Saturday, February 21, 2015

Elijah Passover Pack: What Happens When Psychopaths Have Temper Tantrums

The next time Passover Dave throws a hissy-fit, just remember that his temper is God ordained.  Only the BEST have "strong tempers."  So when he is raking you over the coals for not giving as much money as he expects, just be cool, its only his "strong temper."

But here's one, number 92 – and this is fairly easy to understand, an important parallel – with powerful personalities often you have strong tempers. Well that describes Moses and Mr. Armstrong. I just can't relate (ehem), or maybe I can.

Here is what happens when psychopaths have temper tantrums:

This may be hard to hear, but your narcissist is controlling you with a device no more sophisticated than the good old temper tantrum.

Throwing temper tantrums to manipulate your behavior is but an aspect of narcissists doing everything for effect, an aspect of them going through life playing to mirrors so as to get the wanted looks and behaviors in reaction. In other words, remember that this is what he's doing the whole time...

You get the temper tantrum the moment you aren't doing that, the moment you aren't playing along with his game of 'Pretend.' In it he is God. He is the center of your universe as well of his own. You are to be in awe of him, to admire him, to see to it that the King lacks nothing he needs or wants, and to change his diaper regularly.

Since all narcissists do 24/7 is play Pretend, and all they want is for you to play along, they never needed to mature and find other ways to interact with people. So, they just use . . . and use . . . and use . . . and use the temper-tantrum technique. The moment you stray from his script, he raises an obnoxious ruckus.

You know what he wants. If not, keep trying things, like you do with a baby, until you hit on the right thing and the ruckus stops. This is extortion. Give him what he wants, or he won't let you have any peace.

One thing that will push a narcissist's temper-tantrum button for sure is objecting to their abuse. You mustn't do that. You must docilely submit to abuse from God Almighty. In fact, it isn't abuse for God Almighty to treat you like dirt, because that's what you are relative to God Almighty, so quit insulting him by expecting him to treat you as an equal.

By Kathy Krajco
From:   Control by Temper Tantrum

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Eric King Explains Why Elijah Passover Dave Pack Is Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo Special

Now we know why Elijah Passover Pack is the way he is!  He is part Neanderthal!  No wonder he is sooooooooooooooooooooo special!!!!!

SOCT has always taught that human evolution is much more complex than originally imagined. We have taught that there was in a sense “more than one mother”. We have also talked about numerous hominid beings which interacted and mated with each other forming a much more diverse human genome than originally believed. It is now a known fact that some early humans bread with Neanderthals. Some humans are at least 3 percent Neanderthal to this day. But we are not ultimately from Neanderthal and the Neanderthals were much more advanced than present science is teaching.- The SOCT Takes A Closer Look At Early Humanity

Elijah Passover Pack: I Am Unlike Any Other Human To Ever Exist! It's My Nature!

Elijah Passover Dave is such a miraculous intelligent person that he marvels that people are not able to understand him.  He's cut from a different cloth because he channel's Elijah's personality and humor!  Just as Elijah was misunderstood, so is Passover Dave.

Elijah Passover Dave is such a miraculous person that no other human could have been his mother's child.  Only Dave could be her son! Well DUH!

 He was trained to be incisive, decisive, bold, aggressive, dramatic and definitive!

No other human in 6,000 years has come close to the stature and significance of Passover Dave!

Passover Dave says his nature is incomprehensible to God's people.  Well....when a you are batshit crazy......of course no one understands you!  One of you certainly IS enough!  Even your own siblings and children don't support you, so why should anyone else?

Another personal point: for a long time I realize that I am not like most others, I'm cut from a different cloth – I've said that many times. I've at times wondered if God's people can understand me. In so many ways, brethren, I have Elijah's own personality. I have in humor, even mocked, in writing, the modern prophets of Baal as did Elijah. I even invoked his name – I've done that – I've been trained to be incisive, decisive, bold, aggressive, dramatic and definitive. It's my nature. You couldn't be my mother's son. But there are also other things. Think about who I have to address, who I have to deal with, who I have to go up against. Such men would not make good diplomats of this world. I think like Teddy Roosevelt, like David, like Joshua, and maybe even somewhat like Moses I guess. Mr. Armstrong and the ancient Elijah are of a particular nature that is somewhat incomprehensible to God's people. They are confronters, they are aggressive, they have to be and that's just the way I've always been. My superiors would often tell me, "You're too incisive, you're too decisive." Well, maybe I was when I was younger, but I know in some ways, some of us – I'll say myself – have a nature that is somewhat incomprehensible to God's people. I don't want people to be like me, one of me is enough.