Saturday, November 17, 2012

UCG Still Struggling Financially

Things still are not rosy, money wise, within UCG.  After COGWA's stealth apostasy against the UCG, hundreds of thousands of dollars no longer flow into UCG's coffers.  Money  continues to be tight as many UCGers are withholding tithes and offerings as they wait and see what is going to happen.

A recent UCG financial report states:

I’ve heard, second hand, that the income has grown some in the last year but frankly we now realize that we had not made the necessary reductions to reflect our reduced income from what we were receiving two years ago.  My understanding is that the savings we had, that would have been enough to take us through 10 weeks of no income, is now basically gone and we’re having a cash flow crunch.  Some expenses that were to be paid before the Feast of Tabernacles were paid after the feast.  There is still a cash flow problem despite having a good feast offering.

Church employees in the U. S. no longer receive matching funds for retirement accounts (this is one cut that was made two years ago).  Healthcare benefits are going to have to be cut.  There will probably be larger deductibles and co-pays.

Church pastors are being asked to cut down on trips and their mileage reimbursements are being lowered.  Most meetings are now being done on the phone or online rather than face-to-face.  The Council of Elders is having most of its meetings online, though they do need to get together face-to-face for some things.  Aaron Dean, our treasurer, wrote us this: “I hope that cutbacks in our travel will be a temporary situation, and that God will bless us with more income from donors. Please fervently pray as I and all in the Home Office are praying for God to increase income, heal our employees and increase our faith in him. The whole country faces a rough road ahead, as you all have preached for many years.  In the meantime, please do more phone visits and less driving where possible.”

Friday, November 16, 2012

Grace Communion International/Worldwide Church of God Sticks It To Employee's Again

Today my mail box was filled with over 30 different emails regarding Grace Communion International/WCG latest screw job to present and past employees.

Several years ago as they were contemplating selling the campus they stood up in the Student Center at an employee meeting and promise retirement to all the employees that stuck by their side through the Great Theological Debacle that sent tens of thousands of people into hundreds of splinter cults.  They even stood up there and said that they would double the years employee's had worked as a Thank-You for being loyal.  I remember a minster sitting behind us saying under his breath that we would never see it.  We should have listened to him.  It never happened, at least the doubling of years.

They did eventually start a retirement program after the campus sale that they said would be funded with the money from the sale.  They also stood up there and said that the money would NOT be maintained by the Church but through an outside retirement management company. They said they were doing this to eliminate any conflict of interest.

Well, that did not last long!

In letters that were mailed out this week to all present employee's and those past employee's that they had permitted to join the program, it was announced that the retirement fund was  in serious financial trouble because of the "Great Recession."

There are at least three different letters that went out. One to present people in the retirement program, one to future vested ex-employees and another to the ministry.  One guess as to WHO gets the shaft in the scenario.  The ministry will still get their retirement, while all present retirement beneficiaries and future vested beneficiaries are being paid off in lump sums.

One of the letters said:

"As you know, Grace Communion International (formerly Worldwide Church of God) adopted a Defined Benefit Pension Plan ("Pension Plan") out of concern of its employees in 2004.  At the time the Pension Plan was adopted, it was our sincere hope that the assets that were contributed to the Pension Plan, plus the earnings on those amounts, would allow the Pension Plan to be self-sustaining and pay benefits to our current and future retirees throughout their lifetimes.  Unfortunately, as I am sure you are aware, the financial markets have substantially underperformed the reasonable expectations of investment professionals since the Pension Plan was established due primarily to what is now being called the "Great Recession."  Although we have managed the funds in a prudent manner and have earned a reasonable rate of return over the life of the Pension Plan, the projected growth of the Pension Plan's assets will now likely not, over time, be sufficient to cover the continuing payments to current and future retirees.  We are very concerned about this issue.
After careful deliberation, and out of concern for participants, their families and the Church, the Board of Directors has decided to terminate the Pension Plan with respect to exiting employee's and vested terminees.

This is causing serious concern to many elderly employees who have health issues because of their age and because of the work they performed for the Church.  They had counted on this retirement through the remainder of their life.  Now that has all be shot out the window.

The Church will be making lump sum payments to those presently in the program with a buy out.  If you take the lump sum and don't roll it over, you will have over 30% taken out in taxes.  Because the church for decades never paid into Social Security, because Herbert saw no need for it (the church was supposed to take care of it's own) they do not have large Social Security payments coming to them.  They were counting on this to help maintain housing and for food.

However, through this debacle there is one group of men who will still maintain their retirement.  All the leadership of the church and the ministry who remain in good standing.  When you are already making salaries in the $100,000+ (I have seen the pay stubs) this is just another added benefit.  The lowly employees who worked for the church for12 years or more without raises or cost of living increases continually got the shaft, even as the ministers received raises, cost of living increases and year end $10-15,000.00 bonuses.

Hundreds of employee's were refused admittance to the program. Some former ministers were not allowed to have any part of it, even those who did not join other splinter cults.

One long time loyal member of the church said, "We just got fucked again!"  Another said, "Lies, lies lies!  That's all they have ever ever done to us."  One women said, "Why I ever trusted them I have no idea!  I guess I thought they were Christians.  How wrong I was!" Another remarks, "Even after all these years they still have their claws in us."

I guess we all thought that since this was a Church, a church that had seen the Light and reformed it's erroneous ways, that would actually put the New Covenant into practice. How wrong were were. Apparently they are just as morally bankrupt as Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack and Rod Meredith.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

HWA Did NOT Mislead Anyone?????

A reader posted the following comment to a thread about the barf-bag video called The Sign..  How would you respond to this person (with CIVILITY)  to what they wrote below?

To me it is a rather naive viewpoint considering the REAMS of material published, that is on the internet and elsewhere about Herbert Armstrong, what he taught, on the fallacy of tithing, etc., etc.

I am an ex-WWCG member and a current COGWA member. HWA did not mislead anyone. He preached EXACTLY what is in the BIBLE. How is that misleading anyone? "Worldly Christians" say that Tithing is evil and if you Tithe, you are in a cult. Hogwash!! God commands us to tithe. HWA built a Church- founded on exactly what the Bible says...word for word!!!! You..need to read and pray on the word of God. Do NOT believe what a man tells you, believe what the Bible tells you. The Bible is God breathed and inspired. God can not lie, neither can the Bible.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

False Teachings and Division Disrupting Apostle Malm's Group

Apostle Malm recently had a man start a Facebook page for those loyal acolytes who were afraid to publicly write comments on his main blog.  Malm claims he did not participate on it or have anything to do with it's content.

Things went along rather well for the loyal acolytes who had a common interest.  Then, Satan sent his demons to start infiltrating the Facebook site with "tares."

The Apostle writes:

OUR FACEBOOK SITE ANNOUNCEMENT:   A few months ago one person volunteered to set up a private FB site for LIKEMINDED persons. Since that time a number of tares have slipped in who are NOT of LIKEMIND.

It has taken some time to identify most of them and in the interim the matter was dealt with by deleting obvious false doctrinal posts.  When such nonsense posts were deleted the individuals often reacted by personally attacking the moderator.  Eventually the false sheep more or less took over the posting and many of the good people just sat back and observed.

This has come to the point where the FB Group has been dissolved.

Since the dissolution of the FB Groups several spin offs have begun; many now without a moderator and being totally open to false doctrine including such things as sacred names and their false teachings.

At first when the moderator decided to close the group down I objected, but it was his group and I had no part in it [I was not even a member].  Now that I understand what was going on; I do NOT endorse any of these new groups and I fully concur with the dissolution of the FB Group.

If we set aside our disappointment for a moment this in microcosm is exactly what has happened to the Church of God.  Satan has slipped in his tares and they have taken over and led very many of the brethren astray.

Crackpot leaders tend to draw crack pot followers. The  apostle obviously got a dose of his own medicine and he did not like it. Preachy people with strong viewpoints are not allowed.

In usual Church of God fashion, the apostle blames all of this on Satan and that it is a "test" to weed out the tares.

Why then do we give the working of our salvation to others?  Blindly following men and not questioning, checking up. or proving them from the scriptures.

Do we not realize that Satan has a plan to lead the whole congregation astray with his tares, and will sow the most talented and ambitious of men to gain eldership and leadership among us?

Are we not aware of our own history how in almost every generation the tares rise to the top and begin to lead us astray and there is a split?  This is a continual process throughout many generations, ans why?  Is it not because God is TESTING his faithful and teaching us to trust in him alone?

It's your damn fault because you are weak in the faith and are not able to hold up apostle Malm's arms in this mighty ministry!  REPENT!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! No New Moon/No Bible Study Tonight!!!!! Whew!

You can rest easy tonight as you are not required to have a Bible Study in honor of Malm's new moon god.  The moon watchers in Jerusalem did not see the new moon rise, so you are free one more night to be a heathen.

You had better be ready though on Thursday to have a new moon festival and follow a prescribed ritual in study.  You need that dude Christ to intervene on your behalf to an obviously angry god who is not going to listen to your prayers otherwise.  Wimpy Jesus doesn't have the power to help you.

Apostle Malm writes:
ANNOUNCEMENT:   The new moon was not seen this evening.  It will definitely be easily visible tomorrow evening in Jerusalem making Friday the first day of the ninth biblical month.

We are commanded to “Worship God” on the new moons and the most appropriate way at this time is by having a formal Bible Study; with like minded persons if possible.  By formal I mean in the presence of Christ by seeking his presence in prayer to the Father to open the meeting.

Remember that assembling with anyone just for the sake of assembling with people is wrong.  We are to assemble with Christ and the Father and they come FIRST; followed by others who are are like minded in faithfulness to Christ and the Father.