Friday, May 17, 2013

The Plain Truth About Gay Farm Animals

Those crazy folk over on the COG Yahoo boards, God bless 'em, never fail to keep the world entertained.  Today we have a world renown authority telling us just what it is that makes farm animals horny and gay.

Apparently if a calf is licked by a male cow or female cow that is not his mother, this leads to cow gayness.  Calves that are raised in groups with other cows, in a regulated controlled environment, turn out to be gay if they are licked by others.  I kid you not!

The stupidity that occupys the minds of Armstrongites never ceases to amaze me.  They can't feed the homeless or take care of a neighbor but they can write about horny gay cows.

Today I will write about what makes Farm Animals Normal and balanced. Compared to what causes Homosexual Animals.

A calf (including up to four fostered) being raised by a Cow in natural conditions, feeding at will, where the Cow licks the foster calves, and the calves bonds with its mother and even being kicked at times. Turns into a normal sexually orientated Calf. 

Where Calves are raised without a natural mother, (and even on natural milk), in a controlled situation, being raised as a group, will have enhanced homosexual tendencies, the greater the group is unnaturally controlled, the greater the Homosexual tendency.

The difference between these two groups of calves, is like night compared to day.
Possibly the same applies with people.  As society become more regulated and demanding and controlled (in an unnatural way), the great the homosexual tendencies.

Did you know that bad polluted food makes people gay?  Did you know that slow sailing ships made people gay? WTF??????

Of cause, there will be other things, that might affect things.  (bad polluted food etc)
In years past, slow sailing ships were the abode of many Homosexuals.  (Controlled, cramped, environments)

Worth thinking about.

I don't think so!  It's no wonder COG members end up being such laughing stocks when things like  the above are broadcast as truth.

E. W King Exposes Hillary Clinton

E. W. King is all hot and bothered right now.  He says he has earth shattering news about Hillary Clinton and exposes her.  Why is it that so many of the splinter cult leaders think they know more dark secrets about their country's government than the anyone else does?  They all seem to think have have an inside track somehow.  Idiots all.

Hilary Clinton exposed! COGSR has now learned the truth about Benghazi. Hilary Clinton was involved in trafficking American weapons through the Libya Ambassador location. Some of these weapons are still coming through Turkey. They are supporting the rebels.

The American ambassador plot was discovered by Hezbollah thus it was attacked. This is what happened and is continuing to happen.

COGSR has warned about watching Turkey and COGSR predicted the Ambassador attack.