Friday, August 9, 2013

Dave Pack Says He Is FINALLY Going To Shut Up!

Dave Pack has come forth with what he claims is his LAST announcement to the unwashed, unrepentant COCGers who continue to laugh at him.  I will not hold my breath on that one.  He is such an arrogant narcasssit that he will just have to say one more thing....then another.....then another....and then another.......

He also arrogantly claims what he has been prophesying is one of the greatest prophecies of the Bible.  Leave it to an Armstrongite to find the greatest prophecy of the Bible to be Old Testament law related instead of the birth of Jesus, his, ministry and mystery of the resurrection.  Jesus and his wimpy-ass message is not worth talking about. Law trumps grace every single time in Armstrongism.

This is my last announcement in this long series covering one of the greatest prophecies in the Bible—the reunification of God’s people. Much has already been covered. There is no value in restating all that has been written. Twenty-four previous announcements are available on our website. This one will be much shorter, covering final points.

Philadelphia Church of God Continues It's Abusive Child Sabbath Rules To Extend Before and After Services

The craziness at PCG continues today with the latest article about children being FORCED to  behave in church services. 

Joel Hilliker, a junior underling at PCG HQ has penned another child rearing article he is not qualified to be writing.  Before and After Services - Still Holy Time

The true identity of the true church is well behaved children.  Apostle Paul would know it was a COG because the kiddies were well behaved.

What would the Apostle Paul say if he walked in on one of our Sabbath services?

He wrote that we should know “how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God” (1 Timothy 3:15, Revised Standard Version).

In those congregations that are blessed to have children, the behavior of those young ones can make all the difference in whether the services really represent the name Philadelphia Church of God. That is, whether they uphold the Philadelphian standard; whether they befit the very elect, called-out ones; and whether they honor the Being whose name we stand for.
 Of course well behaved children behave because their daddy has made them submissive and scared shitless.

Paul said a leader in the Church should be “one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence” (verse 4, New King James Version). Every parent with children at home should have that goal. Our children’s Sabbath behavior is an excellent test of how well we are living up to it.

Now that PCG kids are submissive in church, the PCG is extending it's reach beyond church services.  That strict and vigilant ENFORCEMENT of the law for church etiquette has to extend to the home also.

In my last column we talked about how our children should behave during services in order to minimize distractions and to prepare them to receive the instruction as they get older. Here we’ll discuss the standard we should strive to maintain in our children’s behavior before and after services.

“Many of our brethren may not fully realize the seriousness of strict training and vigilant enforcement of behavior of children at Church services,” Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in the Good News magazine, May 1981. “God is holding every one of you parents responsible!”
Hilliker continues on by quoting the letter that HWA reprinted in the Good News form his son Richard David covering child rearing practices.  That abusive drivel has been discussed on various COG sites over the last week.  Given that Hilliker now brings that letter up as a shining truth means that PCG is closely monitoring these blogs.  Its not a coincidence.

This sickest part of HWA's praise of Richard's abuse, is this:

In this article, Mr. Armstrong reprinted a letter his son Richard David wrote in 1958 to the brethren in the Fresno congregation addressing children’s behavior at Sabbath services. “I do not think my son really wrote this letter, except as God’s instrument. The living Christ, I feel, actually authored it,” he explained. “But it contains a dynamic sermon on the responsibility of parents for the training and the behavior of their children at Church services.”

What an endorsement from God’s end-time Elijah! Consider the main points of instruction and correction this Christ-authored letter has for us parents.
The lengths that PCG goes to to lick HWA's ass is appalling.

So what can your kiddies do on Saturdays?

That is the overarching principle we must remember when we monitor and regulate our children’s behavior before and after services. This is still holy time. Isaiah 58:13 commands that we all—including our children—refrain from doing our own pleasure to ensure the Sabbath is “holy of the Lord, honourable.”

That means no running or horseplay. The children should not be throwing things, or noisily rolling cars around, or being overly loud. Boys seem especially prone to such behavior. We must direct them toward appropriate alternatives.
“Of course your children can play with the other children when services are over,” said the August 1965 Good News. “They should look forward to and enjoy the Sabbath when they see all their friends again. But this is not license to sail airplanes out of restroom windows, wrestle on the floor, or bang chairs around ….”

Our children should be quiet and orderly throughout the Sabbath. They should respect the property at services—including songbooks and other children’s toys—and have a sense of decorum befitting the occasion.
 Also, take some time before and/or after services to have your children speak with adults. Teach them how to be friendly—to look them in the eye, to answer questions (hopefully with more than a yes or no), to speak up.
 Two more points: Children should be taught not to walk through adult conversations (we can all help with this). They should be taught not to interrupt when adults are talking.

God Punishes Man's Daughter Because He Let The Cable Guy Fix His Unit On The Sabbath

The magical and punitive  god of Armstrongism still continues to eagerly sit on high with his thumb on the punishment button ready to dish out pain and suffering on sinful COG members.

Is it any wonder the COG is loosing so many members across the board when the god they follow is this angry and pissed off all the time?

Do you ever think sometimes that when bad things happen to you or someone you love, you might have brought it on by your sinning? Well, something very bad happened to my daughter recently, right after I let the cable guy come fix my cable on the sabbath. I would have had to take off work to do it any other day. I sure should have. Ironic, after six weeks of sitting by her bed in the hospital, I lost my job anyway. Thankfully I didn’t lose my daughter. God is serious, and he is quick to forgive too. It’s never too late to learn how to honor our Father. (From The Church of Malm)

James Malm: COG's Should Not Be Renting Halls Where "pagan" Employee's Are Working to Keep it Clean on Saturdays

A Church of Malm acolyte asks the apostle:

James if we take the points brought out in the above posting and apply them to meeting in facilities on the Sabbath where employees are operating the facility, is that also not an area to examine in breaking the Sabbath?

The Chief Pharisee and apostle responds:

We have God’s command to meet, and therefore operating a meeting room for a meeting and sermon is NOT sin, it is obedience to God’s command. The tabernacle and the temple functioned on Sabbaths and High Days. That said such meeting places where there are paid staff working on Sabbaths should be reassessed and changes should be made, so that set up is before Sabbath and clean up is after Sabbath etc.

Also I do take issue with meeting in pagan environments like Masonic Lodges, other religious church buildings etc.

Efforts should be made to have a place for services that is in a godly environment and where as little as possible work is done on Sabbath and as much preparation as possible is done before the Sabbath begins. The COG Groups fall far short in these areas just as they fall far short by cooking and doing other work, or paying others to work on Sabbath.

I know that many people even shine shoes, do ironing etc etc on Sabbath to prepare for services; these things can easily be done the preparation day and on Sabbath we should be devoted to prayer, Bible Study and teaching our families and discussing the scriptures. Maybe along with a few breaks for a nap[ or a walk in the park. James