Saturday, April 8, 2017

Germans Will Soon Be Joining With Blacks To Punish and Kill Americans, British, Australians

Dave Pack is up to his old tricks, as usual.  He has to scare the living daylights out of his dwindling church members.  The Germans will be rising up and joining up with the "Queen of Sheba" (African blacks) to punish and destroy the sinful people of the British Israelite nations.  Americans, Canadians, British, Australians, and other BI nations will soon be hanging off meathooks as they watch their children being raped and slaughtered in front of them.  What other group of people than Church of God members could dream up and take delight in such a scenarios!

You know what God says? I’m going to have those Gentiles, come up with you in judgment. Now that’s interesting, because we thought the wicked were coming up 100 years later. You’re going to find out, they don’t. Keep listening. They’re going to come up, and I’m going to have the Gentiles tell you, you’re out. Think about it. The Germans, the Assyrians, were the dreaded enemies of Israel. God used them over and over to punish Israel. We’ve been to war with them twice in the last century, and it started thousands of years ago. I’m going to take your worst enemies, because they listened to Me and I’m going to use them.
They’re not the God family. They didn’t come up in the resurrection to eternal life. If they had, they’d have been up 1,000 years earlier. Proof that they’re not in the God family, and God is using them as members of His family to condemn them, is they come up together, after the Millennium. So He’s going to use those physical human beings, who had good attitudes…We’re about to read another one…who had good attitudes to tell them, “You’re thrust out.” Ooh, that will be hard to hear. Talk about weeping and gnashing of teeth…But, brethren, we’re understanding judgment. Let’s read one more, then let’s talk.
“The queen of the south [a black, African Gentile] shall rise up in the judgment with this generation…[Here’s what God thinks of black people, by the way; a little insight here.]…and shall condemn it…[Whoa…Can you imagine?]…for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon [God] is here” (Matt. 12:42).
So God takes people, who are so unlikely for us to believe…these Germans, ferocious warriors, the toughest the world’s ever seen…God is going to use them one more time to punish His people. We’ll be hearing that in the month of November. We’ll talk more about that. And this African Queen…coming up together. Obviously, they didn’t go on to eternal life. They didn’t. But they were good people. They listened—and they were Gentiles. How bitter will that be? Now, look if God tells you, you’re out, or if the prophets, or the apostles, or any member of the God family tells you you’re out, that would be bitter enough…but to hear it from your worst enemies? That’s God’s plan. You need to baptize your mind into that thinking.

PCG: Satan Wins Everytime. More Powerful Than Jesus

One of Gerald Flurry's grand kids is lecturing the slowly dwindling flock of the Philadelphia Church of God on how powerful their mythical satan is.

Vienna Flurry writes about the all powerful Satan who "always wins!"
We, as teens in God’s Church, have in our possession a vast amount of spiritual wealth, just like Atahualpa and Zedekiah had physical wealth. Our adversary is much more dangerous than theirs were, however. Our adversary is Satan, and he is constantly looking for every opportunity to take our spiritual wealth away from us. 1 Peter 5:8 says “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Satan hates the fact that our future is to be a part of God’s Family. He threw his glorious future away, and he does not want us to inherit ours.  
It’s easy for us to think we are smarter than the devil, or that we know the kinds of things he does to tempt us. But we have to know that we can’t play his game! He will always win. We can’t think that if we “bargain” with him, he will keep his promises. If we do something wrong even once, he can use that to weaken our character and get us to make the same mistake again. He will never let us go once he has us in his clutches.
What more can you expect from a group that knows little about Jesus.  Never once in her article did she mention Jesus, or any of the concepts portrayed in scriptures as to what Jesus accomplished and who or what he conquered.  Fear still is the big motivator in the Church of God.  Satan is given more power than the god they claim to worship
On our own, we stand no chance of defeating this roaring lion. Thankfully, we have God on our side! We must do our part by obeying Him and putting Him first in our lives. We must do our part to resist Satan’s temptations. We must do our part to submit to God. And if we do, then God gives us a great promise: The devil will flee from us (James 4:7)! 
We have a source of protection that is much more powerful than mere the promise of gold or silver. We have the great God. Make sure you tap into His power. 
Vienna, her grandad and her father know nothing of the man they claim to follow let alone the god they claim to know.  Morally and spiritually bankrupt people are incapable of understanding any concept of that incredibly inconvenient dude who embarrasses the hell out of them.  Their god is no more going to fight some mythical  battle with their idea of a satan than Bob Thiel is a prophet of God.