Friday, August 5, 2016

Huffington Post: I Was Sexually Harassed by A Christian Fundamentalist Minister (COG)

The Huffington Post has an excellent article up about a woman who was sexually harassed by a WCG minister in Pasadena when she was a student.

This is NOT an isolated case when it comes to the details she tells in her story.  It has long been recorded in the Ambassador Reports, The Painful Truth, and other blogs and web sites about how ministers in Pasadena and Big Sandy would ask men and women, sexually charged questions when called in for counseling.  This kind of behavior was  practiced by many in Pasadena.  Many of these perverts are now in leadership positions in other COG groups where they still do the exact same thing.

Women suffered the brunt of these sick ministers, though many men did too.  Many stories came out of counseling sessions of ministers masturbating while talking about the sexual habits of coeds and men.  Some of these men are now parked in LCG, PCG, RCG, UCG and COGWA.

I Was Sexually Harassed By A Christian Fundamentalist Minister

The author writes:
Today, I read an article by a fellow HuffPost blogger about how cruelly some individuals in her fringe religion treated her when she was date-raped and got pregnant. 
Her words ignited a passion in me to tell my own “church abuse” story publicly for the first time. Maybe her courage and mine will inspire other women with Fundamentalist or other extremist religious backgrounds to speak up, or maybe even escape and find a new spiritual path, one that supports both genders as we seek to love our neighbors as ourselves. 
My parents joined an extreme Fundamentalist Christian fringe group when I was six years old.
While enrolled at Arizona State she got accepted to "God's College."
During the second half of my junior year, a string of unfortunate events led to me be accepted at the last minute after all into “God’s college”. 
My friends threw a going-away party the night before I left. During it, I saw the wife of a junior minister making out with her brother-in-law. His hand was up her shirt! As in most Fundamentalist “religions”, members are encouraged to tattle on one another. I was torn. I didn’t want to get involved. But I didn’t want to sin. So I did my duty and told an elder what I’d seen. He assured me he would handle it.  
As a female transfer student from a “worldly” [read:pagan/heathen/sinful] university, a girl with a budding journalist’s mind and attitude, I was under scrutiny from the minute I arrived on that small campus. The third day, I was called to the dean’s office. He asked me if I had accused a godly woman of inappropriate conduct with her brother-in-law. I said yes and told him accurately what I’d seen. 
He informed me that I had not seen any such thing, that she had denied it, and that I was to never speak about it again. (Probably not blog about it on HuffPost, either!) 
The author then relates how the minister's wife went and lied to the ministry about her, then was called in and was instructed to find a minister to counsel with and this is what happened:
The minister I chose had me sit on a small, hard wooden chair set a good distance from his large wooden desk. He ignored me completely while I fidgeted and cried. I was terrified of him, of God, of the church itself. Of my blood running in the streets when an avenging Jesus came back to slaughter unbelievers. I knew Jesus would be extra vicious with those who had spurned the truth. 
The minister began to ask me horrifying questions.
“Where did he touch you?”
“How did that feel?”
“Did your panties get wet?”
“Did you see his...”
Then she relates the sickening part:
I told him the truth, because I had been taught not to lie. That first day, he just listened to me tearfully confess that my teenage body responded to being around Dave. I was shaking and crying as I told him these deeply intimate, shameful things. He told me to come back the next day.  
The next day, after I waited silently in my little chair for what seemed like an hour, he asked similar questions. But this time, he was so angry at me (I thought) that he was banging the underside of his desk drawer. His face got really red and then he made a sound I’d never heard before. Then, in the middle of my next sentence, he seemed to suddenly relax. He told me to leave.  
I had no idea what was going on. 
He did the same thing the next day. And the next. It was terrifying when his face got so red! And the banging noise! 
This man and the other men who did this same thing over the decades now think they are God's chosen ministers in the various splinter cults.  They have done no wrong in their lifetime.

Read the entire story here: I Was Sexually Harassed By A Christian Fundamentalist Minister

Read her excellent blog here: Wendy Keller Compassion Page

James Malm and Jonathan Bell...Two of Canada's More Questionable Exports

Canada has exported many wonderful things to the States, but unfortunately a few stinkers too.

Remember Jonathan Bell, the screaming public access minister?  No one listened to him.  No one sent him money. No one believed his message.  Women ignored him.

Listening to his comments it reminds us of another Canadian export, James Malm.  The similarities are striking in the things they both say.

ht: to reader here

Thursday, August 4, 2016

3 Universal Truths That All Church of Gods Agree Upon

This is also applicable to all Church of God's out there today claiming they are the only ones that are right, that all the others are wrong, and that they are better than all the others.

Rod Meredith, Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, James Malm, 
Vic Kubik, Gerald Weston, and David Hulme have all said this very thing.

Looking Forward To Modern Day Jezebel's Getting Their Just Rewards

Those fun followers of Jesus James Malm are looking forward to God killing all the Jezebel's in the Church of God as he splatters them on the ground.

One acolyte writes:

I Kings 9 really paints a picture of Jehu, God’s anointed, that makes him look like some organized crime assassin. After seeing Jezebel splattered all over the paving, he walks over her dead and bloody corpse and says, “I’m hungry, let’s eat!”.
This reminds me of Psalm 18:20-28 :
20 The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.
21 For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.
22 For all his judgments were before me, and I did not put away his statutes from me.
23 I was also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity.
24 Therefore hath the LORD recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.
25 With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;
26 With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward.
27 For thou wilt save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high looks.
28 For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.
To any (but especially those within or affiliated with the corporate churches of God)that play fast and loose with the statutes, judgments, and any of the rest of God’s commandments (verse 22) and who act like God has forsaken planet earth (See Ezek 8:12 and 9:9)a time of reckoning is coming.
Those who trust in their slyness, deceitful lying, and double-talk, (verse 26–last part) will get a lesson from whomever God anoints to bring them into their own personal tribulation for such behavior, just like Jezebel got at the hand of Jehu.
God will not be mocked,(Gal 6:7), so we all must govern ourselves accordingly.
Two guesses as to who is "anointed" to bring that personal tribulation as they damn the world around them.

Then a second acolyte writes that even if it is your own family being splattered on the ground, you do not mourn for them.  This is the typical Armstrongite bullshit that has been preached for decades.
It reminds me also of Lev. 10:6, when Aaron was not allowed to mourn the death of his sons, but to leave the mourning to others, as he was under anointing and God Himself had killed them. I know it isn’t a completely parallel situation, but when both were “about our Father’s business”, they were not allowed to mourn what God Himself has done, or a decision He has made, even when it involves our own families.
It has been interesting to watch over the decades how the Church of God loves to bathe itself in blood and guts.  Where would the church be without death and damnation that it gleefully looks forward to? Dangling meathooks, concentration camps, famine, war, violence...on and on the list goes of the things that the COG looks forward to.  Still no Jesus, but plenty of blood and guts.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

PCG Hemorrhaging As They Seek To Control What Remaining Members Are Left

The Philadelphia Church of God continues its downward spiral as it loses members and money.

In spite of all this, they still drop multiple millions of dollars on dancehall for Flurry's kids that the membership are not allowed to use.

They bought a huge estate in the UK so they can be close to the Ark of the Covenant when it is found and to take possession of the Stone of Scone when an idiot fanatic steals it.

They are losing millions on their concert series, just as his idol HWA did.

Flurry wants to drop millions on his own jet so he does not have to sit next to sweaty adults or screaming kids.

They let pedophiles continue to work on the Edmond cult compound.

Families continue to be ripped apart by vile no-contact polices.

The Worldwide Church of God has birthed numerous harlot daughters over the decades, with the PCG and the Restore Church of God have to be the two most illegitimate.

From Exit and Support:

Cut-Off Policy Regarding Non-Baptized Children Can't Stop the Flow of Information:
August 1, 2016
The cut-off policy regarding non-baptized children is just another way for Gerald Flurry and company to believe they are in control. 
This is directed primarily at the non-baptized, underage children who have been able to maintain a relationship with those who have left PCG. 
Does Gerald Flurry and PCG really think that they can stop the flow of information? 
What are they really trying to hide? I thought that PCG was to have a message that would reach the "Laodiceans," and preach the Gospel to the whole world. 
Instead, they have been in existence for nearly 27 years (and still remain paranoid that people are out to get them). 
The facts are that the PCG is hemorrhaging, and they are blaming others for their failures. 
Here is a small list of what is going on there: 
1) By their own admission PCG is currently experiencing a 25% drop in income. How long till the cut backs, and layoffs come?  
2) They "reach out" on their college radio station (that about 300 people, mostly PCG members and co-workers) listen to. 
3) They are seriously considering buying and operating a private jet. 
4) When you consider that, despite their critical financial position, a multi-million dollar dancing facility is being built. Jude Flurry (Stephen's son), is one of the top Irish dancers in the world. 
5) The PCG taught that the WCG (under Joe Tkach, Sr.) made Ambassador College the focus, and not the message, and now PCG, especially Stephen Flurry, is doing just that. 
The majority of the information that I (and several others have found out about PCG) comes from their own websites, members writing to ESN ( and other related sites), and PCG members social media accounts. I remember when Gerald Flurry didn't want to go on the Internet; now he can run and hide, but he can't avoid it. --Former member of PCG [name withheld]