Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bob Thiel, The Unordained False Prophet Still Lying That He Was Ordained By Living Church of God

Bob Thiel is lashing out at the Living Church of God, yet again, for publicly telling potential recruits to his personality cult that he was not ordained by the Living Church of God and is not to be considered ordained with proper credentials.

This has always been a bitter pill for Thiel and has been a serious blow to his pretentious priggishness.  Vanity has always been the thorn-in-the-side of so many deluded self-appointed Church of God leaders. The pompous vainglorious attitudes of so many COG splinter leaders has initially brought in significant numbers of people to their personality cults, but as time goes by and members see the false veneer stripped away revealing the haughty and arrogant personalities of the leaders, the members start to drift away. The men become more deluded and narcissistic with each passing day.  More and more absurd demands and revelations for their followers are dished out as God-sent teachings.

All of these men, in order to establish themselves as God's one and the only man with the truth, will develop all kinds of myths and outright lies about their station in the church.  Almost all present day COG leaders have been ordained by "proper" succession through the ranks of the previous alliterations of the church.  All of them except one, Bob Thiel.

Bob Thiel was never ordained in the Living Church of God, never was given the title of ordination, never received an ordination certificate with an official seal of the LCG (or any other COG), was never officially asked to be a minister, and was never officially blessed to be a minister.  Regardless of that, he still is lying that he was.

07/10/17 a.m. Recently, I got an email from someone interested in the Continuing Church of God (CCOG) who was being discouraged from being part of CCOG by one or more ministers in LCG along with one in COGWA. Basically, these ministers inaccurately claimed that I was not ordained, hence wanted to warn this person should stay away from CCOG.
LCG and COGWA ministers are entirely right in encouraging members to stay as far away from Bob Thiel as possible.

Thiel goes on  to promote the myth that Gaylyn Bonjour specifically prayed over him with the deliberate intent of raising him to the office of Minister in the Body of Christ.  Gaylyn Bonjour has specifically DENIED he ever had any such intent, yet Thiel continues to lie this is how he was officially ordained.
The fact that I was anointed by an LCG minister, Gaylyn Bonjour, who prayed that God would grant me a 'double-portion' of His Spirit was apparently not relevant to them. Nor is the fact that the anointing minister told afterwards me that he knew what he seemed have done and that what he did could not be taken away. Since this anointing was a private matter (like King David, see 1 Samuel 16:1-9; see also Laying on of Hands)....
Thiel has always been embarrassed about this and it has been a public humiliation for him and has made him the object of some hilarious ridicule.  Thiel found a new way around this humiliating experience by having one of his African "converts" lay hands on him and "anoint" him with new and special gifts he had been previously lacking.  They anointed him believing Thiel was already ordained.  This so-called "anointing" was done by several church hopping men who have jumped ship from one Sabbatarian group to the next as money and positions provided them with more importance.  This is the common practice of a large part of the Sabbatarian related churches in Africa and has been well-documented by church and relief organizations.
...later I was ordained again in public (like David, see 2 Samuel 2:4; 5:3). On 02/09/17 by Evangelist Evans Ochieng (formerly of GCG) and Overseer Samuel Ofosu (formerly of CG7) both laid hands on my for my anointing. So, it is improper to claim that I have not been ordained.
Thiel still has never been ordained to the rank of deacon, elder, pastor, evangelist, chief overseer, or any other position.  He has self-appointed himself to those positions using deception, half-truths, and outright lies.

Thiel also claims he is the end time prophet of the Church of God.  Hundreds if not thousands of prophets have popped up in the Church of God that Herbert Armstrong founded over 80 years ago.

Thiel is still trying to give the impression to his gullible African followers that his prophet status came in a dream where his god told him he was a prophet.  Imagine how many prophets the world would have after someone eating some bad Chinese food like Thiel did.   Some unclean shrimp juice disturbed Bob's delicate tummy so much that he was having nightmares and voila!...he dreams he is a prophet!
One question all should ask is regarding me is, "How does God make known that one is a prophet?" 
It is not the way many seem to think. It is not based upon the decision of some minister nor a group of men. 
The BIBLE teaches:
6 Hear now My words:
If there is a prophet among you,
I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision;
I speak to him in a dream. (Numbers 12:6)
Sadly, most people will not believe that--but that is what God said.
The butt hurt of being publicly dismissed as a fool by Rod Meredith still messes with Thiel's mind.

But anyway, none of that matters because Thiel had TWO dreams!  TWO nightmares and voila!  He is a prophet!  Then a deluded LCG member elsewhere in the world ate some bad Chinese food and voila!  Bob's a prophet!  Just like that, Thiel has his prophethood status nailed, all thanks to some bad shrimp juice.

Bitter prophet Bob continues on with this serious jump-to-conclusions by claiming that two LCG ministers said he was such a prophetic man that he needed no anointing to be a prophet.  I can almost guarantee you that these two men never had any intention of declaring Bitter Bob a prophet when they said that to him. Just as Thiel has taken Gaylyn Bonjour's blessing and twisted it into something else, Thiel has taken these two men's comments and twisted it to mean something other than what they intended. However, Thiel was still disappointed and embarrassed that he had no legitimate ordination and Gaylyn Bonjour hits the scene!  The miracle of miracles!
The Bible also teaches:
28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? (1 Corinthians 12:28-30).
Now, does that mean that no anointing is needed? 
Well, a month or two before Gaylyn Bonjour anointed me, two LCG ministers told me that I did NOT need a special ordination or anointing to be a prophet. I stated that, in my case at least, I felt otherwise. Then I prayed something would happen to clarify this in December 2011, and something did. The unexpected prayer for a 'double-portion' of God's Spirit by LCG minister Gaylyn Bonjour. God answered that prayer.
Thiel ends his spiel with using Herbert Armstrong's bitter rant that church members and others claimed he was a false prophet. Since it has been well documented that Herbert Armstrong uttered HUNDREDS of failed prophecies, he has been proven to be a false prophet.  Remember, it only takes ONE failed prophecy and scripture warns believers to stay away from the person/

Bitter Thiel is on a slippery slope if he needs to use HWA as a tool of legitimization.  Two lying fools do not create a truthful prophet of God.

Now also consider something that Herbert Armstrong wrote:
PERSECUTORS HAVE CALLED me a "false prophet." Now how would you KNOW whether the accusation IS true- or false? ... Actually, it probably is not very important to you to know whether my persecutors are right or wrong, when they call me dirty names, hurl epithets, resort to innuendo, impute sinister motives, strive to discredit, attempt character assassination. What is important to YOU is whether what you read in The PLAIN TRUTH really is the truth - whether what you hear over The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast is true- not whether I, as an individual, am true or false.  

I think our readers know by now that we always say: "DON'T believe what we say because you believe in us." We say "Listen with open mind, without prejudice, then CHECK UP in your own Bible-prove whether it is true, and BELIEVE what you find proved!" I don't seek to induce people to believe in ME-I seek to lead them to believe in JESUS CHRIST! (Armstrong HW. Personal from the Editor. Plain Truth, May 1966, pp. 2) 
You may search the Bible from beginning to end. You'll find the true prophets, apostles, ministers of God put first emphasis on the right CAUSE, not the effect. They proclaim THE WAY that leads to peace, happiness, security, and finally, eternal life. In Bible language, this means that God's Word, and God's true prophets and ministers put first emphasis on God's LAW...God sends HIS prophets and ministers to proclaim the RIGHT WAY, to show people that they are going the WRONG WAY, to cause them to turn around and get back on the RIGHT WAY through Jesus Christ by God's free grace... 
God's true servants are not OF this world nor of its ways. (Armstrong HW. Personal from the Editor. Plain Truth, May 1966, pp. 2, 44-45)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Journal of the Churches of God Issue 196

Issue 196 of The Journal is out. 

Read it here.

NOTE:  When you click on the link above you will see a full color picture of Dave Havir III and the girls he is surrounded by.

To subscribe to the print version, please follow this link: Also, we provide FREE print subscriptions to anyone who writes us to inform us he cannot afford a paid subscription. Here are The Journal’s postal and E-mail addresses: The JournalPO Box 1020Big Sandy, TX 75755USA

Probably a Sure Word of Prophecy

After a long explanation as to why the August 21st total eclipse from the Carolinas to Oregon is not a sign of the end of the world and the foolishness of those who preach it should be evident, Dr Bob correctly concludes, save for his church only having the "sure word of prophecy"...

"While the end is coming, the solar eclipse of 2017, like the ‘blood moons’ of 2014 and 2015, is NOT a sign that Jesus gave in Matthew 24 nor as shown in the Book of Revelation. Mark Biltz once again is pointing to his interpretations and attempting to say they mean some particular message from God. Although the USA does need national repentance, God is not sending a total eclipse as a means to do that. God has allowed many eclipses and they of themselves are NOT listed in the BIBLE as being of prophetic importance.

A solar eclipse is not a sign of the beginning of the great tribulation (see the 6th chapter of Revelation). A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. Casting a shadow does not end the world.

(Posters Note: Neither does the blowing of wind, pounding of rain, fire, snow,heat or cold)

Why report about this? Because there are many false and heretical leaders that lead people astray on prophecy (2 Peter 2:1-2). Scoffers will not believe, but properly understood biblical prophecy will come to pass (2 Peter 3:1-12).

Sometimes false teachers mention the Bible to try to act like God sanctions their nonsense. And it is not just the secular fringe people, but also those who claim to be Christian or even claim to be in the Church of God.

Yet, those of us in the Continuing Church of God “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed” (2 Peter 1:19, KJV).  (Poster's Note: Bob means "I have")


Because we believe the Bible over signs that many point to.

You should too."
God trying to get Portland's attention but missed.

...Why can't he also conclude that volcanoes, weather and earthquakes are just volcanoes, weather and earthquakes without falling into the Bronze and Iron Age explanations of that which no one, at that time, understood and attributed to the gods, punishment and retribution?

and too...

"Is Bible Prophecy About Earthquakes Being Fulfilled?

"Is Bible prophecy being fulfilled?

Well there certainly have been great earthquakes in various (diverse, KJV) places.
The reality is that in the past 67 years there have been substantially more "great" earthquakes than the prior 67 years.

In the past year or so, there were substantially more major earthquakes than the prior year or so.

An increase in seismic activity is consistent with biblical prophecy.

Early Christians (and the more faithful of the modern ones) believed and taught that God gave humans 6000 years to live outside the Kingdom of God, followed by the Day of the Lord, and then the return of Jesus Christ, who would reign with His saints for a thousand years. According to various chronologies that I have viewed (see Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End?), the six thousand years is about up.

(Poster's Note:  Gotta love those "more faithful modern ones".  According to to various chronologies Bob, that I have viewed, modern humans have been on the planet for about 200,000 years and  there were plenty of cultures up and running that never noticed Noah's Flood. )

So, this suggests that the recent earthquakes probably are in fulfillment of Jesus' prophecies and that we are within only a few years of the start of the Great Tribulation and that Jesus may return by the end of the next decade (When Can the Great Tribulation Begin).

(Poster's Note:  Now there's a sure word of prophecy for you. Or probably one anyway.)

...The Bible teaches that God controls the weather (Psalm 147:17-18; 148:7-8"


Sadly and of course to quote Bob, the reason some weather and astronomical events don't qualify as "God trying to get our attention" is that they don't fit with his own mistaken notions about when he thinks Jesus is going to return.

Since, to Bob, this or that "can't happen" until this or that happens, he will continue in his delusional, superstitious, scientifically God-Haunted and fake ministry leading folk ultimately the proverbial path of "nothing to see here folks."

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Restored Church of God Vignettes

The Holy Board of RCG seeks to speak with Apostle Pack of his prophetic failures.

Apostle Pack screens the Prodigal Ministry

RCG Members can't wait for the whistle

NEVER question Apostolic Authority...EVER

In the end, RCG members have only one option left when nothing works out well...