Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I am proclaiming the SINS of the people so they can return to their Husband

The Church of God's greatest Pharisee is declaring himself "The Watchman" to the filthy remnant of the Churches of God who are back-sliding, pagan worshiping, pork eating, sabbath breaking, Saturday restaurant eating, Laodiceans.

The Chief Pharisee still is stinging from his wife walking out on him leaving him penniless and with no one to care for him now that he has serious health issues.  That anger comes out repeatedly as he uses the "husband" metaphor in describing Jesus Christ being eternally PISSED at those who claim to follow him. His wife turned her back on him, so he assumes all of the COG's have turned their back on Jesus Christ.
Brethren of the church of God; Why is there no one to proclaim the sins of the people and turn them to a passion for their Husband, the love of their youth?  Why will today’s elders and leaders lead the Ekklesia into the sin of following them, instead of proclaiming the warning, and teaching sincere repentance and a passionate zeal for the truth?   I have no choice but to stand in the breach, for the guilt of the blood of the unwarned people will be upon me if I do not speak out.

These are the "sins" of the Church of God today, particularly in the Untied Church of God, whom the Chief Pharisee is continually ticked off at.

God gives a few reasons why they shall be removed from the land in those days and again in our days. 
  • We eat without properly bleeding as I mentioned a few days ago.
  • We are zealous for our idols of men and corporate entities and their false traditions. 
  • We spiritually shed blood by turning people away from any zeal for God’s Words out follow and be zealous for our corporate idols. 
  • We depend on the sword [war and bullying] 
  • We are full of abominations like calling the Sabbaths holy and then polluting them. 
  • The Ekelsia is full of spiritual adultery, loving others instead of loving and being faithful to the Husband of our baptismal commitment. 
We shall be corrected along with physical Israel in this latter day.  We shall NOT inherits the spiritual Promised land of eternal life, unless we sincerely and

If you do not heed his words he says this about you:

If the watchman does his job, then the people who hear the warnings and do not sincerely respond and repent, will bear their own guilt; they have been warned and have rejected the warning.

You BAD, BAD, BAD heathens!  How dare you reject God's most perfect and mightiest angry man!!!!!!

Columbiana Church of God - - More Drivel for the Theologically Bankrupt Church of God

One thing Armstrongism has accomplished over its eight decades is that it has created some of the craziest and theologically bankrupt men the world has ever seen.  If you thought Bob Thiel had poor speaking abilities then you have not seen this guy.  I have a feeling that Bob Thiel gets his training from this guy.

This guy also has ties to Sir Anthony Buzzard's "One God" group that promotes "Christian monotheism."  Restoration Fellowship