Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Is God a Micro-Manager of Your Life?

Is God a Micro-Manager of Your Life?

If you tithe to some preacher or church, does God really "bless" you for doing so?   If indeed that were true, then every tithe payer on earth should prosper beyond all measure, while every non-tither would be cursed, based upon how Christians believe what they think God says in the Bible.  It would require supernatural micro-management on the part of God, for people to be blessed or cursed based upon the false doctrine of tithing.   Guess how many non-tithe payers in this world are very prosperous from hard work and not from tithing?

In reality many tithe payers do not prosper, but struggle to make ends meet and no wonder.  Placing preachers above the family and children, by giving pastors free $money, is simply the stuff of Biblical ignorance.   Virtually any church goer who tithes is Biblically ignorant and a person who has never studied the subject of tithing for themselves.

Naturally pastors of churches are going to demand tithing, while they stand in the pulpit and twist verses in the Bible to cause the naive and the gullible to take from their families and give to the preacher, as if God sanctions such a ridiculous fraud.

Proof that church goers and preachers reject Jesus Christ is in fact, the false doctrine of tithing.  Check it out for yourself and you will find that Jesus spoke to His hand-picked disciples "freely you have received, freely give" and that meant to not take from people and take advantage of them, by demanding $money, using the name of Jesus Christ.  Jesus taught that His disciples were to take the good news to the world at no charge and for free.   So where has your pastor gone wrong?   Greed?  Lust for a free mansion to live in at your expense?

If your pastor or church demands cash, in the form of tithes and offerings, then you should exit the building, because any true follower of Jesus Christ does not live from fake tithes and offerings, but does exactly what Jesus said and that is "freely you have received, freely give" and that does not mean that church goers are to "freely give" to lazy preachers, who play golf and go fishing, while church goers work for a living.  Nor can you follow some character named Paul (name changed from Saul and why?) and think you are following Jesus Christ.

Either you follow Jesus Christ or you follow some dude named Paul, or you follow some character who stands in a pulpit and pretends to speak for God/Jesus Christ, when he no more represents Jesus Christ, than your local car salesman.   Or perhaps you follow some fictional character named in the "Old" testament, that you have never met, and have no clue about, other than your book of fairy-tales.

The biggest problem with the organized church world, is that millions follow preachers and believe what they say, when the preachers are no more than self-appointed religious overlords, because the $money is so good and there is no work or labor for the free $cash.

Do yourself and your family a great service and boycott all organized churches, because none of them follow Jesus Christ, they only follow the $money.   You can worship God/Jesus Christ one-on-one and since God DOES NOT dwell in temples made with hands, you can be at peace that God dwells in your heart and mind and not in brick, mortar, stone, wood and glass buildings with clowns standing in the pulpits.
Van Robison

Monday, March 30, 2015

Which will bankrupt LCG first? Living University or Jim Meredith? Only time will tell....

Received this last night:

As Meredith becomes more and more flaccid because of the weakened state of his mind, the sharp minded Doug Winnail is more easily able to manipulate him into condoning his agenda to advance Living University. It has always been a dream of the COGs to re-create Ambassador College although most question why.

Many LCG members and a large number of ministers do not support this expansion. Before his death, Dibar Apartian openly and strongly spoke out against spending so much time and money for LU. It has been an area of contention discussed for years and it is a contributing factor to the growing feeling of discontent within LCG.

Last year the church reported that $800,000  tithe-payer dollars (1/20th of the income) went to support Living University. What insiders know is that there are MANY hidden costs that are sheltered elsewhere so as not to alarm members and ministers alike. It's a clam shell game. Shave a little here, hide it over there, etc. Most  members have little business experience and are not aware of these commonly practiced tricks of the trade. LCG has mastered the practice of manipulating numbers to tell the story they want instead of reflecting reality. It's Worldwide all over again.

The vast majority of tithe payers would rather put all that cash into "preaching the gospel" as commissioned by Christ. Up and coming ministers could continue to be trained by more experienced ministers in the currently established, practically free, ministerial training program. But alas, that would make too much sense and wouldn't really feed any egos.

It is not widely known that LCG is currently planning to pour potentially millions of dollars of hard-earned tithe money into the purchase of housing/ dorms for Living University students AND for the purchase of yet another office building (they already have one for the headquarters staff and one for the media department) to house university staff and classrooms. They are actively working on finding suitable properties right now.

Once the members come into this knowledge, it will likely form an even deeper crack in the LCG foundation further dividing the members from the executors.

It has been speculated that Winnail, who is now the Director of Church Administration and a member of the Council of Elders, sees himself as taking over LCG once Meredith dies. In this scenario, Doug would appoint his minister son, Scott, to become the University's dean as soon as Germano retires (or sooner). He is already being groomed for that office.

Although Meredith has already named Richard Ames as his successor, he is old and has major health issues of his own so it is unlikely that he will ever really be top dog. Members whisper that the most likely split after RCM's imminent death will be Winnail vs. Jim Meredith. A few will also throw in the possibility of the ultra-conservative Gerald Weston who is currently the head of LCG in Canada. One thing is for sure, it will be like an episode of Clash of the Titans.

Which will bankrupt LCG first? Living University or Jim Meredith? Only time will tell....


Living Church of God "Updates" On Understanding Has Led To Major Discontent in LCG

There has been several years of constant rumblings about discontent of LCG members in what the Living Church of God is doing.  I received the following email that sheds some light on what has been transpiring and what has led to the continuing discontent.

This letter from Meredith, in my opinion was the beginning of the end for LCG. Around this time was when I noticed members start to openly criticize the leadership in LCG. Winnail came out with an "upgrade" about the "Falling Away" wherein he promoted the notion that the entire world was going to fall away from Christ and His teachings in opposition to the belief that only the little flock or God's true church would have members fall away in the end times which had been widely preached in the COGs for decades. Ames came out at the same time with the "upgrade" that the Saints would go to heaven for the wedding supper in opposition to the belief that was, again, preached for decades, that only the Father and Son were ever to be in heaven and that the Saints would be resurrected to establish the Kingdom on earth. They both gave one sermon on the topic and then expected the sheep to just accept their new "knowledge" without question. They were inspired by God after all so we sheep should just swallow it whole. Forget the notion of "prove all things". We sheep are no longer allowed to think for ourselves. If one were brave enough to question the ministry it would likely lead to the accusation of "causing division". It was at this time that they began to promote the notion that if RCM supported it, it was the same as if Christ himself had stamped His name to it. The mistrust of LCG ministry has been growing ever since. 

LCG Weekly Update: May 10, 2012
From the Presiding Evangelist

Greetings dear fellow servants,

It was really great to see nearly all of you at our recent General Ministerial Conference! It was so wonderful to renew old friendships, make new ones and have the loving fellowship and inspirational talks that we did. Many, many of the older ministers expressed their feelings that it was the “best ever” conference even going back to Worldwide days.

So I want to thank all of you for your part, for your prayers, and for your love and loyalty. I especially appreciate the wonderful help in organizing and setting up this conference which came from Dr. Doug Winnail, from Mr. Ames, from Jim and Sue Meredith and so many others here at Headquarters. So many pitched in to make it a success—for which we are thankful. All remains well here at Headquarters, and we appreciate the outpouring of positive response to the conference and for the Work in general.

Please follow through by doing all you can to build, to strengthen and inspire our brethren around the world to draw closer to God and to do their part in this vital Work which Christ has given us to do! Please help them think through these “upgrades” in our understanding of the Wedding Supper, of the timeline of final events and also the great apostasy. This is a vital challenge for all of you, and I hope that you can be alert to anyone’s misunderstanding and help them—or help your local elder to work with them to come to understanding on these basic issues and help them realize that these changes are, in fact, simply “updates” of our understanding. As you know, we have always said—at least I have—that “someday” we would get the chance to go to heaven to see our Father even before the end of the Millennium. But we have not nailed it down and given the details of all of this—as Mr. Ames has done in recent months. We have always indicated—at least Mr. Armstrong, and I—that the apostasy would be much broader than just the falling away of a few people in the Worldwide Church. As I indicated at the conference, over 99% of the world never even heard about the Worldwide Church and certainly nothing about that falling away. So the really huge apostasy is still ahead of us—as we have explained—and will affect billions of human beings before it is all over!

Also, I hope all of you will do all you can to “hustle” and personally contact or visit all of the new prospective members coming in from the telecast, from our campaigns and from the Internet and other sources. Please realize the opportunity we have out there right nowbefore they lose interest—and help bring these new people along and bring them into the Church, if God is calling them, so they can be truly strengthened and made part of the “body” which is helping back the Work and get this Message to the whole world.

Things are moving! Even since our conference, as you know, the state of North Carolina overwhelmingly voted against “same-sex marriage.” Yet, the very next day, our American President came out in favor of men marrying men and women marrying women! As one who has been in the ministry now for about 60 years since my graduation from Ambassador College in 1952—this frankly is astonishing in one sense—though many knew this was in President Obama’s heart all along. Never would we have even dreamed of such a thing back during the years of Presidents Truman, Eisenhower or Kennedy. May God have mercy upon us, and upon the other nations where all of us live. We need to pray for our leaders that they will at least not interfere with our opportunity to worship and to do the Work. But we need to cry out more than ever, “Thy kingdom come”!

It is very obvious that God’s Government is desperately needed as more people in Syria are butchered by their own government, as more people are “starving” or being raped or humiliated in Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere, and as our own “western,” former “Christian” nations turn further and further away from the God who gives us life and breath. But we can take heart, “fellows,” for as Jesus said, “When you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near” (Luke 21:31).

May God continue to inspire, use and bless all of you in this end-time Work. My prayers are certainly with you—and I deeply appreciated seeing so many of you again. Thank you, again, for your love, your prayers and your dedication to serving God’s people and preparing for His Kingdom!

Your brother in Christ,
Roderick C. Meredith