Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Since Dave Pack has a History of Cheating at Sports Why Should We Trust Him as a COG Leader?

It has been well known in the COG that Dave Pack has a horrible record when it comes to good sportsmanship when he plays sports.  He wins at all expense.

There is a letter on the Exit and Support web site about this very issue concerning cheater Dave:

Dave Pack Uses His Authority in a Softball Game:
March 27, 2013
I was a member of the Buffalo, NY congregation quite awhile ago. I was a pretty good athlete so Dave Pack had a "use" for me. While playing slow pitch softball against a Canadian team, up came Babe Pack to bat. The score was close and a home run would change that. The Canadian team chose to intentionally walk him. He used his "authority" to "command" them to pitch to him. He did hit a home run and that tournament never invited us back again. That's the same way he did and does run everything. Pathetic and sick is what he has come to. --N.Y.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Dave Pack Sticks It To LCG, UCG, PCG Again

It must be really humiliating to be a leader of one of the larger splinter groups who is constantly being belittled by the greatest Church of God leader to ever walk the green grass of this earth.  Not even Jeremiah walking around Ireland was able to do as mighty a work as Dave Pack is.  Dave has the worlds largest COG web site, reaches billions of people weekly, is building the worlds most important campus,  and is raking in millions of dollars in donations weekly.

Dave breathlessly announces:

NOTICE: This is the SEVENTH in a series of special weekly announcements that appear every Friday. They collectively unveil the massive, ongoing expansion that God’s Church, Work and Headquarters are experiencing. There is a reason for this expansion! The reader should contrast these Friday announcements to the increasing bad news and bad events in UCG, LCG, PCG, COGwa and ALL splinters and slivers of the Worldwide Church of God. You must see what they are NOT announcing, and why they never will—and what GOD is bringing upon them.

(1) We are thrilled to announce a second building on our new Headquarters campus—a 12,000-square-foot Mail Processing Center (MPC). Site work begins next week, with construction quickly to follow. Our tremendous media growth (more is listed below) is causing literature distribution to explode. This requires much more space, equipment and manpower. The new MPC will house the Church’s mailing and in-house print operations, as well as the Landscaping and Construction Departments. This second building is also being built WITHOUT the need for BANK FINANCING! (Incidentally, it is our hope that we can soon announce a third building.)

Rod Meredith Says Members Who Do Not Send in Extra Money are NOT Part of God's "Team"

The financial downward spiral with Living Church of God's income is having a serious impact on how the LCG spreads its message.  It recently lost several of it's largest television stations due to income decline.  Those stations were immediately picked up by Dave Pack who has been gloating ever since on how his ministry is now more important and bigger than Meredith's.

Like any Church of God leader out here, it is the members fault that the income has dropped.  It is never taken into consideration that people stop sending in money because of the buffoons in charge and that members are disgusted by their lack of good stewardship.

Meredith has sent out a letter to the faithful using the new Pope as his "fear factor." and that other Christian ministers do not speak out continually on sex matters.

Meredith says:
"... the professing “Christian” ministers of the mainstream churches have virtually no fear or profound respect for the God of the Bible! They seem not to care about what His inspired Word says about abortion, same-sex marriage, young people just “living together” or anything else!"
Could it be that LCG members are getting sick and tired of the incessant topic of sex in ALL of Meredith's letters, booklets, TV programs, videos, blog entries and more?

Meredith continues:

My friends, this is the Work of Almighty God at the end of an age. We really do “tell it like it is.” And we really do understand biblical prophecy and are constantly proclaiming the truth about what lies just ahead for your very life. The God who gives us life and breath proclaims in His inspired Word: “If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the Lord have done it? Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?” (Amos 3:6-8).

I'm sorry, but Dave Pack is already doing this.  Oh wait!  Gerald Flurry says he is too!  Don't forget Weinland and Webber, they too are the only ones who have the "balls" to preach the truth.

Then Meredith continues trying to reinforce to his followers that if they fail to send in money then they are NOT part of "the team."  Their failure to support the mighty work of Rod allows the marrying gays, fornicating teens and  abortionists to have free reign.  Meredith wants his followers to know that the LCG is not as successful as Dave Pack with millions of dollars flowing.  LCG is a little work, struggling to get by as the ministry barely has enough to feed their families or pay for their recent shipping trips.

So, if you dear brethren and co-workers are part of the “team”—if you really are genuine “co-workers with Christ”—then along with our faithful team here in Charlotte and around the world, you will feel especially at this time the urgent need to zealously do your part in helping us warn our peoples of what lies just ahead and how they ought to be preparing to serve with Christ in Tomorrow’s World! We are not a big church or huge organization, with tens of millions of dollars pouring in to help us get out this vital message. So your faithful tithes and offerings—even every little “widow’s mite”—are vital to keep this Work going and growing.

Meredith  then begs for your money.  The work is in serious need and needs your EXTRA support now!  So, Dear Brethren, in addition to your tithe, tithe of the tithe, your third tithe and already excessive offerings, you MUST start sending in every single bit of extra money you can!  While no one at LCG HQ or the ministry has voluntarily taken a wage reduction, the members are expected to continue to lower their standard of living while the church leaders do not.

"...if you grasp the fact that our American and British-descended peoples really are “stumbling to the slaughter”—then, as true Christians and servants of God, you and I must take action. Even with you who have voluntarily elected to become “co-workers with Christ” in this crusade to get out His message, I very seldom desire to “get strong” unless circumstances warrant this. But, now, I tell you most sincerely, this Work of God really does need your extra-generous help and support right now."

 Meredith ends with this:

We have recently had to drop one or two of our better television outlets for financial reasons. We are already “tightening” our belts in a number of ways. As one who has tried to give my life in Christ’s service for nearly 61 years—full-time—I ask you to join me and other servants in going “above and beyond” in supporting God’s Work at this critical time. Please do not let me down. Please do not let God down. We look forward prayerfully for your loyal response soon.    
With Christian love,

Roderick C. Meredith
Brethren, it was only "one or two stations" no biggie.  He makes the current drop in stations to sound less than significant.  He also should have the brains to know that the has already told the members in previous letters that it was MORE than two stations they had to cut.

Yes brethren, for 61 years I have been obsessed with sex and the invading German armies.  If I have not been able to scare the shit out of you by now then I have been a failure. Please send me more money so I can be more forceful in the few years we have left.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Rebellious LCG Wives Told To Respect Their Husbands

In a letter to the LCG membership, Richard Franz tells the brawling and rebellious women of LCG that they had better start respecting their husbands!  You must learn to R-E-S-P-E-C-T each other now, otherwise you will have difficulty in the World Tomorrow as you are attempting to rule your planet together.  All that is missing is that REAL LCG men spank their wives when they are in rebellious moods.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T Your Husband

All husbands have a deep-seated desire for their wives to believe in them. Many husbands do what they do for the admiration of one woman: their wife. Ladies, remember back when you were first dating your husband? You gladly and enthusiastically played the role of his cheerleader; you motivated him with your eyes that were filled with pride and admiration. You were generous in your lavish praise and uplifting words which deeply touched his heart. When he married you he thought the cheers would last forever.
Do not misunderstand me, ladies; all men and women have a need and deep yearning for respect and love. Just as love is the principal drive and desire for women, respect is the force that propels a man forward. All men need the respect and validation of their wives.
If you want to show your husband that you truly love him you must give him respect. Your husband sincerely desires such respect: give it and build your home, neglect it and tear your home down (Proverbs 14:1).

For some wives, respecting your husband will be a walk of faith that just may produce what will feel like a “brand new husband” at home—one who is more affectionate, helpful and filled with good will. When you step out on faith, you are admitting that you understand what God’s Word says about unconditional respect for your husband and you are ready to show him that respect regardless of his response (Ephesians 5:33).
2. Listen to his work stories as closely as you expect him to listen as you recount what happens throughout your day. Do not interrupt him mid-sentence. Be patient enough for him to finish his story.

5. Men are hard wired to fix things and solve problems. Nothing says “I love you” more than allowing your husband to fix a problem for you, so occasionally ask for his advice and be prepared to follow it through.
Wives, husbands: your marriage is the gym in which your capacity to experience and express God’s love is strengthened and further developed, preparing you for your ultimate destiny.