Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Satan Attacks Dave Pack - Further Delaying Return of "christ"


The craziness continues in Wadsworth. I bet "christ" is getting pretty ticked off right now with all the delays.

Update: Upcoming Bible Study  YESTERDAY

By now everyone would have heard Mr. Pack’s Special Comments from this past Sabbath and the announcement made for an upcoming Bible Study that was planned for today.

Please be aware that this message will now be postponed to later this week because Mr. Pack lost his voice during the last two days. This is something to pray about, but also understand God may be orchestrating the timing of when this important message is delivered.

As God’s people we trust that He is in control of prophecy as a whole, and the timing of events.

We will keep you posted about when the message will be delivered this week.
Keep watching world events as they unfold.

Dave Pack Sinks to Another Low: Wants Members Stimulus Checks


Every time you think Dave Pack and his cult can't sink any lower, they do. Now they are asking their loyal followers to send Dave their pathetic $600.00 stimulus check. Now that his creature christ has embarrassingly failed to return and this week has not descended yet into terror, Dave is looking to keep the money flowing into Wadsworth.

From an RCG source:

Many members that are U.S. residents have already received or are expecting a second Economic Impact payment from the IRS. Again, those of you who are employed, able, and wish to give a special offering should indicate so when making a contribution. To help the Business and Accounting office distinguish it from regular tithes and offerings, we ask that you please designate it as "special".

As before, your generosity will help offset the impact on members affected by the pandemic and currently unable to give as normal due to economic hardship. We thank you in advance and welcome any questions at bao@rcg.org.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Gerald Weston Co-worker Letter

It is co-worker letter time in the various Churches of God. It is usually either an end of the year letter or the start of a new year letter. There is a standard format to all of these letters, regardless of which COG you are in. You first hear about all of the evil things going on in the world around you. Then it is an "I love you brethren" moment as the writer claims to love the brethren in which he then reminds members they will soon be kings and priests or even gods, and then, the pièce de ré·sis·tance, the usual demand for money. The work of God has never been in such dire need as now, so please send it in and show God that you are worthy to be called His.

Gerald Weston did just this in December as he sent the annual Christmas co-worker letter to the faithful.

Weston starts right off the bad mocking his neighbors and into how awful things in the world will soon be:

A neighbor of mine is planning to light up his fire pit and invite the neighbors to come over and burn their 2020 calendars on New Year’s Eve. My wife and I do not celebrate this occasion, as God has a very different calendar with different days of celebration. But, most of you are no doubt happy this Roman calendar year is rapidly coming to an end. The question now is, What are we to expect in the year to come? Will it be a reprieve or another year with similar drama? Bible prophecy indicates that the world will experience a crisis at the end of the age, and there are multiple signs that we are entering just such a time. Going forward we can expect many things will go wrong. There are going to be some major shocks and surprises in our very near future.

Weston skipped the "I love you" moment and went straight for  the jugular when he says the "love of many has waxed cold."  Could it be because so many LCG members are tired of being treated like worthless worms that constantly need to be seeking daddy's approval? 

At the same time, prophecy shows that the Gospel of the Kingdom of God will be preached in all the world, not to convert the world, but as a witness. Notice this passage in what is called the Olivet Prophecy as found in Matthew 24.

Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:11-14).

I always love it when COG leaders talk about "false prophets" rising up in the church and the world. So far in 2021 all of the false prophets in the Church of God have been its own leaders! 

Perilous times are ahead this year for the brethren, keep our eyes open!

Notice too that lawlessness will abound. We see more than enough of that, but dear friends, hold onto your hats as anarchy will no doubt be on our plate for the coming year and a second American civil war is not out of the question. Jesus also shows us in this passage that His servants must endure to the end. The year 2020 required endurance, but we must expect even more difficult times to come. But the focal point of the passage is that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (verse 14).

What about lawlessness in the Churches of God? It has been a cesspool of lawlessness for decades. 

Weston then moves into the soon-coming Kingdom of God which always seems to be just beyond his reach. He mocks Christians and flat out lies about what they believe about that kingdom. Christians around the world look to the Kingdom of God with hope and assurance, so much so that they want to share that hope and assurance with those around them instead of just flapping their mouths with the idea that because their words are being heard that is all they need to do. Sadly, putting faith into action in the Church of God is seldom done. Some few do get it though.

Weston then admits, ever so humbly, that he has a negative streak. 

While watching my recent Tomorrow’s World telecast, “Hope in Tough Times,” I realized that I spent a lot of time on that program discussing the bad things and not enough time on the good things found in the Holy Days that Jesus, His apostles, and first-century Christianity kept. More details were needed. The Gospel (good news) of the Kingdom of God means Jesus Christ will come back to rule this troubled planet and He will appoint His servants to be the rulers under Him in His millennial reign (Zechariah 14:9; Ezekiel 37:24-25; Luke 19:16-19; Revelation 20:4). These are those who have shown in this life total loyalty to Him. They are those who have developed His character of genuine care for the well-being of others. It means an end to warfare and to rampant crime where the criminal is let off and the victim suffers. It means the end of rape, murder, and robbery. And, thank God, it means the end of political campaigns filled with lies, hypocrisy, and broken promises.

Why is it that Weston and so many other COG leaders love to talk about members developing "love and genuine care for others" as their lofty goal when in day to day life they treat members and those around them in the world like crap?  When has most of the major COG's ever exhibited genuine care for the well being of others? (Note: I am not talking about LifeNets, of things like what Bill Goff does in Africa) The problem in the COG is the word "other." it never includes those in the world around them, thus they have become insular movements filled with do-nothing ministries and members.

Weston then goes into the real reason for his letter...money. He wants it.

Dear Brethren and Co-workers, these letters are sent to encourage you, to update you on the Work of Tomorrow’s World and the Living Church of God, and to thank you for the support you have given. Your part in this Work of the living Jesus Christ, whether through your prayers or your financial generosity, is immensely appreciated. Most of the financial support we receive might be classified as modest or average, but that is not the whole picture. Jesus gives us an important perspective: 
Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood” (Mark 12:41-44). 
It is human to thank those who give large gifts, as it takes many small donations to equal a large one. However, we must learn to see as God sees and not overlook the widow’s mites. That is why I do not send a special “thank you” letter to individuals for exceptionally large donations. They are, of course, greatly appreciated, and if this applies to you, thank you! But God, it appears, is equally pleased, if not more, with the widow’s mite. 

Rod Meredith/Global/Living Church of God has ALWAYS placed high importance upon huge money givers.  They got away with things the regular members never could. They were given seats of privileged and access to the inner circles of the church, unlike the lowly members. 

I hope this honesty will not offend anyone, but it is something I feel very deeply. I want to express appreciation to all of you equally and let God evaluate gifts and the hearts that give them. We must not be respecters of persons. So whether you gave a lot this past year, or gave a small amount out of your poverty, thank you, thank you, thank you! May the God of creation who sees all bless each one of you richly!

Weston concludes with this:

Dear Brethren and Co-workers, please be encouraged by reading all of Isaiah 35, which beautifully describes how God will heal the earth and the lives of those suffering physical challenges such as blindness and deafness. 

Yes, brethren. Read Isaiah instead of expecting us to tell you anything about the grace, peace, and rest that come with following Jesus. God forbid if Weston ever talked about that! 

Thank you again for your loyal support with your prayers, tithes, and offerings this past year. There is good news in the future for the people of God. Let us not faint in this day of adversity (Proverbs 24:10) and let us do what we are able while we have time.