in my experience. And at SEP, there was so much going on that Jesus seemed completely irrelevant. We'd certainly know it if we did something wrong - like no side hugs for greater than 3 seconds with a member of the opposite sex, or accidentally held hands (!) - or called a college kid by their first name (!!!) - or did something innocuously wrong on the Sabbath. But never was a "Christian Living" class about the One who was supposedly the center of our Joy - Jesus Christ. Not even once. Jesus may have been mentioned 'in passing" in a Sabbath Service, or in an opening or closing prayer. The truth of it is, none of us kids even cared about Jesus because we had never been introduced to Him. We simply were there to have fun. And for that, the Church did a phenomenal job of providing that. 

SEP holds a dear place in my heart to this day. It's a conflicted heart, knowing what I know now about the Church, it's origins, and it's background and especially it's founder. Looking at Google Earth at the former Campus - abandoned and desolate save a dorm or two left over and the Gymnasium - must give ex-church members the same feelings when they look at the Pasadena Campus (or what is left of it). Yet, it comprises a moment in time when a kid could be a kid. I met my first real crush and first love there (that did not unfortunately work out years later), made some decent buddies, and had some bad memories too for various reasons. But it was a place that constantly invades my dreams to this day - because they succeeded in making me feel welcomed and accepted for the most part.

How much better it would have been if they had introduced Jesus, that inconvenient dude, to us kids at SEP that year. But we were far too busy judging each other on how we were supposed to keep the Sabbath. That was an argument I won't forget, nor shall I ever forget SEP. I breathe a deep sigh of fond memories thinking about those summers in Orr, Minnesota, and occasionally, even drip a tear or two. 

And I'm sure I am not alone in this retrospect. It is difficult to imagine, however, all those kids and where they are now considering everything that has happened in the last 25 to 30 years in our common heritage. I just wonder what that "Inconvenient Dude" Mr. Christ would have thought if He had even been mentioned there or had been focused on, instead of whether or not Chess or Cards were acceptable to play between the "Gentiles" and the "Converted" youth of the Church. 

I guess 2000 years later, some things never changed.

submitted by SHT

Dave Pack: Christ is...NO!....I AM THAT PROPHET!

Monday, May 13, 2019

COG Members Talk About The "Dark Years (1980-1990's)" Of The Church

This was on Facebook the other day and illustrates another example of why the Armstrong Church of God movement is doomed to utter destruction.  When the current churches cannot even educate their 20 - 30-year-olds about its past history, then there is no hope for them. 

Actually, on second thought, I am GLAD the church is filled with these kinds of people.  It ensures the utter destruction of the churches! It's like reading the COG version of Dumb and Dumberer!

reprinted with permission...enjoy!
About 5 years ago, I came across a group named; "Cult Survivors of WCG/GCI the Dark Years". Most all the members were born during the 80--90's. I never posted there. It vanished a few months later. I copied some of the conversations in the group. I spent some time this morning removing names and replacing them with numbers. I ran out of time but will post more later. Enjoy. 

100; "Was Herbert Armstrong a minister or member? I heard he was terrible."
101; "Herbert, was ordained by Tkach Sr, in the mid 1970's. He split with the church in the mid 1980's. I think he died or something happened to him. He's not with GCI anymore."
102; "My mother went with Rod Meredith's church. I think Armstrong is a minister in Meredith's church." 

101; "Meredith is Herbert's grandfather."

100; "You're right 101, I remember now. Thanks."

Admin; "Armstrong was NOT related to Meredith! He was pastor of the Big Sandy local church. He died the year I was born 1986."
100; "Admin, thanks for setting the record straight. Wow, you really lived during the dark years in the cult. Thank you for setting up this group as a place to share our deep wounds we received in the cult."
104; "This group is clueless about the old teachings. Why not just create a site called the Clueless of WCG/GCI?"
Admin; "104; you're a troll and will be removed from the group. I was born in 1986. I've lived through the strictest period in the cult."
100: "Why do trolls come into a victim's group then try to hurt our minds with their BS?"
Admin; "Some idiots get their jollies doing it. He's gone now."
100; "he reminded me of the other troll from last week. Telling everyone they used to pay three tithes. What a hoot! Nobody could afford to pay that. Trying to play us for fools."
101; "trolls spins things just to get a reaction."
105; "Admin, I want to thank you for providing a safe place so we can get facts."
106; "Radio Church of God was it connected to WCG/GCI?
102; "Yes, when they were doing the broadcast on Radio that was the name they went by. Then they changed it to Plain Truth Ministries.
Admin; "102 & 106, It was also called the "World Tomorrow".
102; "I forgot about the WT."
106; "Wasn't there another Armstrong preacher that was killed in a car wreck?"
Admin; "Garner Ted was his name he was Herbert's son."
107; "Did Tkach ordain him too?"
Admin; "Herbert ordained him."
107; "A father ordaining his own son? How strange. Did Tkach or the church board approve it?
Admin; "107, I'll check on that." 

"The COG has a major marketing problem."

Ever since the Worldwide Church of God imploded into hundreds of splinter groups, the Armstrong Churches of God have had major marketing issues in getting their message out to the world.  UCG and LCG slap themselves on the back by boasting about programs on Roku and other streaming devices and quote outrageous figures of "potential" viewers as if they are actual viewers.  Millions of people do NOT tune in to their programs.  Most just skip past or watch a couple minutes to get an idea on what the app is about and then move on when they see it is a religious program.

None of the ACOG have ever been able to figure out how to appeal to the younger generation. Certain mainline churches have found that niche and draw in thousands of millennials, GenX, GenY, GenZ, to worship services, but not one single ACOGever has.  And, why should they?  What do any of the ACOG have to offer that is of value?

When a person lives in a crazy world with potential upheavals just a phone swipe away, why would anyone want to park their butt in a 2-hour service where the minister is constantly talking about death and damnation soon to hit the world, about being zealous in order to become vindictive Pharisees,  or listening to a crooked Chief Overseer rail on in a sermon filled with 30-40 DIFFERENT subjects?  Who needs that?

I’m an elder millennial BB (born in 80s), ex COG, and the last generation who witnessed WCG as kids. 
The COG has a major marketing problem. How do you make appealing doctrines like BI that go against genetics?  
How do you keep talking about the return of Christ and the end times without addressing living in harmony in the modern world?
Homosexuals are continually railed against but many have co-workers, acquaintances, or dare I say friends who are gay. 
Also as a generation who has witnessed graphic design, special effects, and cutting edge technology. Telecasts of all kinds look cheesy, their messages are not exciting and do not hold our attention. 
How are two hour services still a thing? Cut that in half lol
What is new and innovative in Armstrongism? Not much at all.
Also, millennials have their issues but in my experience Baby Boomers are the most entitled group as they are receiving the most entitlements currently. As a generation we’re passionate, adaptable, thoughtful, and harder to sell on things. 
Especially mass market products like Armstrongism and Applebee’s.
"Angry Kitchen Table False Prophet Lashes Out At All Church of God Groups"

Sunday, May 12, 2019

"The only thing the church does is train the future princes and princesses."

Anonymous in a comment said to me: 

"The only thing the church does is train the future princes and princesses."

I think I probably read that about ten times - each time, letting it sink in the Armstrong opinion (or at the very least, this commentator) of what the Church's role is in this world. It's something I've heard before, but not as succinctly stated as this very blunt admission of what Armstrong supporters believe the role of the Church is. 

I mean, it makes sense to the Armstrong Apologist. The teaching has always been that the Church is just a form of a college - to train future princes and princesses and that everyone else in the world will get their chance letter. The Church then has been reduced to a very elite academy for the extremely few who "get it". 

Apparently, this, in this world, in this generation, in this time, is the only purpose of the Church. Sure, it makes sense to them. After all, the Gospel, to them, had been suppressed for over  1900 years until Herbert came on the scene. Everyone else simply is not a concern because they'll be worked with later, so it's perfectly acceptable to ignore them now, and not worry about any of them now. They could never get it anyway, so why even try? The Church, after all, is only for those IN the Church, not those outside of the Church. 

After all, everyone else in this world simply doesn't matter, because the Church isn't for them at all. Apparently, the Church is just a physical organization in a world ruled by Satan of just an infinitesimal amount of true Christians whose only purpose in this world is to be trained to someday help them all.... later. Never now. Because they're all cut off. 

Yes, the Church, according to Armstrongism, is simply an Academy - a boot camp to the Millennium. Well, this would explain why the expectations are so low and the meat is so skimpy. You can only go through the same textbooks so many times over and over again year after year after year. It's the only college that you never really graduate from, just rehashing classes and seminars and more classes year after year after year, being promised a "graduation" in just three to five years but always being held back and never really getting the diploma, while you keep paying tuition over and over again year after year after year. 

After all, this is the only reason the Church exists, right? 

submitted by SHT