Monday, November 26, 2012

God Speaks Out On The New Morality...oops...Malm Speaks Out On Good Sex

The apostle is weighing in on what makes for good and proper Christian sex (in marriage, of course.)

This are the things REQUIRED in addition to all the other myriad of laws apostle Malm demands that you be keeping.

1)   A wife is almost always in a state of readiness for sex if her husband is loving, caring and affectionate.  The golden rule applies in marriage; please others if you expect them to please you.
A good marriage and good sex starts when you wake up each day:  Are you grumpy, of a sour disposition, in a bad temper?  Demanding, selfish, controlling in too many little things?  Learn to lighten up and ease off, to be affectionate and cooperative with your spouse.
Are you a bully demanding obedience because your are the husband?  or demanding your “rights” as a wife?Then you do not deserve respect because you seek to demand it instead of earning it.

If you really, really need to have sex and your partner does not then you need to sit down and explain why you NEED it!

Instead of demanding, sit down and carefully explain why it is needed and ask for and discuss any input.  Show R E S P E C T for each other if you want respect yourself. Yes  the husband, and that means that YOU must set the example, and lead the way; you have no right to be a bullying abuser in word or action.  Yet the husband can and should also observe and learn from the example of his wife.

When you men don't want to have sex you had better think about that more deeply.  There is a really good chance you wife may be a "prophetess" in the kingdom and will be ruling over you.  So it's better not to piss her off now!

Do you not know that many women have been called to be prophetesses by Christ?  Do you not know that in the Kingdom your wife may rule over you?  You had better be ruling the way that you want to be ruled yourself!  For we shall all, if we overcome, be a part of the bride of Christ and we should all be ruling our families in the same manner that we hope Christ will rule over us.

Clean sex is good sex!  True Christians don't do smelly sex.

2)   Nothing turns a person off as quickly as atrocious breath or a stinky sweaty body.  To keep your mate interested, and to prevent infections:  always be scrupulously CLEAN.
Take a shower before sex!  Better yet; take it together!

Before you say Good Morning:  Ask God to help you to choose your words carefully, to keep you far from being peevish, demanding and mean mouthed.

Husbands have NO rights within the marriage except to act for the good of and in the best interest of the family at all times; in keeping with all of his marriage vows.

Wives have NO rights within the marriage except to act for the good of and in the best interest of the family at all times;in keeping with all of her marriage vows .

The husband does have authority, even as god has authority.  I am writing about HOW that authority should be used; which is for the GOOD of the whole family and NOT for personal advantage or personal ego inflation.

The wife should obey her husband, even if it hurts her pride and interferes with what she desires.
If the husband uses his authority rarely and wisely, explaining and consulting on matters with his wife and respecting her needs and input and coming to agreement through wise instruction; then things will run much better than demanding obedience.

Gentlemen, that is the difference between leadership and bullying.

A leader who is wise and leads by EXAMPLE and teaching; will have far more respect than a bully.
Having a meeting of minds; makes for a very satisfying meeting of bodies in marriage.

Jeremiah 10: Armstrongism's Favorite Scripture Bomb

It's Christmas season and the Armstrongite groups are getting into full gear ready to throw "paganism bombs" at those who celebrate it.

One of Armstrongism's favorite scripture bombs to use is the Jeremiah 10 verses as PROOF that Christmas trees are condemned in scripture.

2″Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them.
3 For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.
4 They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.
5 Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk.
Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good.” (Jeremiah 10:2-5, NIV).

It doesn't take a rocket scientist or even anyone with a small amount of theological education to see that the above verse does NOT speak about trees, but idols.  Trees are cut to fashion wood idols, usually in the shape of the god  being honored.  These gods then were covered in gold and silver and placed in positions of honor. 

Just like a scarecrow in a field, they  do not speak and cannot walk. Idols usually were in the form of a human.  Humans have legs. Trees do not.  Scarecrows sit in fields to serve a purpose.  Trees do nothing more than cast shade.  Craftsman shape the idols to resemble human forms representing gods.  Craftsman do not shape trees to resemble trees.

Bob Thiel and the others need to stop making fools of themselves when they lie that these verses pertain to Christmas trees.