More words of wisdom from Samuel Kitchen:
If you find yourself in the Great Tribulation, remember the name Herbert W. Armstrong, and remember Aaron Dean the assistant.
Whether Mr. Dean is in a place of protection, or in Jerusalem, or laying dead in martydom, I am certain he will direct you to Jesus Christ.
I am mentioning him, now, as a name to remember and to look for.
My enemies might not like it. But perhaps this is a branch plucked from the fire?
We of the Worldwide Church of God are assembled under the authority of Jesus Christ, fitly jointed with the apostle, and holding fast to what we have been given. We are NOT another church. We did not get destroyed.
Aaron Dean, is a friend. Pray for him so that he may be protected. Pray that the chains may be released over the ministry, and pray that those of us who are on the front lines may boldly stand before all our foes and that Christ may accomplish His work in us!
This rotten attitude against the ministry MUST GO! We must get clear in our minds, who the Worldwide Church of God IS, and what it is NOT! We must not listen to those who call apostates the name of the true Church. You will be CONFUSED!
We must not listen to those who call apostates the name of the true Church. You will be CONFUSED!....
As if the poor believer isn't already CONFUSED enough without all the stupidity that goes along with these churches.
And the reason he's focussing on Aaron instead of Jesus is?????
because he can "sit" with Mr. Dean at COG potlucks, but cannot with Jesus yet
A UCG search for "Aaron Dean" indicates he's scheduled to give the Home Office webcast sermon June 1.
Oh, the drama...
Most of the church crazies from the old WWCG gyrated to UCG, so why is Dean with this group? Hopefully because it's the spiritually sick who need a doctor thingy.
Anon 3:19 hit it on the head. Because we are human, it is natural to follow people. I remember thinking during the changes of 95, Where will Dr Hoeh go? To me HWA was like Captain Kirk and Dr Hoeh like Spock. As many doctrines as he helped HWA to develop or to provide backup evidence, I thought he would know what group to go with. I did not know how to feel when he stayed with WCG. Things haven't changed much since Moses' day and Paul's day. With all GTA's charisma, I don't understand why he didn't have a bigger following. But there I go looking at people instead of Jesus. :)
Hoeh stayed with Tkach through all of the changes.
The reason they Higgs-Bosoned themselves to UCG is likely because UCG has that "big attendance" membership out of all the splinters that WCGers also felt safe with back in the day.
UCG also has safeguards in Elder council against any Dave Pack charismatic element swarming over all like a 50's B-movie "The Blob" encompassing the flock.
I was long gone way before the Tkach era, but regarding Dr. Hoeh, who as I understand it had pretty much repented of the Compendium, I thought that perhaps his remaining with the Tkaches was a personal statement regarding all of the "research" he had done to prop up HWA and his doctrines and theories. It appeared that he saw an opportunity to come
clean, and he took advantage of it. Had he taken the original doctrines seriously, he most likely would have felt compelled to go with one of the preservationist splinters.
Aaron Dean needs to give it a rest. Having Samuel Kitchen putting absurd postings out there is not doing his reputation much good.
may boldly stand before all our foes and that Christ may accomplish His work in us!>>>
Very much doubt Jesus would be doing anything to create something in an odd ball group splintered off from a known weird organization? He wasn't with the WCG because we saw its fruits. This is not to say Jesus and the Holy Spirit were not with individual believers I'm referring to the organization which called itself ''the work''.
that everyone is supposed to listen to. Gerald Flurry has been “razing and ruining” everything. Thousands of WCG people got burned by Gerald Flurry's scam and learned the long, hard, expensive way.
Gerald Flurry claimed to be faithfully holding fast to all of Herbert W. Armstrong's teachings from the time of HWA's death in January 1986. Unfortunately, Gerald Flurry actually went on to make an ungodly mess of everything and become the very worst false prophet that Satan ever sent against the Worldwide Church of God people. The deception was intense and diabolical. Gerald Flurry even bought the copyrights to some of the old WCG literature from the Devil's apostate Joseph Tkach, Jr., but then went on to edit and change the old literature so it would not expose Gerald Flurry's own massive doctrinal changes. Gerald Flurry quickly went from self-proclaimed humble, faithful minister to trying to pull off the identity theft of the ages by claiming that he, rather than Jesus, was what he called “That Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18:18-19
Later, along came David Pack claiming that he was going to restore all of the old teachings of HWA from the time of HWA's death in January 1986. Unfortunately, David Pack also went on to make an ungodly mess of everything and become the second-worst false prophet that Satan ever sent against the WCG people. Again, the deception was intense and diabolical. David Pack even re-wrote in his own words much of the old WCG literature, but then went on to change things and even delete some of the booklets that he had previously written so they would not expose his own massive doctrinal changes. David Pack quickly went from self-proclaimed humble, faithful minister to now needing only to ascend up to heaven and knock God the Father off His throne in order to be number one in the whole universe. Fewer people fell for David Pack's scam than had fallen for Gerald Flurry's scam, but still, thousands of WCG people got burned and learned the long, hard, expensive way, including hundreds of people who had previously been burned by Gerald Flurry's scam.
Now, Samuel Kitchen has been talking about restoring HWA's old teachings from the time of HWA's death in January 1986. This could put Samuel Kitchen at serious risk of becoming the third-worst false prophet that Satan ever sent against the WCG people and of losing all his marbles in some sort of truly unexpected and grotesque way as happened with Gerald Flurry and David Pack. Samuel Kitchen would like to convince and attract people by getting Aaron Dean (who was HWA's young personal assistant in HWA's old age for the last dozen years of HWA's life) to join his tiny little group of almost nobody. This would make the potential deception intense and diabolical, but the UCG, though an absolutely godless splinter group, pays Aaron Dean better than Samuel Kitchen could.
Ya know, I think we're getting a good feel for how early first century Jews must have felt with all the zealots whom the masses thought just might be the Messiah. Must have been very confusing!
I can't blame this kind of mentality on the Armstrongs. This man -- along with Pack and Flurry and others -- was surely afflicted with mental illness before it was fed and exacerbated by HWA's own cultic influence.
Why does LCG not count ?
You never know for sure what will happen in the future.
Gerald Flurry originally pretended that his PCG cult was all about respecting HWA and his teachings, but it soon became all about praising, promoting, and worshipping Gerald Flurry and his own heresies.
David Pack originally pretended that his RCG cult was all about respecting HWA and his teachings, but it soon became all about praising, promoting, and worshipping David Pack and his own heresies.
Samuel Kitchen is now pretending that his wcg cult is all about respecting HWA and his teachings, but it could soon become all about praising, promoting, and worshipping Samuel Kitchen and his own heresies.
You never know for sure what will happen in the future.
I am not connected with any aspect of Splinterdom and I will never be. However, I've noticed that Dean seems to make himself available to anyone who wants information. I suppose that is commendable. But, because he was so much younger than most of HWAs gang, that also means he's one of the few left standing.
Anonymous at 12:39 PM said...“Why does LCG not count ?”
Roderick C. Meredith wanted people to think that his own little GCG/LCG cult was the main continuation of the Work done by Herbert W. Armstrong, but it soon turned out that it was all about the competitive RCM competing against HWA and making up new doctrinal nonsense (such as the two-fold gospel, marriage supper in heaven, falling away in the world, etc.) to try to put RCM's own doctrinal stamp on his own little religion business.
Still doesn't answer the question.
Didn't Dean have a health issue in recent years?
Dean's sermons are damp squids.
Well, none of them count. I mean they're all shit anyway. Why ruin your life by having a defective product in it?
Cog Catholic,
The Brothers Kitchen were born under Armstrongism however. It was the greatest influencer on their lives as it also dominated the household their father raised them in. They are delusional like the others but don’t seem as mean spirited. But, as John says, time will tell.
Does anyone know if Bob put up with that doctrinal nonsense of RCM while under the man's mantle/hierarchical wing...did Bob "approve" the 2 fold gospel, the marriage supper in heaven?
Was that RCM stuff happening before, or after Bob's "exit strategy"?
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