Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tom Munson Comments About His Letter To David C Pack

I wrote that letter in September of 2000. I must give Dave Pack some of the credit for the fact that I no longer hold on to what was then sincerely held beliefs. One benefit from my experiences with Pack is that my children have been spared having to be raised in a fear inducing religion. They are happy, intelligent, law abiding, caring individuals who have empathy for others. I am proud of them!

I have never in my life encountered someone as despicable as Pack. Hopefully never will again. He takes sincere people and uses them up, and spits them out, without a shred of concern about how he destroys peoples lives. I feel sorry for those he has convinced to liquidate their savings and pull big triggers and send it all in to him. He is all about money, always has been, always will be. Money appears to be his God.

It is very telling that he demands that his contributors have absolutely no say in how he spends their money. I would bet that it is safe to say that he still uses only a fraction of third tithe he collects from trusting contributors in a manner that they would approve of!

I have since recovered from my interactions with him, and rarely give him much thought. I am sure he thinks of me a hundred times more than I ever think of him. Looking at his web site I see he mentions me without naming me, and tries to defame me through innuendo. He apparently can't help himself. He is too egotistical.

I see how he has declared himself an Apostle, and see the failed prophesy that he made last fall. He can add false Apostle and false prophet to his resume now! I wonder what entertaining wackiness his mind will come up with next?

Thomas Munson

The Emasculated, Gutless, Impoverished Wimps In the Restored Church of God "Ministry"

A reader here commented on the thread about David C Pack the other day.

He makes a valid point:

That DCP's August 31, 2013 prophetic guess totally failed and none of the deceived, robbed, impoverished, gutless, emasculated wimps in the RCG dares to call him on it is kind of appalling too.

These "16" that David C Pack constantly talks about as his loyal group of ministers who are helping forge the "Great Reunification" know for a fact that Dave lied to them by the end of October of 2013.  Yet these impoverished men still fornicate with Dave's so called ministry.  They have literally whored themselves out to a false prophet and documented liar.  Its more important to start an agricultural program or get a pay check than it is to have a set of balls and to take a stand against one of the sickest and most abusive Armstrongite splinter groups yet.

How these men can justify sitting there week after week watching the members being treated they way they are and do nothing about it is disgusting.  They truly are EMASCULATED, GUTLESS, and IMPOVERISHED WIMPS!