Wednesday, May 2, 2018

LCG Hawaii Feast Site Shenanigans

More fun in Hawaii with LCG's Feast of Tabernacles registration:

I just want to put it out there that LCG acted unethically once again with how they handled the Hawaiian feast site registration.  It turns out people who did not pay the pre-registrion fee that registered a week or more after normal registration opened got accepted in a matter of hours. So basically folks shelled out the money when they didn’t have to. My issue here is not the $25 per person that I can easily afford, but rather it’s the lack of transparency and straightforwardness.  Faithful in little faithful in much hmm?
Lil'Jimmy needs extra money for scuba diving this year.


Why Are Church of God Prophets So Easily Mocked?

Over the decades the Church of God has had its fair share of self-appointed prophets, all proclaiming that their god had personally set them apart to warn the church.

One of our newest self-appointed prophets is, Almost arrested but not arrested Bob Thiel.  In his delusional mind he imagines himself the modern day equivalent of Habakkuk.  He bemoans how long he has to wait till people heed his words of The Great Spanking to come. After all, he IS the ONLY true minister, evangelist, prophet, and apostle, of the Church of God today.  He regularly quotes the following scripture, just as he did on April 26, 2018, to his African followers.
1 The burden which the prophet Habakkuk saw.2 O Lord, how long shall I cry,And You will not hear?Even cry out to You, “Violence!”And You will not save.3 Why do You show me iniquity,And cause me to see trouble?For plundering and violence are before me;There is strife, and contention arises.4 Therefore the law is powerless,And justice never goes forth.For the wicked surround the righteous;Therefore perverse judgment proceeds.5 “Look among the nations and watch —Be utterly astounded!For I will work a work in your daysWhich you would not believe, though it were told you.  (Habakkuk 1:1-5)
Bawana Bob goes on to tell his African followers just how evil his American detractors are:
Brethren, yes, we see evil all around us. We are not to be discouraged and give up. 
And a work is being done in our time, though many do not believe it:

40 Beware therefore, lest what has been spoken in the prophets come upon you:
41 ‘Behold, you despisers,
Marvel and perish!
For I work a work in your days,
A work which you will by no means believe,
Though one were to declare it to you.’ (Acts 13:40-41)
Bob, like all the hundreds of other Church of God prophets over the least 8 decades have been certified lairs than God had no hand in picking for any great purpose.  Becasue they are so easily mocked for their grandeous delusions, they all love to throw this verse at us:
II Chrinicles 3:15-17 God, the God of their ancestors, repeatedly sent warning messages to them. Out of compassion for both his people and his Temple he wanted to give them every chance possible. But they wouldn’t listen; they poked fun at God’s messengers, despised the message itself, and in general treated the prophets like idiots. God became more and more angry until there was no turning back.

First World Feast of Tabernacles Housing vs Third World Daily Living

Bawana Bob Thiel, the Almost arrested, but not arrested, doubly blessed and dreamy visionary of the improperly named "continuing" Church of God sent a letter out to all of his followers on April 26th.  It included a letter from one of his so-called evangelists in Malawi.  This man describes how incredibly poor some of them are with nothing more than a mat to sleep and sit on.  Then immediately after this report, Bawana Bob has pictures of the luxury hotels he and his tens of members will be staying at during the Feast of Tabernacles this year.  Talk about a slap in the face at his Malawi members!

The letter below also discusses deep issues in Bawana Bob's African members:
"...major issues concerning the work in Continuing Church of God and about the congregational leadership, satanic deception and his ministry, counterfeit Christians..."

Evangelist Evans Ochieng sent the following report from Malawi:

Pastor Dr Bob
Greetings from Malawi.
I arrived Malawi safe and the trip was good. the weather was good.

On Friday I had leaders meeting . The meeting was very good. I met with all leaders from Malawi and Mozambique, I touched major issues concerning the work in Continuing Church of God and about the congregational leadership, satanic deception and his ministry, counterfeit Christians and the shepherding of God’s people.
The brethren were very keen to understand every topic and good notes were taken.
On Sabbath we kept Sabbath in Migowi. I wanted to hear from the leaders what they are teaching so I gave one of them to give sermon late. I want to tell you that the work in Malawi moving on well.
Today I visited 3 congregations in Malawi Namely. Ngunda with 24 members, Funuzi with 95 members and Namangale with 18 members. I want also to inform you that Hosea is back in CCOG. We discussed with him yesterday night for more that 2 hours. He said that nowhere he can get the truth which is in CCOG {Continuing Church of God}
The problem I find here pastor is that, these people are rich in truth but very poor. I visited 3 homes when I was going round. I found no chair, no mattress, and very little food. When we reach in these homes, the chair that they could give me to sit on, is the mat which they sleep on. I will send you the pictures. It was very sad and painful. But I was very happy in one way that they are rich in faith.
I will go to Mozambique tomorrow early in the morning to visit all the congregations there, And I will give you the report when I am back in Malawi. I am here till Wednesday … I want visit every congregation.
Bawana Bob writes:
There is tremendous poverty in Malawi and it is one of the world’s poorest nations. We sent funds to aid the brethren there twice this month (cf. Galatians 6:10; James 2:15-18).
Then he immediately goes into publicizing his improperly named Feast sites:
Feast of Tabernacles Reminder
The Feast of Tabernacles (including the Last Great Day) will be here relatively soon: starting the evening of September 23rd until sunset October 1st in 2018.
As mentioned last week, the USA sites are Alexandria, Virginia and Wichita, Kansas.
We now have signed agreements for both of the two Feast of Tabernacles’ sites in the USA for 2018.
They are the Marriott Courtyard Alexandria Old Town/Southwest, located at 2700 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA  22314-4553, (703) 329-2323 and the Wichita Public Library, Evergreen Branch, 2601 N Arkansas, Wichita, Kansas.
 Marriott Courtyard Alexandria Old Town/Southwest
Bawana Bob's second U.S. location is a public library since his group is so incredibly small.
Wichita Evergreen Library
Since the USA sites are ‘finalized,’ please email me to tell me which of those sites you plan to attend. Some of you have already done so, but others have not yet.