Friday, October 7, 2011

Spanky Reminds You How To Fast

Atonement begins tonight (October 7) and Spanky Meredith wants to make sure you know how to fast.  So for all of you reprobates out there who have conveniently forgotten how, here is how you do it:

1. Before you fast, prepare your body for the shock. Do not eat a great big meal (certainly not one including a big, sweet dessert), or indulge in a pepper steak or some spicy hot Mexican food just before your fast begins. These make you crave water, and all during your fast this will distract you into thinking, “Oh, no, I’m going to die!” For a profitable spiritual fast, you need a clear but humbled mind. So it is best to taper off on food, especially sweets and strong spices. Drink a lot of water the day before, to help begin to cleanse your system.

2. Take steps to ensure your digestive system is as free of poisons as it can be during your fast, so any headaches and other symptoms of hunger will be as mild as possible. Make sure you take proper care of your individual health needs before you fast, so you can obtain the maximum benefit and feel the fewest possible physical distractions when you fast. You may wish to consult your physician if you have a health condition that fasting can affect.

3. Fast regularly enough for your body to adjust itself to the practice. Some people who think they are “about to die” when they fast could actually find fasting much easier if they did it for a day every month or two, if their health allows.

4. After your fast, begin eating again slowly. Do not swallow a huge steak in the first ten minutes. It will actually do you more good if you eat a smaller, lighter meal, or eat a meal spread out over a couple of hours in stages—maybe beginning with a warm, creamy soup. If your fast has lasted for longer than a day, it may be far better—or even necessary—to end it with something very small, like some stewed prunes or maybe a poached or soft-boiled egg.

Chag Sameach

Well it is almost that time again. It is the only thing about WCG that I really miss.  I loved the travel opportunities, but hated the boring worthless sermons.  It's time to take you kids out of school and have to write those absurd excuses that embarrass the hell out of your kids.  It's time to tell the boss you are taking off work during a failed economy. It's time to start volunteering for the Ministerial Dining room so you can watch the ministers drink themselves under the table and gorge on expensive food. It's time to stop the newspapers and mail delivery till you get back.  Get your passport and umbrellas ready.
Or, you can take a trip back in time with Donald/Leroy Neff with some films from Big Sandy.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Imagine If.....

Could you ever picture a COG youth standing up in front of the congregation and being truthful like this? Imagine the hell that would break forth if one ever did! 
Charges of blasphemy would be leveled and the kid would be kicked out and his parents disfellowshipped.