Thursday, January 8, 2015

Living Church of God Asks: Are You Driving Like Jesus Would?

In its ongoing quest to control every aspect of its members lives, the Living Church of God now is telling members how to drive their vehicles.  How Would Jesus Drive?

Yes I know there are lots of idiots on the road, particularly here in Los Angeles where half the population cant read English, but still I wonder why LCG has to invade members lives so much?

Did you know that driving 70 on the freeway is a BIG RESPONSIBILITY?  Its not to be taken lightly!  Just like your salvation, it is NOT to be taken lightly.  How many times have we heard this attached to a myriad of reasons used by ministers to control us?

Being behind the wheel of a hundred or more steel horses that can travel at speeds above 70 miles per hour is a big responsibility. If taken lightly, one mistake at the wheel could cost you your life!
Dylan King asks:

If Jesus Christ walked the earth today and found Himself behind the wheel of a car, truck or SUV; what kind of driver would He be? How should today’s Christians conduct themselves on the road?
According to King, since Jesus suffered for us we should not commit any sin while driving.

God inspired the Apostle Peter to encourage us to follow Christ’s example of perfect character. “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: Who committed no sin, nor was deceit found in His mouth” (1 Peter 2:21).

Because Jesus was a Jew and kept the Jewish law we too should keep the law of the land because we are required to submit to government authorities.

Jesus Christ never broke God’s law. In fact, He even made it a point to obey the legitimate laws of the secular government that ruled over the places where He lived and taught. And He taught us to do the same. The Bible makes it clear that Christians should submit to the governing authorities who reign over us, and warns that if we do not we will bring judgment on ourselves (Romans 13:1-3).
Because King and other COG members fail to practice the fruits of the spirit - accidents WILL happen!

I have felt that judgment personally, when a careless moment behind the wheel led to the destruction of my vehicle (but, thankfully only minor injuries). If I had been more careful to utilize fruits of the spirit such as longsuffering (patience), kindness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22) while driving, I may have avoided that particular wreck. 
Real Christians (only those in LCG or Thiels's group) must constantly "drive" with God because you must FEAR God.

Christians should strive to walk with God daily—and, if we are behind the wheel of a vehicle, we should strive to drive with God, having the fear of God. We can make a huge difference on the road by obeying traffic laws that were created for our own safety, and by being courteous to other drivers. As we start our engines, let us remember the eternal words of Jesus Christ, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31).
Of course this all leads to having people request a booklet on keeping the 10 Commandments because Big Daddy Spanky needs to tell you everything you need to do.

Request a free copy of our booklet, The Ten Commandments.  In it, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith explains plainly from the Bible how God’s laws living in us through the Holy Spirit can give us the spiritual guidance to truly love our neighbors as ourselves.
I do have to hand it to LCG though, this is the first time they have talked about Jesus in a while.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Sickening Letter From A Philadelphia Church of God Mother To Her Son

The sickness that is the Philadelphia Church of God has no limit to the depravity it teaches its members to practice.  If there ever was a "man of sin" in the Church of God it is Gerald Flurry!  This evil, despotic, spiritual pervert will eventually be struck down.  Great will be that day!

From a Facebook group:

To xxxxx , my brother in Christ who also happens to be my son,

There is no easy way for me to say this to you. But it is necessary that I say it to you.

We once attended services together and believed the same thing. We kept God's Word, His Ten Commandments, His Sabbaths and His Holy days together. You were baptized and became a begotten son of the living God our Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. That made you my brother in Christ. I was so pleased and happy when you told me. I was also happy when you chose xxxx to be your wonderful bride and who became your soulmate for life. She also was begotten of our Father and walked in His Ways. Both of you have been a loving son and daughter-in-law to Dad and I.

When I found out Mr. Tkach was teaching that it is okay to sin and break God's law, I could no longer follow him in that Church organization. I left. You both stayed, at least for a while.

We decided to agree to disagree in order to maintain a family relationship.

But now I can no longer accept the idea that everything is okay between us while I know that you are headed into the tribulation and a great amount of suffering if you don't turn it around quickly. How can I live with myself should God protect me as promised to the Philadelphia Era spoken of in Rev. 3 to those who keep his word and do not deny his name during these last days, if I don't warn you?

Our nation is going to receive punishment for it's lawlessness and sins. You and your little family have only a short space of time to turn back to trusting God our Father and Jesus Christ our savior (our only real help in this last hour).

I love you and want what is best for you and your beautiful family (including my grandchildren). I know you know that. But I also know that deep down you know the difference between right and wrong. May our loving Father who chastises every son he loves help you to wake up before it is too late to escape the tribulation that is coming.

There is a very real warning going out for God's Church of which you became a part upon baptism and the applying of Christ's blood as a sacrifice for your sins. You are impregnated with God's Holy Spirit that you received with the laying on of hands. You can't keep taking that lightly and go on in your own human reasonings. Nor can I. My prayer is for you both to wake up. And now you have been warned.

I cannot make the choice for you as when you were a child. I love you so much. The fact that you live so far away doesn't make it much easier to do this:

I must now obey the command to withdraw my foot from every brother in God's Church who walks disorderly. II Thess. 3: 6, 14, 15. "Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us...and if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed, Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother."

I love you both so very much, but in obedience to Christ, I must withdraw my own personal fellowship from you. I will miss you. But I already miss the person you were when you were walking with God. You will be in my prayers.
