Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Did Satan Kill Elvis In Order To Divert Attention Away From Herbert Armstrong's Resurrection

Only in Armstrongism can someone be this incredibly abusrd................

About a year before,on 16 August 1977 Herbert W Armstrong temporarily died  due to heart failure--but was resuscitated.  Dr Roy McCarthy (an experienced medical doctor, former mayor, and sometime Regional Director of the WCG in Holland and South Africa) told Gerald Waterhouse that there was no medical record of anyone as old recovering to the extent Mr Armstrong did. In other words, this was a miracle. Satan also tried to hide the significance of what God did this day.

It was the day of the huge media blitz announcing the death of Elvis Presley (“the King”), which preoccupied the attention of the world.  The subsequent reported sightings of Elvis being still alive, or back from the dead, seem to be a surreal counterfeit of what actually happened to the descendant of Royal King David, --the endtime Elijah, Herbert W Armstrong--on the same day.

Geoff Neislon

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Gerald Weston Now Living Church of God's #3 Man

Gerald Weston is on his rapid climb up the LCG ladder to apostle-hood. After offended members of his congregation in November, 2013 with his sermon, he has caught the eye of Rod Meredith and promptly promoted up to the number three spot.  Rod had some tough decisions to make in promoting Weston to the number three spot.  Meredith's son, James, had succeeded in ticking of a large number of HQ employees and countless church members.  That was really no shocker that James was knocked off the fast track.  The shocker was that Doug Winnail is out of the picture now.

Living Armstrognism and James Malm has this to say: 

Back on January 13 I posted an overview of the latest Tomorrow's World issue and I commented that Douglas Winnail did not have an article in that issue. On January 15 I devoted another post to this topic after reading an Anonymous comment at Banned by HWA saying it was Gerald Weston had displaced Winnail.

We now have confirmation from James Malm's blog, who has reported that Gerald Weston has been chosen as LCG's number three man, behind only Richard Ames and Roderick C. Meredith.

I have been waiting for confirmations and it is now confirmed that Rod Meredith has announced on several occasions that Gerald Weston is now #2 in the LCG succession list, right behind Richard Ames.

James Meredith has managed to offend most of the leading elders and has proved himself unworthy of the succession at this time.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Van Robison on WCG Splinter Group Lords of Control

WCG Splinter Group Lords of Control

What exactly gives any WCG splinter group overlord, the right to have control of any splinter group?
You guessed it, absolutely nothing.  Those who assume the posture of control as if they speak for
Jesus Christ or represent God to others, are among the most vain and egotistical of human beings on
planet earth.

Even you or I could form our own group if we were vain enough to want power and control over others. So why does anyone follow a WCG splinter group overlord?    In my opinion it is because an awful lot of people are just plain LAZY human beings and unwilling to educate themselves.  Knowledge and information is readily available in our age of computer technology and so there is
really no excuse to be led about with a hook in the lip, by unscrupulous and extremely vain men, who playact as if they are sent from God to rule over others.

Preachers by the thousands stand before people, with a book in their hand (called "the Bible") and quote from it as if it is God.  Well folks, the Bible is not God and God is not the bible.  Literally billions of human beings are held captive for life, by ink on paper and those who stand before them
quoting ink on paper, as if God is the author.  Well, which "Holy" book is really from God?  There are many so called "Holy" books in this world and none of them are alike.

The bible is actually interpreted in thousands of different ways and anyone who is a mesmerized WCG splinter group church goer, would be astounded to learn how others see the bible,
should such people be willing to remove themselves from their splinter group mind-prison.

It is highly doubtful that anyone who is willing to experiment and exit their WCG splinter group environment, and be exposed to mind-shattering other beliefs, would ever return to their former ways.  Jesus came to set the captives FREE and all WCG splinter groups are religious prisons,
which is true of all religious cults.  No overlord of any group is God in the flesh, nor are they "apostles", "prophets" or "pastors."  What they really are, are frauds using the name of God/Jesus Christ or the excuse of "preaching the Gospel to the world", while all the time, they are really counting the free tithe $money in their bank accounts, as HWA did.

In the end Herbert W. left behind all his mansions, his fine arts, his jet airplanes, his luxuries and his bank accounts, just as ALL WCG splinter group heads will also.  Why follow a looser?  Jesus is free, salvation is free, eternal life is free, the forgiveness of sins cannot be paid for by $cash or credit
card and anyone who makes you think that you "must" tithe to them, is a LIAR and THIEF for ulterior motives.

Van Robison