Monday, October 10, 2011

Feast Clothing

What the well dressed Flurryite will be wearing at the Feast this year:

Admit it, don't you want one!!!!!!
Just think how great it will be wearing this as you watch the World Series or a football game as satan takes away your salvation!

LCG: World Series, World Cup Dangerous To Your Salvation

Doug Winnail from Living Church of God has some guidelines on what is dangerous to your salvation.  We are not talking about those demonic Smurfs and My Little Ponies that are running around inserting demons in your children.  Nope, we are talking about the evilness of the World Cup and the World Series.  If you spend time watching those events then you are in danger of losing your salvation!

Watch and Be Ready! The God we worship is a God of love who has revealed the future to those He has called to serve Him (Amos 3:7; Genesis 18:17). Jesus repeatedly warned His disciples to be watchful and alert as the end of the age approaches. He stated that we should avoid getting caught up in the cares of this world—parties, material pursuits, the World Series, World Cup events, political contests, personal concerns, and other things that get our minds off the big picture (Matthew 24:37-39; Mark 13:33-37; Luke 21:34-36). 

Satan's secret hand signals