Sunday, February 17, 2013

Dennis Asks: "Why Is Dave Pack Scared of Me?"

Debate Me Mr. Pack
A Proposal Part II

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorSince the Restored Church of God has the real truth I merely have the present truth, it should be no problem for us to debate these things like adults who share the same WCG/Minister experience.  The only difference between us is that you have gone on to reinvent WCG after the passing of HWA and all that followed, and I have not.  We share the same education and I totally understand why you teach as you do.  I know how you think about the Bible and where you go to prove it. 

So, how about a debate?  Call it a discussion or a chat if you wish.  I have nothing to prove except that there is much much more accurate information beyond the boundries of the Restored Church of God and most Churches of God actually.  I also enjoy showing the rancor between those who "all spoke the same thing," was quite remarkable as well as the disharmony of the Gospels.  We both sat through that Harmony of the Gospels of the Class with RCM so this can be a lot of fun.  Perhaps we could invite him to moderate since we both were "his students" and he often seems puzzled as to why we would have strayed from his clear teachings .

So,  and I have to head out the door as I have a couple clients,  how about that debate?

I'll give you a heads up on topics if you like.

Is Genesis 1-11 Literally True
Sabbath Origins
Who really wrote the Books of Moses
Is Daniel Prophecy or History Backwards
What's With Revelation?
How Soon is "Soon"
The Harmony of the Gospels
Who Was Paul
Just What do You Mean Midrash
Did Jesus mean to start a church
Can humans all speak the same thing
Is it OK to disagree with the Church/Minister
Was Paul a False Prophet About Jesus Coming
Failed OT Prophecies
Failed NT Prophecies
Evolution or Creation
Six Thousand Years or 13.77 Million
Were Adam and Eve Real People
The Purpose of Genesis 1-3
Who is Elohim anyway
The Ten Commandments
What Were the Two Trees Really
and so on....

You are more than welcome to come up with your own list of things you'd enjoy discussing.  I'm pretty easy going about this and we can chat about anything you like as long as we stick to the Bible and the real truth.

Warm regards

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Flurry Cult Now A World Leader On How To Shoot Women's Hoops

God's greatest living impersonator of Herbert Armstrong is now letting the world know the godly way for women to play basketball.  In the shadows of the looming house of idolatry, PCG girls learn the truth about how the TRUE women of God play basketball and shoot hoops. 

This has to be one of the most pathetic scenes I have ever seen COG youth exploited and humiliated in.