Sunday, December 31, 2017

Which COG leader " guilty of a shocking display of dishonesty and sophistry"

The Painful Truth has an excellent article about Bob Thiel.  A few choice morsels are here:

The Year Ahead. Bob Thiel and the ACOG’s.

One of the PT editors recently made this statement to me: “Bob Thiel is guilty of a shocking display of dishonesty and sophistry.” I confess to a similar sentiment, but as it is, Thiel, who is a peddler of Herbert Armstrong’s fictional and failed prophecies, is generally considered by the ACOG community as  a huckster and poses little threat if he is constantly challenged and kept in check. He certainly does not display the honesty or character of Ian Boyne, who allowed people to challenge his thoughts and his writings.

"With this short article, we want to share with you our view about Bob Thiel’s malignant beliefs and what damage we can expect in the coming year. We would not have to do so if Thiel allowed comments at his website where we could challenge him and refute his writings."

"Keep in mind that opinions are like sphincters: we all have them. As we know, Bob’s opinions are certainly not filled with gumdrops and happiness or even pink unicorns. His opinions on religion, or world politics, mostly everything are grossly mistaken, and the conclusions from what he wrongly takes to be evidence that supports his views are dreadfully distorted. He sees the world through false prophet Herbert W. Armstrong’s eyes instead of implementing objective thought." 

"As we march forward into the future this following year, it remains to be seen whether Bob’s sick racialism will be capable of self-critique. Can he, will he acknowledge his own insularity and excesses, or will he continue down the path of smug self-congratulation and vanity, never passing up an opportunity to destroy, debauch, devalue, and dehumanize a wide assortment of innocent people?" 
Read the story here:  The Year Ahead. Bob Thiel and the ACOG’s

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Happy 5th Birthday To One Of The Biggest Excuse Making COG's in 80 Some Years.

Today is the 5th birthday anniversary of the truest Church of God to exist in human history.  No other COG has ever been like this one.  No other COG has had to make as many excuses for its existence as this one. No other COG has had a leader that has suffered as much butthurt as this one. No other COG has so few American/Canadian/European members as this one. No other COG leader has ever been such a HUGE disappointment to Rod Meredith as this one. No other COG has been mocked as much as this one.

It is birthday time for the Continuing Church of God, the one true holy catholic church that God is only using in the 21st century.

Even on this joyous occasion, Not Arrested, but almost arrested Bob Thiel is letting his bitterness shine through yet again.  That ornery Living Church of God had to go and ignore his demands and then turned their backs on him, FORCING him to start a new church.

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:
Greetings again from the Five Cities region of California.
Today, on the Roman calendar, marks the fifth anniversary of the official start of the ContinuingChurch of God as a separate entity.
Without going into all the details, suffice it to say that my prior Church of God organization made it clear on December 28, 2012 that it would not keep promises to correct errors, while then putting out more false information about me personally (see also Why Bob Thiel Left the Living Church of God). After concluding that their words and actions demonstrated further attempts towards reconciliation were futile, I informed that group I would not be part of them. Later that day, my wife, I, and some witnesses then notarized paperwork for the start of the Continuing Church of God.
Delicate Bob had a tummy ache and made sure to let his African followers how ill he was feeling, which I am sure was a major disappointment that the Apostle could actually get sick!
The sermon recommended for this Sabbath goes over some of what has been happening in the Continuing Church of God over the past five years. Perhaps I should mention that I got ill and was not feeling well when giving the sermon (and am not quite back to normal yet). It is not an excuse, but when mentioning areas with financial supporters, I forgot to mention that we get financial support from a couple of supporters in Australia and one from Trinidad & Tobago. Anyway, the sermon was still made, despite how I physically felt.
The great deluded one still believes his personality cult is the fastest growing COG ever to exist in the 21st century. No other human leader has been as successful in drawing in members as he has, even though most are money mooching Africans looking for a quick handout from another rich American "evangelist."
The Continuing Church of God started out actually smaller than what became the old Radio Church of God–but became much larger than it did after five years. The Continuing Church of God has averaged more than the 30% growth per year that Herbert Armstrong thought reflected God’s blessings. This has been unmatched by any Church of God group this century.
No other COG in human history has never compromised its church governance as has this one. Every single other COG has failed in church governance and are apostates. Only Elijah Thiel is the one true human.  Jesus Christ Thiel!

The self-appointed apostate apostle then makes the claim that his group is supported not only by some nightmares and double blessings but also by the entire Bible, Peter, Paul, John, Polycarp, good old Herbert and dismissive daddy Rod Meredith.  What a list of names to toss out in support for starting a COG!
We also have not compromised on church governance as other Church of God groups have (see also The Bible, Peter, Paul, John, Polycarp, Herbert W. Armstrong, Roderick C. Meredith, and Bob Thiel on Church Government), taught the truth, and strove to have the priorities that Philadelphian Christians should have. The fruits of the work have confirmed this.
You can read the rest of the most astounding letter ever written to COG members here:

Letter to the Brethren: December 28, 2017

Thursday, December 28, 2017

What if what Ron Weinland says does not come to pass?

Is it possible to have a true friendship with another in the Church of God?

Everyone longs for true friendship with another.  A close friend you can confide in with your deepest thoughts and concerns.  A friend who will stand by you and support you in the best of times and when struggling through the worst of times.

Those in the Church of God claim to have the truest friendships that the word can ever exemplify.  Friendships in the COG are deeply true because friends are united in a single core of belief.  The "truth" binds hearts to one another. But, does it really?

Friendships in the COG tend to be more "acquaintances" than ever being deep and loyal.  Acquaintances will slap you on the back and have a beer with you, but will in the next moment vilify you if you ever dare to question doctrine or the church.  Just look at what happened to the Scarborough family in Living Church of God.  They were publicly vilified, lied about and smeared with one accusation after another.  When church leadership lowers the boom, friends scatter like cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on.

We have all heard the stories in various blogs, newsgroups, and websites on how when a person decides to leave the church because they have proven it wrong that their friends immediately turn their backs on them. They will see their friend at the store, or in the park, or walking down the sidewalk and the so-called friend will ignore them and look away.  Facebook is filled with numerous secret or hidden groups where hundreds, if not thousands of former church members share horror stories on how they were treated, with some of the vilest things coming from the ministry, who are supposed to know better.

Is it truly possible to have a Proverbs 17:17 friendship in the Church of God?

The Dynamics of Friendship:  
God has given us vital keys in the Bible to help us meet our most important needs as human beings—including how to cultivate friendships. The Scriptures reveal that if we want to have friends, we must learn how to be friendly and remember that true friends are supportive during difficult times (Proverbs 17:1718:24). A friend is someone we can confide in and share important thoughts and concerns with (John 15:15). Real friends may not always agree with us, and sometimes they will tell us things about ourselves and our plans and actions that we may need to hear, but might not want to hear (Proverbs 27:6, 17). The Bible also cautions that we should choose our friends carefully because we will be influenced by the company we keep (Proverbs 12:26). Abraham chose to be a friend of God by obeying His instructions to leave a former way of life (Genesis 12:1-4; James 2:23) instead of being a “friend” of this world and its ways (James 4:4). Jesus told His disciples, “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:14). Let’s seek to be a “friend” of God by following His instructions, and a true friend to those who will not influence us in the wrong direction.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Gerald Weston: How Dare People Give Presents! They Should Give That Money To Us!

Gerald Weston dares to criticize Christians who keep Christmas claiming they all "give presents  to everyone except the One they think they are honoring." Well if that is not calling the kettle black I don't know what is!

Here is a church that ignores almost everything about Christ and yet dares to question others. Here is a church that worships the law more than the Christ they have forgotten.

Weston makes it clear where the money being spent on presents should be going...into LCG's pockets.

Is it not interesting that at this time of year, people will give​ presents to just about everyone except the One they​ think they are honoring? Christ is forgotten! We should not give to Christ for the purpose of​ celebrating Christmas, but neither should we neglect Him. Because many are deceived and still observe Christmas customs, their donations drop off at this time of year. 
Dear Brethren and Co-workers, we still have a great Work to do. God​ is not calling everyone today (John 6:44; Matthew 13:10-17),​ and I often ask the question, “If God is not calling everyone, why is He calling anyone?”​ The clear answer is He has called us to do a Work! We must preach the good news of the Kingdom of God and warn our peoples of the consequence for rejecting God and His commandments. We must do what we can do, but in the end, it will be God doing it through us. As our predecessor Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong used to tell us, “We must work as though it all depended on us, but pray as though it all depends on God.” In the end, God will do through us far more than we can ever imagine, and He will reward us far more than we can imagine. 
Thank you again for your faithfulness. May God truly bless you!
Sincerely, in Christ’s service,
Gerald E. Weston 
P.S. Please remember that any contributions dated in December that are postmarked on​ or before 12/31/2017 will be counted as 2017 donations,​ and may be tax-deductible in 2017, even if we receive them in January 2018. So be sure​ any December donation is dated and postmarked no later than December 31. If you prefer to use our online donation system found at, the cutoff for 2017 donations will be 11:59 p.m.December 31.