Sunday, October 23, 2011

Beast Power Dude: More Interesting and Thoughtful?

Prophet Thiel is all breathless again about Karl Guttenburg, the future Beast of Revelation who is currently living in Connecticut.  Thiel had heart palpitations last year when the Beast moved to Connecticut to work at a US Think Tank (CSIS).  Imagine having the future ruler of Europe here doing reconnaissance in America as he is secretly planning it's captivity and downfall.

The Prophet discovered an article from the Washington Post from October 7th and was excited to see that Guttenberg is "...far more thoughtful and interesting than many Europe."

Why would CSIS bring on Germany’s minister of plagiarism?

Washington Post (blog) - Allen McDuffee – ‎Oct 7, 2011‎
The German press dubbed Guttenberg the “cut and paste minister” or the “minister of plagiarism.” So why would a prominent US think tank — an academic institution — such as CSIS bring Guttenberg on so soon after his downfall?

CSIS president and chief executive John Hamre told Think Tanked that he saw no reason to punish Guttenberg “just because some people wish to chain him to his transgression as part of their political agenda.”
“I spent some time in a seminary. I understand transgression. But I also understand redemption,” said Hamre…“I find Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg to be a creative, energetic and passionate policy intellectual. He is far more thoughtful and interesting than many politicians I have met in Europe.”Guttenberg has relocated Greenwich, Conn., and will lead a new transatlantic dialogue at the think tank in an unpaid capacity.
So why does Thiel zero in on "thougthful and far more interesting.?"  Here's why:

The above is interesting for several reasons. One of which is that apparently the Baron strikes the CSIS head as different from other European leaders–more thoughtful and more interesting.  Being more “thoughtful” is supportive of one with big plans, while being more interesting is the sign of a charismatic leader.
So if a person is "thoughtful" then his agenda makes him a man with big plans?  Herbert Armstrong was the opposite of thoughtful yet he had big plans.  And being "interesting" is a sign of a future charismatic leader?

Mr. & Mrs. Beast

Thiel continues:

I found the above of interest as it suggests that while Baron Guttenberg resigned, he may not feel he was particularly guilty of anything of real consequence.  I believe he will later indicate that the plagiarism matter was overblown and he resigned for the good of Germany in particular and possibly Europe in general.

By becoming part of the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Baron Guttenberg will have contacts in the USA that he is likely to use politically in future. And since there is at least one major Israeli leader in the same think tank, this may influence him enough so that he possibly can fulfill the prophecies Daniel 9:26-27 (which he may do directly, or perhaps only through confirmation indirectly).

Let me get this straight.  What the prophet is saying here is that this German Beast Power is potentially going to conspire with a Jewish Zionist to overthrow the US?  I guess the Beast will use this Israeli to help defeat the Muslims when the Beast takes over Jerusalem in 2012 and then will turn around and stab the Jews in the back as he sets up his throne in Jerusalem and starts performing miracles for all the world to see.  Yep, it's the same old Armstrongite mythology being promoted.

Then the Prophet ends with a standard "qualification" that all failed prophets have used for millennia:

On the other hand, it is possible that Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg could simply be a normal politician, with ups and downs like many others. We will see.

Brethren, the bogeyman could just be a normal politician, but be warned there is a Beast Power soon to come!  Time is short!  He could come in the next few years! Be diligent brethren!  The beast will come as a thief in the night unless you stay on top of world events!  Only the TRUE Church of God has this knowledge and it is the Living Church of God. Abandon your heretical false Church of God's and join up with the only COG doing a mighty work on earth today! We will save your sorry ass so you can join with us TRUE disciples as we trek off to Petra for 3 1/2 years of desert bliss as a huge cloud protects us from the bombs and guns of angry Jordanians after they discover why we are really there. There is only one church on earth doing what God called Mr. Armstrong to restore and that is us!

Idiots In The Pulpit: Ron Weinland

This video is of Weinerdude lecturing a crowd at an Idea City conference.  Idea City gathers all kinds of speakers from around the world to come and speak.  They can discuss all kinds of things from science to religions,art, architecture, etc.  Most people in attendedance are highly educated.  They have no problem in bringing in "agitators" to mess with peoples minds.

You have to assume that is what they did when they brought in Weinerdude to talk about all of his prophecies.  Did they set him for all the world to see what a nut job he really is.  If they did, then he fell for it hook, line and sinker! Or, perhaps, they had him speak so that people would see how delusional some people who claim to be Christians really are!