Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dibar Apartian: HWA Was Against Meredith Being A Church Leader And That LCG Is NOT A Godly Organization

Things have never been rosy in the Living Church of God headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Power struggles and dissension have always plagued the organization since Meredith split off from two previous COG's..

Bob Thiel, leader of the greatest COG to ever to exist in human history, has an entry up today that he claims was sent to him by a former LCG employee in Charlotte.

Of course this sets Thiel into orgasmic fits of ecstasy that he can discredit Meredith and crew further.  The more he can smear Meredith the more he thinks people will flock to his personalty cult.  Except they aren't......Thiel's visions of grandeur are just as stupid as Dave Pack's.

I just wanted to write you about Mr. Apartian and what he REALLY felt about LCG and its leaders.

I know that Dibar Apartian expressed serious concern for the LCG brethren, as he made comments about the "true colors" of LCG's upper leadership would come out after his death-which is exactly what happened.

Mr. Apartian told several LCG members, whom he trusted, that LCG was no longer God's true Church, and was no longer even a Godly church.

Mr. Apartian was against the "falling away" doctrine, just as John Ogwyn was against it also.

Mr. Apartian also knew that Herbert W. Armstrong was vehemently against Rod Meredith being the human leader of the church. Mr. Apartian always felt uneasy about following Rod Meredith, since he knew HWA's feelings about that.

Mr. Apartian was also having private meetings, near the end of his life, with ministers of different Church of God groups-one of those ministers, whom Mr. Apartian met with, told me about their meetings in person. Those private meetings were about Mr. Apartian leaving LCG.

However, due to his rapidly failing health and a few other reasons, he stayed with LCG.

He did make it very clear though, that LCG was heading the wrong direction, in terms of doctrine and other major decisions as well.

Mr. Apartian was also very upset about Rod Meredith's lack of compassion and concern for him, while he was near his death.

Rod Meredith had heard about some of Mr. Apartian's revealing comments about LCG, and Meredith was not happy.

Therefore, Rod Meredith did not visit much with Mr. Apartian towards the end, and Meredith even discouraged other LCG members from visiting with Mr. Apartian-worried that more negative facts about LCG would "get out."

I hope this info is helpful-God's people need to know the truth about LCG and about Rod Meredith

Get Ready For Rampaging Minorities Killing White People

The false prophet and Chief Pharisee of Armstrongism is painting a dire picture of the soon coming destruction of the U.S. and Britain.  A lot of this destruction will come from rampaging immigrants out to kill white people.  In Armstrongite mythology this will be blacks and Mexicans with a few Muslims thrown in the mix. This is typical Armstrongist bullshit that comes from the racist beliefs fostered off in the discredited and illogical cult belief of British Israelism.

America and Britain

The next point is that those killed by the sword need not all die instantaneously at the same time.  There may well be nuclear strikes on key sites and bases, but very large numbers will be killed in internal conflicts.  

Today in America and Britain almost half of their populations are made up of large minority groups.

Remember the race riots of the 60’s and factor into that equation; drought, mass famine, thirst in various areas, hunger and disease in the starving population.; causing people to struggle for the available resources.  Not a pretty site as great riots will erupt with the have not’s seeking to take what little the haves have.  Very many will die in these internal battles and such riot’s will increase as the necessities get more and more scarce over 3 1/2 years. 

Not just nuclear strikes but the collapse of the economic system will prevent the import of needed fuel and food during extreme drought conditions.  Many will rise up to try and take for themselves as governments fail to cope, making the situation even worse.  Then in the extremity the governments will have to shoot looters on sight.  

These riots will further disrupt any remaining distribution centers and overwhelm medical facilities, which will already be overwhelmed by a weak population being afflicted with many diseases. 

A starving population will be afflicted by diseases such as influenza, or one of the more modern diseases, possibly mutated by a few nuclear explosions would bring on mass epidemics, and depleted medical facilities will not be able to cope;  hence massive deaths from disease and pestilence. 

Pestilence is the crop eating insects and rodents eat the remaining crops in the fields and will enter the storage bins and eat up much of the stored  grain while spreading disease as well. 

The rampaging Germans/Muslims or whoever the latest boogeyman is will demand that all US citizens turn over their food.

The greatest suffering of all is often the victor demanding spoil from the defeated. Suppose the victor demands large amounts of food and other things, looting the defeated; or face more attacks?  

Malm's god has also be restraining huge earthquakes and volcanoes in California and the West.

Along with these things God has been restraining massive earthquakes on the West Cost and in other areas.  When that restraint is removed the already long expected Big One will probably come and major earthquakes could also come in the Easy central region.  The danger of an eruption of the Yellowstone system which could devastate as much as 20% of the United States is very very great.  

An eruption of the Yellowstone volcano could affect three quarters of the US. The greatest danger would be within 600 miles of the blast where 90 per cent of people could be killed. Large numbers of people would die across the country after inhaling volcanic ash. Inhaled ash forms a cement-like mixture in human lungs.  Some articles on the Yellowstone volcano.

I cant imagine a life that is filled with this bulllshit on a daily basis.  These kind of miscreants find no joy in life or the creation around them.  It's death and damnation that excite them. Its no wonder that the 700+ splinter personality cults are dieing internally.  When this is the crap that members have to listen to day in and day it what hope is there left in the church?

Lest you think this is isolated with James Malm and his little splinter personality cult, it is also believed by UCG, LCG, PCG, RCG and a myriad of other personality cults of Armstrongism.

You can read Malm's silliness here:  The Great Tribulation: What it Will be Like: Part 2