Friday, May 13, 2016

Deluded Church of God False Prophet Looking to Apparitions of Mary

Why is a Church of God leader, though a deluded self-appointed one, placing so much emphasis upon wild fantasies of the visions of Fatima and other apparitions that a few in the Catholic church place significance upon? Why is he so obsessed with a topic that 99% of the world could care less about, including most Catholics?

Its the same old story in the Church of God that has made it it's mission to obsess of the insignificant things while ignoring the bigger things.  The Church of God has been one big conspiracy factory for many decades.  Every crazy out-of-this-world phenomenon or conspiracy theory has found fertile ground in the minds of Church of God people.  Of course these are the same people that take great delight in reading Daniel, Ezekiel and the Book of Revelation and using them to create scenarios of destruction that is unimaginable.  They take great pleasure in creating scenarios of famine, death, and war; preaching everything from concentration camps, rampaging Muslims and Chinese armies to parents eating their children and being hung up on meat hooks.

Bob Elisha Elijah Amos Thiel, a former Catholic, still places great significance upon these wild stories just like he finds significance in Mayan mythology and Christian myths.  All of these things t are far more significant to him that anything about Jesus Christ.

According to the latest from the self-appointed one,  apparitions of Mary will soon be visible signs all over the world.

I wrote a book titled Fatima Shock! to warn people that in the future apparitions that most people will think are Mary will likely be part of the signs and lying wonders that the Bible warns will deceive the world (it also gives more information of what the Fatimists really think of their previous pope as well as their view of what the so-called undisclosed portion of the “third secret”) contains. 
Although most non-Catholics do not think that Fatima can affect them, if they live long enough this century, they will find that this is not the case. Fatima is a much bigger deal than people realize and seems to tie into a variety of prophecies throughout the Bible (e.g. Isaiah 47, Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 17). How apparitions are likely to affect the world at the end seems to be a missing dimension in understanding prophecy by most who profess Christ(see also the video Marian Apparitions May Fulfill Prophecy).

UCG: Static-cling Car Stickers Latest Gospel Tool.....WINNER!!!!!!!!

See the absolutely mind boggling static-cling sticker here.  
This will make the other COG's super jealous!

These wildly playful folks in the public relations area of United Church of God have come up with ANOTHER fail-safe way of getting the gospel out the world.  They want UCG members to take their amazing Beyond Today static-cling car stickers and plaster them all over their cars!  Your neighbors will be impressed!  Your high school friends with be intrigued and want to know more about your church. The world will be in awe!

And, here is a new project: we would like our brethren to help us bring more attention to the work of the Church. At the GCE meeting we are distributing Beyond Today car-window static-clings that can easily be put onto everyone’s vehicles. We are asking that all pastors and elders return home with enough clings for everyone in their congregation. If your pastor is not at the meeting this year, we will make arrangements for the clings to be shipped to your church areas.

The next thing we will see will be Jelly sock puppets or antenna balls.  Let the gospel roll forth!

Church of God Idolatry

This picture was taken by a person on a COG Facebook page.  It is located in the Sevierville/Gatlinburg, TN area.  It amazes me the lengths that people go to to preserve the heretical teachings of a man who caused so much damage in peoples lives over the decades.  That legacy now carries over to the mind numbing perversions of Flurry, Pack, Thiel, Meredith and others.  Broken marriages, suicides, unnecessary deaths, pedophilia, false doctrine...on and on the list could go.  There is nothing exciting about that.

This is what the site says

Mr. Armstrong trumpeted the truth of Almighty God for over 53 years. His voice sounded the alarm for the American, and British peoples. Explaining the prophecies of the Bible as they relate to the times we are living in today, when we are surrounded by war and appalling evils. Mr. Armstrong touched many lives in his service to God, and brought hope to a confused world, as he preached the Good News of The World Tomorrow . The creators of this website desire to continue this wonderful message, serving those who are searching for the answers mankind has been asking ever since creation. Continuing to bring meat in due season to the Household of God, and to whomever the voice of Jesus Christ may reach in this end time. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have entered into a time in this century in which we have passed the point of no return. One in which terrorism, escalating wars, failing economies, devastating storms, and appalling evils are rampant. One voice has told us these days were approaching. Now we are living in the very times he warned us about. The Eternal God tells us in the book of Amos, that He will allow nothing to occur until he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets. God, in his great love, is giving mankind one more chance to take the warnings seriously before the terrible time of the end, prophesied in your Bible. Will we LISTEN? Will we take HEED? Will we OBEY? Our future is in our hands! Mr. Armstrong always said, " DON'T BELIEVE ME, BELIEVE YOUR BIBLE" - prove these things to yourself.
Ladies and Gentlemen!  Run for your lives!