Sunday, January 31, 2016

Wanton ladies in the Church of God

The Chief Pharisee is back proclaiming his version of what he wants scripture to say.  Like so much of ht time it seems to be that the women get the short end of the stick.  Ever since Eve gave Adam that juicy red apple while he was standing right next to her, women have been the cause of most evil in the world, at least in the eyes of religious dictators.

The Church of God has never been an exception to that.  From idiotic rants by Meredith and Waterhouse, to the dictates of Herbert Armstrong and Garner Ted in numerous articles and booklets. Even though many of the hierarchy of the COG could never keep their pants zipped, it was always the women's fault. And so it is today with James Malm.

Some of the wanton things COG women do are

Mess around with astrology and horoscopes:

I have noticed since I was first baptized in 1976 that the observing of times and horoscopes which is forbidden as an abomination by God, is commonly practiced in the Ekklesia especially by ladies. This is a grave sin which will keep you out of the resurrection to spirit

Buy mixed fabrics:

We are not to mix seed or fibers in cloth, or to mix kinds of animals. The focus on this is PURITY. The spiritual lesson is to keep ourselves PURE and unspotted by the false doctrines and prophecies of false religions. We are not to allow our white linen garments of righteousness to become mixed with the fibers of unrighteousness and error and sin, of impurity and defilement of false ways.

Let men perform oral sex on them before marriage:

I have heard of many cases where women have been convinced by their men friends that oral or manual sex is not really sex, and they then do this, thinking themselves to still be virgins. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Why God Does Not Answer Prayers?

Why God Does Not Answer Prayers?

Many pastors and preachers will try to tell you that the reason God does not answer prayer is because of your sins, or because you are asking for the wrong things, or you ask something that is not the will of God, or perhaps you ask in lust or you ask amiss or your prayer is not according to scripture.

Are those valid reasons why God does not answer prayer?  What if you pray to God, but you are not a Christian? Perhaps you pray, but your beliefs differ from those who read the King James Bible.

What if your country or nation is being bombed and attacked, as happened to Iraq and you prayed to God or Allah, but the death and destruction happened anyway?  What if members of your family perished in war and you prayed your heart out?

What if you were a church going Christian and a tornado ripped through your neighborhood and destroyed many homes and even the lives of other church goers?  What then?   What if a horrendous earthquake happened when you were living in California and freeways collapsed upon cars and crushed church going Christians to death?

What if your child developed leukemia and you as parents and your church going friends, prayed with all your might for healing and the child died anyway?  What then?

Does God really answer prayer?  Why would God selectively answer the prayers of some, but neglect the prayers of millions of other human beings?

I once read that a man was driving his vehicle and suddenly the thought came to him, that he should not go around a curve ahead and sure enough a truck came around in a manner that would have resulted in a head-on collision.  Was that God?  The man thought so.  Why would God put that thought in his mind, while allowing 50,000 other people to die in auto accidents that same year?

Many people attribute "healing" recovery to God, but at the same time there are thousands of others who are not healed.  Why would God heal some people and not others?  Makes no sense whatsoever.

Even in sports, many sports players thank God for their victory, as if God micro-managed their winning game? Is that really just a false belief?

Why on earth would God place a priority over a football or basketball game, while allowing thousands of people to die in wars, tornadoes, hurricanes, cancer, auto accidents or whatever???

Christians and church goers seem to live in a fantasy world about answered prayer.  Some Christians think God directed them to get a job flipping hamburgers, and then when they want to go elsewhere, suddenly God directed them to go to work for another business.  Is that God?

Does God really micromanage the lives of human beings?  If he did, then do humans have freewill?  Would God really cause you to buy a lottery ticket, in which you won $200-million dollars?

After 73 years of living on planet earth, I would have to come to the conclusion that church going Christians are very gullible and naive human beings, with almost zero discernment about God or reality.  And the belief that INK on PAPER is "inspired" by God, is a fatal false belief.

Van Robison

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

It's OK to salt unleavened bread but not wear alligator cowboy boots, especially if you are a woman who has just given birth to a daughter

The Church of God has always had Pharisees in its midst that took things to the extreme when it came to law keeping. The law was always the god that demanded total obedience. Every unreasonable rule and regulation was expounded upon and taken to the extreme. Every booklet, article, coworker letter, sermon and telecast talked about the law while Jesus was relegated to a few days around Passover.

With the demise of the Worldwide Church of God various groups broke off trying to preserve  the law with even more extreme measures.  Everyone of these groups claim that only they are right and the others are apostate heretics. Everyone tries to out do the other group when it comes to all keeping.

That Judaizing continues on today with the Chief Pharisee of the Churches of God who claims only he has the really understanding of the law.  For several years now James Malm has been rewriting the bible to fit his own twisted interpretations.

One of his acolytes recently asked about salting unleavened bread.  We are getting up to that season, remember....  The fact that someone had to even ask for permission shows how brainwashed his followers are.

A question has come about salting the unleavened bread for Passover and the sacrifices and I have added the following explanation to the  Leviticus 2:13 post. 
All Unleavened Bread for Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the sacrifices  is to be seasoned with salt as commanded in Lev 2:13. 
Salt is a preservative which is added to indicate the eternal everlasting nature of our Covenant with God and our faithful everlasting abiding in that Covenant (Numbers 18:19). 

Then the Chief Pharisee moves on to what is supposedly "clean" and "unclean."  As usual in the mind of an Armstrongite, that is open to interpretation, and interpret his own views is what he does.

Here are his convoluted ideas he passes off as "truth."

While we are commanded to not even touch a dead unclean animal, many sects claim that the commandment is only concerned with eating the flesh. Using that false premise they say that any other products from dead unclean creatures may be used at will. 
Living “unclean” animals are not unclean to touch and neither is the hair or wool sheared from living animals; it is the DEAD animals that are unclean and not to by eaten or even touched. That means that the skin and furs of dead unclean animals are not to be touched.  
We may not eat, use or touch the dead body of any creature that does not BOTH chew the cud and split the hoof among animals, or any under water creature that does not have BOTH fins and scales at the time we take it. We may not eat, use or touch the dead body of any bird that does not have a crop and is not able to fly, nor can we eat any insect that does not have both legs for leaping and wings for flying.
To even touch the carcass [dead body] of an unclean creature; becomes unclean and must bathe and be unclean until the sun is set. 
To touch the dead body makes one unclean and if we wear skins and furs from unclean creatures it is as if we have eaten them; for both acts make us unclean. 
Dang it!  Now that I have my alligator boots broken in I have to throw them out!

The next time you pick up the dead bird carcass your cat brings in or that lizard, you are unclean the second you touch it.  Slide on those comfy Hush Puppies made with pig skin and your are unclean!  Wear those alligator cowboy boots and you are unclean.  Carry that camel purse and you are unclean!

Next he tries to make his acolytes do the impossible.  Any follower of the new covenant knows that what he writes is a lot of useless hooey.

We should be zealous to be physically clean, in our overwhelmingly unclean world; and we should go forward from the physical; to be zealous to become spiritually clean, without any spot, blemish or wrinkle of spiritual uncleanness or sin. 
We should be as shocked, disgusted and appalled at the very idea of eating some scripturally unclean thing, or for some spiritual uncleanness and sin like calling the Sabbath holy and then paying others to serve us; as we would be if we were served a bowl of sewage.

This is the kind off crap that is fostered off as truth when you leave Jesus out of the picture.

Then the Chief Pharisee has this to say about women who have children.  If you have a daughter it is even worse!

If the child is female the mother’s separation shall be double that of a male child 
12:5 But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six [66] days.  
66 days plus two weeks is 80 days. My wife and I practiced this by mutual consent for our three sons and one daughter. 
We make these specified sacrificial offerings to day, by going to God the Father in prayer and asking that the sacrifice of Christ be applied to us and to the child, setting apart the child through our faithfulness, and asking for an understanding of these things.
A sin offering for the shed blood; which goes back to Eden where sin and bloodshed entered the world and a burden was placed on women for that sin, as a perpetual reminder of sin (Gen 3:16); the sin offering for the mother, being the application of Christ’s sacrifice for the repentant obedient woman. And a burnt offering to demonstrate the wholehearted faithful service to God the Father and Jesus Christ and those of like-mind.
What a relief to be free from this tyranny!