Friday, June 23, 2017

How Living Church of God Sucker Punched The Scarboroughs (Part 3)

From an LCG source:

It looks like LCG sucker punched Patrick and Elizabeth when they marked them without merit and then kicked them while they were down by asking them to relinquish their legal rights in the attached Release of Claims. 

Not just their rights, but the rights of their heirs. Is that even legal?

And not just regarding this one incident but for any and all incidents from the beginning of time until forever.

No one in their right mind would have signed this! It's madness.

It's shameful that a church would ask any one to sign it. Let's just imagine Jesus Christ in the same situation... Can you see our Savior whipping up a little document like this? 

It looks like the Scarborough's decided to get some legal advice once they received this legal document from LCG. Thankfully they didn't sign it. It appears to be the spark that lit the haystack regarding legal involvement.

I wonder if the lawsuit would have ever happened if LCG hadn't sent this first. I'm sure it must have felt like another punch in the gut to these people who were obviously devastated after the initially marking and subsequent loss of all their friends and shunning.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

RED ALERT!!! Code Red at LCG headquarters!!! (Part 2)

From a reader: 

 RED ALERT!!! Code red at LCG headquarters!!! 
The sky is falling and the powers that be are trying to figure out damage control. There are quite a few pieces of information that were attached to this letter originally and LCG does not want them released because it doesn't exactly show them in a favorable light. 
Hearsay is easy for them to spin but black and white is a little more challenging!

The Charlotte indicators on the spinning globe to the right of this page have been lit up since yesterday when the Scarborough letter was leaked.

An ethical Christian ministry would acknowledge publicly that they made a mistake and correct it. But, do not hold your breath on that ever happening.

Rod McNair and the LCG has contended that the Scarborough's never sought reconciliation.
This proves otherwise:

McNair deposition pg 110 line 7 
Q.You keep saying that you want them to repent in order to come back to the church, right? 
A.· ·Right. 
Q.· ·Do you know that Elizabeth Scarborough has written over 40 emails and letters trying to repent and reconcile with you? 
A.· ·Right, yes. 
Another reader said this, which implicates the Council of Elders for their inaction too. 

It looks like Mrs. Scarborough sent this to LCG COE over 6 months ago. There has been no reconciliation so it appears that the Counsel of Elders told them to piss off. How very Christian of them. Sure it's easy to lay the lions share of blame on Mr. McNair, but it appears that the COE had an opportunity to make things right. Obviously they cared more about a pay check and ass kissing than obeying our Lord's instructions on matters such as this. 

Did anyone really expect more from this group of men?
Of course, it has always been common knowledge in the COG's when it comes to Council of Elders.  They have proven to be nothing more than "Yes" men, who never have the balls to take a stand and do what is right when needed. To do so might jeopardize their jobs and buddy status with the "dear leader."  They all learned well in the Worldwide Church of God on how safe it was to be "yes" men.

Another reader had this to say:
Can anyone, especially the readers who attend with LCG, imagine Jesus Christ acting like these LCG ministers??? 
This comment from a friend of the Scarborough's sums up what is wrong with the LCG leadership:

I'm Elizabeth's friend on Facebook and I can tell how much this ordeal has effected her. I hope ALL the totally un-Christian jerks who have shunned them on the lying words of Rod McNair and Rod Meredith read this and feel deeply ASHAMED. 

In your blind obedience to LCG ministry you have shown you DISOBEDIENCE to God the Father. 

How can you let a man tell you not to be friends with someone you know to be good?

Being a blind, spineless sheep will get you nowhere!

Oh, I know, you're praying about the situation and know that God will sort it out in the end, right? Not acceptable! By going along with this type of abuse you are complicit!

You saw something bad happen to good people and you became a part of it when you engaged in the group shunning. Be assured, you will ultimately reap what you have sown.