Sunday, May 12, 2024

The dumbest thing Dibar Apartian ever said was to Bob Thiel

How can any Church of God member ever trust what a church leader says when this kind of idiocy is bantered about?

"Some have questioned whether or not Dr. Meredith could have ever held the mantle, because of his character issues. Well, he may have. Like A.N. Dugger, if Dr. Meredith had the mantle he lost it. And he would have lost it no later than December 2011.

Another possibility is that the late evangelist Dibar Apartian had it. Dibar Apartian was originally not certain if he should follow Dr. Meredith into the old Global Church of God, but finally did. Over the years, Dibar Apartian kept telling me to get Dr. Meredith and the other LCG evangelists to correct their mistakes. On October 16, 2008, at the Feast of Tabernacles in Evian, France in 2008, Dibar Apartian specifically told me that he suspected that I "was the one," meaning the one to lead the work and possess the mantle in the end—and that came from Dibar Apartian, not me--he provided further confirmation of that in 2009 and 2010. Dibar Apartian also had major problems with LCG and started to be more vocal about them before his death in 2010. His urging of me to do what I did, could have been the transferring of the mantle, but I am not certain.

It is also possible that Aaron Dean had it before me. He was Herbert W. Armstrong top advisor until he died and tried to dissuade Joseph Tkach from apostasy. If so, the actual mantle would have passed to Bob Thiel no later than he was anointed to receive a double-portion of God's Spirit

Has the church ever had a bigger liar than what it currently has in Bob Thiel? Even the gargantuan lies of Dave Pack pale in comparison to the bosh Thiel regularly pumps out.



Tonto said...

Well , there was baseball great MICKEY MANTLE, a Hall of Famer!

However in Thiel's case he would be the... MICKEY MOUSE MANTLE!

Byker Bob said...

Where's the power? I feel like it's 4th of July, and the fireworks are all duds! Think of Joshua. Or Elisha. Maybe David. Did those guys have any sort of lag time following the deaths of their mentors? How about Peter?

Let's face it. Had there been any mantle to pass, we would have begun seeing evidence of powerful leadership. It's not as if the deteriorating world hasn't needed a warning message or sense of direction, and the remnants of Armstrongism have been anxiously awaiting the super blessed group to emerge and take up the mantle that HWA supposedly had, and to begin getting that message out once again with power!!!

Trust me, "Dr." Bob Thiel, if you were the chosen one, you would not need to be blowing your own horn! It would all be so powerfully obvious, that there would not be a scintilla of doubt! Your speaking ability and personal charisma would have grown exponentially, your videos would be going viral, and money would be pouring into your little warehouse such that you could not process it all! There would be a whisper throughout the ACOGs and then a roar. "Bob's the one!" they'd all be saying. Leaders of other ACOGs would be calling to ask how they could help! Bibi Netanyahu would be phoning to tell you he understood you were Mr. Armstrong's successor and to ask your guidance in dealing with the Palestinians, and Gerald Flurry would be offering you the usage of his jet! David Pack would notice you for the first time, and would be resisting you, and loudly proclaiming that he was actually the one.

Sorry to lay that hyperbole on you, but those are the sorts of things God actually does when He chooses a leader. He wouldn't allow his chosen one to be impotently whining that nobody recognizes him or wants to get with the plan and follow! That is weakness. God is a God of strength and power!


Anonymous said...

Even though he died nearly 15 years ago, there are still many people alive who remember conversations with Dibar Apartian. Bob isn't the only one. When Bob makes a statement like this, he is causing people to wonder whether Apartian was a liar who would say anything to flatter a big tither/donor, or whether he was a liar who privately supported Bob but wouldn't admit his support to others in LCG. We can't escape the conclusion that either Bob or Apartian must be a liar.

I know who I believe.

Anonymous said...

Dr Meredith? The man was no intellectual/book reader, so he didn't deserve the title Dr. All he did was parrot HWA words.

Anonymous said...

There is no way Thiel is the One to lead the final Philadelphia Remnant; being part of that organization at one point in Time; I can honestly say Thiel is not a humble Man - he craves recognition to the point of ignoring corruption and out right Satanism in his African Shim Sham Witch Doctor Ministry - he is either Mentally ill or under some kind of Satanic spell that he believes Fairy tale excuses from his beloved sacred cows Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa or he simply doesn't care ; he cares only to keep his own illusion of greatness perpetuated and small tithe payer backers Buffaloed, so he can claim some kind of end time Prophet status/ the Napoleon complex is his undoing - if God was working with him- he like Saul was brushed aside, because he refused to make the correct and honest decisions a Leader has to make/ hes to far gone now to see Reality- it's just really Sad to see what Vanity will do to some People 😢

Anonymous said...

and, what kind of "dr." would preside over that tragic boating accident girl fatality & then deny church sponsored funds afterward

some "doc" Rod

Anonymous said...

Dibar Apartian evangelist to Europe and council of advisers to Herbert Armstrong described to be an apostle. Promoter of the apostles fake prophecies as in (August 1963)
'' was announced that France and Russia had signed a $100-million trade agreement.
What is the importance of this agreement? Simply this: this trade agreement is a forerunner of a major political agreement that will soon be signed be tween the "ten kings" on one hand, and the Soviet Union on the other. An agreement dividing their spheres of influence. This will give the "kings" a free hand to attack the BRITISH and the AMERICAN peoples, who will then be led into captivity. This is what God Almighty says!
Prophecy is fast being fulfilled! ''

Thus it was forecast that Reuben and other Israel nations in Europe and part of the ten nation european community, as it was at that time, would soon be doing a deal with the Soviets so as to be free to attack other Israel nations being USA and Britain.

Such was the collective confidence they knew truth and prophecy - but I'd rather call it a collective deception and madness. One would put zero weight on any words of advice the adviser Apartian was to give.