Monday, April 13, 2015

Penetrating the Indoctrinated Mind

If as a child you were taught for years, until you were an adult to believe a certain way about certain things, then later in life your mind becomes a wall and a barrier that cannot receive alternative ideas to what you have thought for years to be true (for most people).

For example suppose that you were taught by your parents, your school teachers and through the "news" media and through movies that God spoke to a man long ago, by the name of Santa Claus and that this Santa Claus said that God told him 700 rules that humans are to live by.   What if millions of people all around you believed the same way?  How do you overcome this myth, which has been pounded into your mind for thousands of times over the years?

What if you were schooled to believe all your life anything a certain way, such as belief that the Bible is the infallible and inerrant word of God?    Others have been taught that their "Holy" books are inspired by God and they have been schooled to believe that their books are true, even though their books differ with yours.

You read in the New Testament that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God", but how did the person who said that, thought that or penned that,  know that?   Had you been standing there by the source that penned that and asked them what "right" they had to make such a claim, would that person have been embarrassed because he knew it was not true?

When certain men long ago said "God commanded", how would they know that, unless of course God literally appeared to such persons and spoke with them?   Some may claim that God actually did speak to them, but since God does not speak with anyone today in a verbal since, why should
we believe that God ever spoke with anyone throughout all human history?  And why should we believe them?

The fact is that human beings are programmed and indoctrinated to believe things, for which they have no real clue as to its truthfulness or validity.   People who hear something through the lying "news" media or movie industry thousands of times, have been so inundated with that information, that it becomes nearly impossible for people to comprehend that anything contrary could be true, even though what they have believed to be true may not be true at all.

It actually is a long process to unwind false information and false knowledge that has been deeply embedded into the human mind.   Humans have been used and abused since the beginning of time, by other humans whose motives in life are less than altruistic.

How often I have heard people recoil at the idea of "conspiracies", as if they admit they believe in a conspiracy, they will be looked upon as a kook.   Well, for Christians if the Devil comes as an angel of light, does that not tell you that Satan IS a liar and a deceiver?   What is a conspiracy other than deception?   Of course you believe in conspiracies and if you don't then you don't believe there is a
devil, provided you are a Christian.

You know why people are skittish about admitting to belief in conspiracies?   Simply, because the "news" media makes you think you are an idiot if you believe in alternatives to the status quo.   They want the public to believe what they tell the public and without questioning.   You are far better off to never trust the "news" media for anything and dig for truth and answers for yourself.   In fact take your television to the landfill if you want some peace of mind.

Had you lived on another planet and never been exposed to all the information that has been funneled into your mind for a lifetime, you would most likely not believe anything that earthlings believe.  If you were God and you could witness everything on planet earth, understand all languages and have the ability to be behind closed doors and see how humans plot and scheme, lie and cheat and deceive, then you would know the truth and not be a party to an indoctrinated mind because of the lying "news" media or religious liars.

Sad to say but adult human beings are rendered childish in their knowledge and thinking abilities, because of the relentless programming into their minds by innumerable sources. Ever wonder why the public is bombarded and assaulted with 24/7 advertising?  Virtually everyone wants you to believe something is true or good or you can't live without it and why? :-) $Money?

One of the main and major reasons why so many people are bankrupt in knowledge about so many issues, is the fact that they DO NOT READ and if they read, they only read what they may agree with or what agrees with their pre-programmed mind conditioning.   Want a clue to learning?   Read from sources that challenge.

Want the truth about "Biblical" archaeology?   Then read books or articles from sources that challenge the status quo and not just from sources that have hidden or ulterior motives to make you believe the bible can be proved by archaeology.   It can not!   And you will learn that Ron Wyatt an amateur archaeologist supposedly discovered more "biblical" truths through archaeology than all others for hundreds of years.  He did not.

No matter the subject, read from sources that challenge and you will learn how the bible really came into being and you will learn the truth about many other types of subjects.

The best way to penetrate the indoctrinated mind is to challenge people to prove their own beliefs and stop listening to and reading only what agrees with their preset beliefs.

Unfortunately most people are willing to live in the bliss of ignorance, because they don't want to spend the time to learn, they just want to be told by some preacher what to believe, even though the preacher himself knows next to nothing.   And they want to be told by the "news" media, the government or the movie industry what to believe, as if these primarily atheistic sources tell you truth.

Van Robison

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Living Church of God Treats COGWA Member With Disdain When Visiting LCG HQ

The millennial kingdom of the LCG where the lion eats the lamb.

God's most perfect representatives of God's true love and grace put that love in action recently when a COGWA member dropped by LCG HQ to inquire about attend LCG services while in Charlotte on a business trip.  Given how the Living Church of God embodies new covenant love with such a passion we should all assume that they welcomed this person with open arms, as Jesus would.  Right?


They ignored the person and refused to let him/her attend services and basically treated the person with disdain.

Can you imagine Jesus doing such a thing to ANYONE who desired to listen to him or fellowship with him?

Meredith has always led a sanctimonious life ridiculing and devaluing anyone outside his small narrow held beliefs.  Meredith's ministers and his actions prove once again how debased the LCG has become. Gracelessness is the hallmark of the Living Church of God.

The  Living Church of God continues on its rapid downturn into irrelevancy.  Why would anyone choose to stay in such a graceless environment?

From a reader here:
I am a COGWA member who came to Charlotte on business and wanted to check out LCG. I popped into LCG headquarters to get info on where to go for Sabbath services (it was a Friday afternoon). They refused to give me the address of services and were totally unfriendly and unwelcoming. The refused to let me attend services without first having met with a minister and, although I've heard there are over a dozen ministers in the building, none of them were available. In shock, I turned around an

UCG Attempts To Re-brand Its Self As Hip And Up to Date Due To Its Embarrassment Over Its Imagined "Gospel" Message

After the epic failure last year of its billboard campaign that brought in one possible member at a cost of close to 250,000.00, the UCG has had to come up with new ways to draw in the gullible public.  With the widespread use of smart phones and tablets people are moving away from reading printed materials. Not able to draw in new members through billboard campaigns, it has to resort to other avenues.

After being humiliated by Dave Pack's most superfantabulous web site ever in the history of humanity, the UCG realized they needed to change and become fresh and appealing.

The Internet team at the United Church of God is always looking for ways to improve our visitor's experience. Over the past several months we've been very busy building something that we think you'll love! We're very happy to say we're almost ready to unveil the new website!

One interesting thing you will notice when you check the page out, it no longer "preaches" a "gospel" message on its main page.  That embarrassing message is relegated to several clicks away. It tries to present a washed up and sanitized version of  who the UCG is as a church on its front page.

The Internet has changed really quickly! For years the strategy was to put as much content on your homepage as possible so search engines could find your site and make sure that visitors could find the information they were looking for. With advances from search engines, this isn't the case anymore. We're planning to move all gospel-preaching content off of the "United Church of God" section of the website, and really focus in on who we are as a Church.

We're going to give visitors a much clearer way to find a congregation near them and a really good idea of what they can find when they get to services. We'll show them our outreach efforts, sermons, and even invite them in to watch a webcast Sabbath service so they can answer God's calling.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Imprisoned Church of God Felon Claims He Is The Only True Apostle...Unlike the False Apostles Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack

The Church of God's favorite imprisoned felon is back sharing his incredible message to the world.

Sent to prison by a wise Judge for a biblical sentence of 3 1/2 years, Ron Weinland is now heading into his final one year countdown to probation. Its been a hard road for the last 2 1/2 years sharing his prison cell with Bubba.  The only apostle of the Church of God in this age and number one of the two witless witnesses will never look at the second witness Laura the same after this.

For the past 2 1/2 years Weinerdude has been sitting in his cell dreaming up end time scenarios attempting to prove why he and Laura are the two witless witnesses, prophets and revelator of God's words.  His small flock has lost countless members over the last couple of years because of his prison sentence and out outrageous behavior of his co-conspirator wife Laura and money laundering Audra.

Since Weinerdude is in prison cell he has to look at himself from the outside in.  He is such a magnificent apostle that he has to speak about himself in the third person.

Weinerdude writes:

Ronald Weinland, an author whose books have gone into over 170 countries in 7 languages, is first and foremost an apostle to the One Almighty Eternal God. Preceded by Herbert W. Armstrong who led the Worldwide Church of God, Ronald Weinland is an apostle in a long lineage of God’s apostles, beginning with the original 12 who began their work in 31 AD, long before others emerged falsely calling themselves Christian.

Ronald Weinland is the last apostle in this final age of man’s self-rule. That self-rule will end with the second coming of Jesus Christ who returns to put an end to WW III and bring peace to this earth – peace which mankind has been unable to achieve for 6,000 years. He came the first time, nearly 2,000 years ago, as God’s Passover Lamb who made possible the forgiveness of sins for mankind. This time, he is coming as a “Lion” with great supernatural power to chasten, battle, and conquer those who are destroying the earth. Jesus Christ will then establish a one-world government under his reign – in peace – for the next 1,000 years.
Like Paul and most of the other apostles, Weinerdude is in prison for his beliefs.  Please be assured it is for his beliefs and not the fact that he and his crooked family spent tithe money for their own personal pleasures like furs, diamonds, BMW's, trips to Vegas and Europe and transferring large sums to Swiss bank accounts.

 Historical accounts have some variance, but it is believed that most all of the original apostles, including Paul who was the apostle to the gentiles, were imprisoned and eventually killed. The last apostle to write scripture was John, who was also a prophet, and while imprisoned by the government of his time on the Isle of Patmos, he had revealed to him the Book of Revelation, which he then wrote. Ronald Weinland is the only other apostle who has also been made a prophet by God and Jesus Christ.
Next Weinerdude makes another bold claim.  His god personally made an apostle in 1997.  Its amazing how many weird men in the Church of God made themselves important in the 1996-1998 time period.

Since the days of John, nearly 1,900 years ago, God’s true Church has not been accustomed to having a prophet, but God made Ronald Weinland a prophet in 1997. 
Weinerdude is such a magnificent spokesmen for his god that it was all prophesied in the Bible that many of his followers would leave and mock him.

Ronald Weinland is the last apostle to be sent to this world, and as such, God has established through him a final testimony (witness) of mankind’s true attitude and spirit toward God Himself. This has been made manifest (revealed) through “the many” who have turned in bitterness, hatred, disgust, mockery, ridicule, and slander toward the one whom God has sent.
Poor Ronnie!  He is picked on and maligned.  Poor thing.

Ever the martyr, Weinerdude has to declare how horrible his persecution is.
Much of mankind’s true attitude has also been revealed through Ronald Weinland’s trial and imprisonment by the government of the United States. He began serving his sentence in February of 2013, with a release date in February of 2016. God has established the true spirit of mankind through the ages by how his prophets and apostles have been treated, with so many of them being imprisoned and even many killed.

There is not a single Church of God minister alive to this day who has suffered any persecution.  Every single one of them live lives surrounded in luxury and excess.  Building mini-empires, colleges and auditoriums have been a colossal waste of time.  As these men bluster and bloviate on their magnificence, their members are leaving in untold numbers.  Every single one gets up and lies that their "work" is growing as never before.  All they do is gain church-hoppers moving from once splinter group to the next every time they get pissed off about something.

All Weinerdude is going to do in one years time is get out of his love-nest and start committing the same crimes again. He has not learned a single thing while in prison.

It's Pretend to be Jewish Day...

Its Saturday and in Church of God land it's "Let's pretend to be Jewish day." People's Facebook pages are filled with the above meme's on a regular basis when Friday night/Saturday rolls around.  Most of these come from United Church of God folk.  RCG and PCG sheeple don't send this kind of stuff out since using the internet is Satanic, unless of course you are RCG/PCG leaders.....but that's another story.

Ex-church members get tired of the hypocrisy when they see that meme and are now posting this one:

Its one thing to keep a day as "sabbath" to rest and recuperate, but the Church of God has attached so much baggage to the day that it is not a day of rejuvenation.  Being forced to do something does not make it right.