Friday, April 5, 2013


The persecution complex has always been a part of Armstrongism as it has with fundamentalists for decades,particularly here in the United States.  Ever since my mother joined the church in the late 50's it was all I heard for the next 40 some years.  It continues on to this day in almost every single one of the splinter groups.  False prophet Thiel and false apostle Malm both shout this from the moutnain tops.

Because the Church of God was so unique it was constantly being persecuted throughout the ages.  First it was the Romans, then the Catholics and then the Protestants. It was and is still easy to find the boogeyman to scare people with.

In the 1960's in the Church the book, Foxes Book of Martyrs was widely read and preached from.  Every church library and most members had the book.  It was required reading for the youth in my church area. The stories described in it were things that we might ultimately face for not keeping birthdays or Christmas.

Then there was the absurd silliness from Rod Meredith about invading German armies that were going to imprison the nation  and hang people on meat hooks to torture them.  Who can forget the windbag Gerald Waterhouse and his incredibly stupid 4 hour sermons on torture, martyrdom and persecution.

Sermons were preached, booklets written, articles were in the Plain Truth, Good News and Tomorrows World telling about the upcoming persecution.  It was a great scare tactic to keep the members under control and fearful.  Being fearful of losing ones salvation had a stranglehold over the church and was a great weapon of intimidation.

Here is an article that will make you think twice about many of the beliefs were brainwashed with.  While I may  not agree with everything in the article it certainly brings up a lot of good points to consider.  I also agree that there was intense persecution at time of Christians and many were certainly killed.  The stories of the Lombard's and Waldenses in the Piedmont regions of Europe are legendary, even though none of these people were ever Church of God members or remnants of the "truth once delivered."

Here is book to shake up some of that persecution complex:

The Death of Jesus and the Rise of the Christian Persecution Myth

For Christians, the crucifixion is the event that changed everything. Prior to the death of Jesus and the emergence of Christianity most ancient people interpreted oppression, persecution, and violence as a sign that their deity was either irate or impotent. The crucifixion forced Jesus’s followers to rethink this paradigm. The death of their leader was reshaped as triumph and the experience of persecution became a sign of elevated moral status, a badge of honor. The genius of the Jesus movement was its ability to disassociate earthly pain from divine punishment. As a result Christians identified themselves as innocent victims; they associated their sufferings with those of Jesus and aligned the source of those sufferings with the forces that killed Jesus. From the very beginning, victimhood was hardwired into the Christian psyche.


With the exception of the Great Persecution of Diocletian (AD 303-305), when Christians were indeed actively persecuted, it is difficult to find any examples of Roman emperors behaving as Christians typically portrayed them. Apart from this comparatively brief period, and an even briefer one during the reign of Valerian in 257-58, Roman emperors never targeted Christians for attack. At the beginning of the second century, the emperor Trajan actually stipulated that Christians were not to be sought out. Roman emperors simply don’t appear to have been that interested in Christians. For most of the first three centuries of their existence Christians flourished: they held lofty political positions, and were so comfortable under the Romans that they even constructed a prominent church across the road from the imperial palace in Nicomedia.


Given that the Roman evidence for persecution is so thin, the origin of our misunderstandings about the early church must, and does, lie with the early Christians themselves. There are literally thousands of stories of Christians martyrs being brutally tortured and killed, but the overwhelming majority of these were written long after the events they claim to describe. Who is responsible for these misunderstandings about history? And why did they alter the historical record? One of the reasons is the explosion of the cult of the saints, the passion for collecting and displaying holy relics, in the fifth century and beyond.  Everyone wanted a piece of the action and innumerable stories about martyrs were fabricated to support local churches and to attract pilgrims to particular towns.








Thiel: Those With Dementia Are Cursed For Disobeying God's Laws

The non-ordained self -appointed false prophet Bob Thiel is weighing in on dementia.  It still amazes me that Armstrongites attribute everything that goes wrong with a persons health  is  because of sin in the persons life.   Armstrongism's magical God is pissed and ready to strike disobedient people at the slightest whim.  Apparently a big cosmic joke is upon us all.

I know people who have done everything imaginable in their lives, treated people like dirt and  are as sharp as can be.  Others who drip with Christian hospitality and  grace have one horrendous health issue after another. 

The non-ordained self-appointed false prophet writes:

Dementia seems to be a curse from a biblical perspective:
15 “But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:
16 “Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country…
28 The Lord will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart.  (Deuteronomy 28:15-16, 28)
Note: I am not saying that all who get dementia have intentionally violated God’s laws, etc.  But what I am trying to say is that dementia and costs associated with it are consistent with curses against a society that should know God’s laws but refuses to obey God.

Dudeism: "An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness."

For those burned out on the mentally ill buffoons and charlatans in Armstrongism, here is a church you can join and feel at ease:  The Church of the Latter Day Dude  or Dudeism.

Dudeism: "An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness."

CNN article:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

David Renz: Another COG Murderer and Child Molester In The News

Here is another sad legacy of the Armstrongism.  A child of former members has killed a school librarian and raped a 10 year old child. 

I am sure this guys life was hell growing up, even in the church.  Knowing how COG kids treated those not part of the "in" crowd, I can imagine his life in WCG was not a good one either.  Those of us in Pasadena have seen this kind of treatment by church youth at Imperial Schools when Apartian's son killed him self with a shotgun blast to the face.  He was not treated well by Imperials students and was always an outsider because of his looks.

Renz’s life was dominated by his deformity, his friends and family friends say. But now it is dominated by the unthinkable things police say he did March 14.

Renz, 29, was charged that day with kidnapping, stabbing and killing school librarian Lori Bresnahan and raping a 10-year-old girl. Police said he followed them in the parking lot of Great Northern Mall and attacked them.
Renz was born missing the lower half of his left jaw and part of his cheekbone.

From infancy, fixing Renz’s face was the center of his life and his family’s. A family friend who attended the Worldwide Church of God said he remembers Renz’s parents coming to church when Renz was just a baby.

At 8, he was a computer whiz, Kyser said, and had four computers of his own. But he lived in a cluttered trailer in Cicero that looked like something out of the TV show “Hoarders,” she said. And his parents’ religion kept Renz from celebrating Christmas and birthdays, she said.

Their church, Worldwide Church of God, is a fundamentalist Christian group that doesn't celebrate Christmas and celebrates the Sabbath on Saturday instead of Sunday.

 Checkout the entire story here:

David Renz was the kid with the deformed face before being accused of horrifying crime

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Are COG Leaders Thiel, Pack, Flurry et al, Spiritually Abusive?

One of  my favorite writers is Michael Camp, the author of Confessions of a Bible Thumper.  Today on his blog I read his latest entry on spiritually abusive churches.  He lists several points that perfectly fit a large majority of the Churches of God and their current leaders.

Of particular interest to many here will be be #7.

Red highlighted emphasis is mine when it closely resembles the Armstrongite mind set.

Is Your Church Guilty of Spiritual Abuse? Check the Top Ten Signs 
1 – Your pastor has an authoritative style of leadership. Churches that abuse typically have one controlling leader whose personality and ideas dominate church sermons, teaching, and decisions. 
Signs: (1) Lead pastor’s ........ sermon is streamed via video to satellite churches. (2) The polity of the church is such that the lead pastor or pastors are shielded from real accountability. (3) There’s a strong focus on members submitting to their leaders and lower leaders submitting to higher leaders. Jesus never organized a hierarchy but told people to be servants. Paul’s form of biblical eldership was based on equality not submission. 

Every single one of the COG larger splinter personality cults  stream the words of "wisdom" of the leader to the minions.  Thiel, Pack and Flurry  seem to think they speak for God and that no one below them has the brains to think. Just look at the pathetic videos Bob Thiel is subjecting his 200 members to! These guys attempt to do all the thinking for their groups members.  Church areas and living room churches are required to play these videos. 

2 – You are expected to commit to rigid rules for church membership and submit to church leaders’ authority. Despite no biblical mandate for formal church commitment or ecclesiastical authority in Scripture, spiritually abusive churches push a rigid form of membership and submission to church leaders as obedience to God. A hierarchy develops of members submitting to group leaders to elders to pastors to an executive board, which is controlled by the founder or lead pastor. Signs: (1) Members are required to sign a contract or agreement with strict rules for doctrinal beliefs and behavior. (2) A church discipline process is spelled out in detail that members must agree to.
One COG splinter cult leader of a minuscule and spiritually bankrupt group actually makes his members sign contracts when they want to attend his feast sites so that they will not discuss his sermons, etc.  He is so fearful that his stupidity will be spread around world that he keeps tight control over his dwindling pee-ons.

3 – The church has a very wide view of what’s considered non-negotiable doctrines and behaviors and a very narrow view of what’s considered negotiable. Rather than making Christ’s one law of love for God and neighbor as the most important characteristic of a believer, belief in the right doctrines and certain religious behaviors becomes the main measuring stick for Christian maturity. Signs: There’s a lot of church documentation and teaching on correct doctrine.

Just look at the hundreds of booklets and letters that the WCG used to print and what all the current splinter groups put out supposedly teaching "correct" doctrine.  These little booklets were slick mind control over the dumbed down members.  By making these booklets authoritative they prohibited any reason for doubt or questioning.  Almost all COG members have never ventured to read theological books outside their current group.  Others rewrite all the books and booklets of Herbert Armstrong and deify those works.
4 – Any expression of concern about church decisions, teachings, or behavior of leaders is interpreted as disloyalty or sin. When a member or leader questions or challenges the status quo, they become suspect of being disloyal, told to submit, and even manipulated to do so. If they don’t, they are forced out. Signs: The history of the church or denomination includes leaders and members being fired or leaving under less-than-peaceful circumstances.
The above is a perfect description of Armstrongism and the Churches of God.  Thousands have been fired over the decades by Church leaders for "bad attitudes." Tens of thousands have left under less than peaceful circumstances!  Lawsuits have abounded, hundreds and hundreds of rancorous splinter groups formed in the midst of angry accusations and outright slander.
5 – The church deflects tough questions about their faith and doctrine. Only safe questions are allowed. There’s a veneer of openness but the bottom line is people are told not to be divisive about church doctrine. Pushed too far, sincere, reasonable questions are shut down in the name of unity. But biblical unity is not about creating uniformity. It’s about loving one another. Signs: Members are not encouraged to accept and explore their doubts but rather submit to what the church says is “orthodox” teaching.

How many times have we heard in Armstrongism that we were followers of "the faith once delivered?"  How many more have heard that they are followers of the "first century TRUE Christians?"  Thiel claims his little personality cult is following "the apostolic Christian faith."  By making such claims it shuts down any doubt or question that members might have.  They are labeled as having "bad attitudes" or being influenced by Satan the king of doubt and questioning.

6 – Church discipline is overdone and over taught in the church. Leaders will deny this by pointing to the percentage of discipline cases. But you need to measure the threat of discipline as well and how it’s done. Spiritual abuse happens when the interpretation of Matthew 18 and other Scriptures is very narrow and goes beyond what is stated or what can be reasonably applied to a contemporary situation. Signs: (1) There’s a long document about church discipline policy. (2) There is no appeals process for someone accused. (3) Members suspected of needing church discipline, or who are subject to it, must sit through lots of long meetings with leaders. (4) Shunning the accused is common when someone is deemed unrepentant or chooses to leave the church. Identifying “sin” and real “repentance” can become highly subjective and the church ends up shunning people for minor offenses (disagreeing with leadership or doctrine or what constitutes moral behavior) and rejecting people who have repented but haven’t jumped through sufficient hoops (e.g. signing a “discipline contract”).
There has never been an appeals process in Armstrongism.  The Church claimed it had one but it never worked.  Once an evangelist or pastor made the decision it was sealed in heaven.  Like what is mentioned above, the disciplining process in Armstrongism was and still is subjective.  The same standards never seemed to apply twice.  Those standards most certainly were never the same for ordained and lowly member.  The ordained got away with murder while the pee-on's were treated like shit.  Just look at UCG's recent removal of a Church Leader/minister for adultery who now is back in good graces and treated like a saint who was persecuted unjustly.  Then look at UCG members, the lowly pee-ons, who have been disfellowshipped for doing the exact same thing.

7 – Your church and/or denomination has ex-member websites with stories of spiritual abuse. It’s one thing if a few disgruntled ex-members complain, but when a large number of people come out with stories about spiritual abuse, and are willing to post their stories, it’s a huge red flag. Especially when the stories reflect a pattern of misuse of authority, manipulation, and doing damage control to protect the reputation of the church.
Every church has disgruntled members regardless whether they are in mainstream Christianity or in Armstrongism.  Their grumbling doe snot make waves.  Their whining dies out rather quickly, however in spiritually abusive groups and particularly in this case, Armstrongism, it is a HUGE red flag.  Hundreds of books have been written about the abuses in the Churches of God.  Hundreds of web sites and blogs have in great detail described the abuses. Many of these web sites and blogs were formed not to destroy the Church of God but to help cleanse it of the idiots with low morals in charge.  The best example of this was the Ambassador Report that came out in the late 70's.  It was to open the eyes of the membership to the abuses going on and the waste.  One can only imagine what an impact it would have had if the internet had been open to all at that time. Those sites were started with good intentions. Then the swift knee jerk of the corporate COG leaders cried fowl and started threatening members for daring to believe them.  Those that did side with the ex-member sites were immediately were disfellowhipped, marked, shunned and made anathema.  Fear of being cast in the Lake of Fire was a great Armstrongite threat.

8 – The church has a very strict definition of gossip. When members have concerns about the church or strains with relationships, they are expected to keep their thoughts to themselves. Signs: Any sharing of negative experiences in relationships, even if it’s healthy venting to a close friend, is perceived as sinful gossip.

In Armstrongism and the Churches of God it was a sign of the devil at work.  Satan was seeking to destroy the "work" and gossip was his greatest tool.  That is part of the reason why there were not many really deep friendships  in the COG.  No one was really willing to be open with those they knew on a deeper level.  If they dared to express doubt then that friend would run to the ministry.  Friendship in Armstrongism were superficial.  Look at how quickly friends turned their backs on spiritual brothers and sisters because they would not jump ship to a splinter group with them.  Look at the lives destroyed because of family members split into various COG factions.  Look at the lives of Flurry's cult members who are cut off from biological family members.  Because some family member dared to doubt or question, they are cut off.

9 – The church interprets Bible verses on women in submission to the nth degree. Women are expected to submit to their husbands. Paul’s teachings on women are rigidly and unevenly interpreted—e.g. wives are reprimanded for being unsubmissive but husbands are rarely reprimanded for not loving their wives like Christ and never for not submitting to their wives (Ephesians 5:21 tells believers to “Submit to one another”!! ). Signs: (1) Some churches teach husbands to monitor their wives communications, e.g. email. (2) The debate about women’s roles in the church is not up for discussion despite many alternative biblical interpretations, even in conservative churches, e.g. Four Square, Vineyard, and Evangelical Covenant churches allow women in leadership.
Men were taught that they were "Lord of the Manor" in the COG.  Since they were to be literal Kings of planets they had to learn how to whip their lowly households into shape.  Women were subservient and lowly in knowledge compared to the men.  There were ordained men in Pasadena that bought their wives clothing, told them what hair styles they were wear and a couple even had their wives walk three steps behind them.  They were never to be directly by their side.  Women in horribly abusive relationships were told to be submissive tot he husband that beat them regularly.  Women were raped and assaulted by their husbands because it was their "right."

10 – A church deals with cases of sexual abuse in ways that serve the interest of the church not the interest of the victims and their families. When a member of the church is sexually abused by another member, rather than following the law and best practices (reporting it to local police and social services), a church will keep the abuse quiet under the guise of handling it “biblically.” Victims are forced to “forgive” their abusers and remain in their social sphere with no protection from post-traumatic stress and future abuse. Abusers are protected from local authorities and social stigma while victims and families are forced to remain silent about their pain, even to close friends, in the name of squelching “gossip.” Signs: People are familiar with this happening in the Catholic Church but it’s also common in Protestant churches. E.g., in 2012, a lawsuit was filed against several Sovereign Grace Ministries churches, the co-founders, and other leaders claiming cover up of child sexual abuse.

This is exactly what happened with child abuse in Armstrongism. In most cases it was swept under the rug.  Abusers were protected and the abused made to believe it was their fault.  In most cases the law was never brought into the picture unless it was witnessed outside the church community.   There have been numerous child abuse cases involving COG members that have made national news over the decades.  Victims were told to forgive and get on with their lives.

I am glad to see the news story that broke a couple weeks about about the COG elder that is sitting in jail for abusing three young boys in the mid 90's.  Sadly, there are already discussions going around in COG circles that these young men (now in their 30's) should have moved on with their lives and forgiven the abuser.  They say that since he is an elderly man he will die in prison and that is not really fair.

What should you do if you think spiritual abuse is taking place at your church? There is no set answer to this question, as it depends on the situation in the church. People should leave highly abusive churches and don’t look back or feel guilty. If spiritual abuse is not entrenched and it’s only in isolated cases, you should consider approaching a trusted leader in the church with your concern. How they respond will to tell you to what extent it is prevalent or if they desire to stop it from spreading. If they don’t acknowledge a problem and use abusive techniques like 2, 4, 5, & 8 above, it’s probably a highly abusive church and you should leave and consider warning others.

Sadly these steps will never be allowed in the Churches of God.  There seems to be far too many men in charge that cannot be trusted to rise above their situation and make a difference.