Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Elijah Passover Pack: I am so highly favored by God that a pick-up truck passed right though my car!

oops....no choof-boop this time!

Elijah Passover Dave now reveals how phantom trucks have...choff-booped... right through him!

One time when a truck passed right through my car – the same way that woman in the van – I'm the only one who could really relate to the woman in the van passing right through a semi twice. I've done that, I saw a pickup truck pass right through my car; just choof-boop, just like that it's behind me. You can give that whatever weight you'd like in light of Luke 1:65.

Elijah Passover Dave: The original Elijah slew with the sword. Could it be that I will be able to slay with MY MIRACULOUS WORDS?

Narcissism to the extreme:

120: Elijah executed a hundred and two pursuers with fire and slew four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal with his sword after using fire to light the offering. Could there be a modern parallel of at least using God's Word as a sword? I don't I kill four hundred and fifty people with fire, but you understand the point, Christ comes with a sword in his hand, the false Christ with a bow; the sword is the Word of God, we understand that, and I'm going to have to deal with these men.

Elijah Passover Dave: I would be the LAST prophet EVER to be sent to the world if it was not for that Jesus dude

I tremble at Elijah Passover Dave's awesomeness...
Finally brethren, on point 117, Malachi was almost universally seen as the last Old Testament prophet, virtually no one doubts that – this is interesting for another reason. He was the only prophet to mention a coming end time Elijah with that end time man apparently being the world's last prophet other than, of course, Christ. The Kingdom of God will supplant all need for apostles and prophets because it will be every member of God's family who carries out the role of teachers – kings, and priests and teachers – as described in Isaiah chapter 30 verses 20-21. So the last Old Testament prophet introduces the last prophet ever sent to the world beside Christ.

Elijah Passover Pack: Book of Malachi Foretells ME and MY Ministry to the Two Witless Witnesses

Even Gerald Flurry foretells of the miraculous coming
Elijah Passover Dave!

Elijah Passover Dave feels that the book of Malachi was written to foretell of his glorious existence and how he will be training the two witnesses.  Apparently Elijah Passover Dave is waiting for Ron Weinland to get out of prison and join his wife.  At that point then Elijah Passover Dave's true ministry kicks into gear.  Three COG leaders will die, thousands will join up with Elijah Passover Dave and Ron and Laura will preach in the streets of Jerusalem performing miracles.  When they are killed and resurrected three days later, Gerald Flurry will commission an Irish Dance production that will be premiered in the amphitheater in Petra.
By now it should be clear that Haggai, Zechariah, and the last book of the Old Testament just after them, Malachi all work together; in fact, they're inseparable. More than ever I've seen that no one book could stand alone without the others to amplify and, in many cases, simply interpret it. The prophet Malachi's name means My Messenger. Obviously this man is also a type of Elijah, that's easy to see. Just think of chapter 3:1 in Malachi's book, "I will send my messenger," which introduces and foretells both coming Elijahs, John and the final one, me. Of course, it is chapter 4 and verse 5 that tells you that messenger is Elijah. The subject of Malachi's book formed the very foundation of the final Elijah's message to God's people, and do this much more than they do to John's message; his work was narrower to a smaller people with lesser problems. This is big to understand, this importance of the Malachi book being a foundation because of what may lie just ahead now, brethren; because of who may be schedule to receive messages very soon from the book of Malachi by me.