Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Living Church of God: Is It Really the Church of Brotherly Love?

For decades the Church of God claimed it was the Philadelphian era of the Church of God.  It was the church of brotherly love that had the truth that Jesus personally whispered to Herbert Armstrong.  That brotherly love did not extend too far out, especially to the Church of God 7th Day whom the church sarcastically labeled the Sardis era, even though it has remained stable and is a church that is actually growing while the COG splinter groups are not.

Ever since the Worldwide Church of God imploded with hundreds of self-appointed false prophets setting themselves up as leaders, the Church of God has become one of the most unloving church ever.  Protestantism and its division is are nothing compared to the bitterness that fills the present day Church of God.  The leaders have tuned into he most unloving group of men the church has ever seen.

Dave Pack's god is getting ready to murder three other COG leaders.  Flurry claims that ALL COG leaders are false.  UCG ruptured after a pissing contest which lead to COGWA forming, all because the ministry could not work together.

Then there is Rod Meredith.  Has the church ever had an evangelist that is more loving and compassionate as he is?  That love still drips from him to this day!

Living Church of God is the only true Philadelphian Church of God in existence in these tumultuous end times!  Or...so says, Doug Winnail:

Real Philadelphia Christians
The Book of Revelation describes Philadelphia Christians as having a strong desire to carry out the mission that Jesus Christ gave to His Church (Revelation 3:7-11). According to the Scriptures, that mission involves preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to this world and especially to the Israelite nations (Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 10:1-7), warning the world about difficult times that will arise at the end of the age (Matthew 24, Mark 13; Luke 21), and preparing a people to reign with Jesus Christ in the coming government of God (Luke 1:17). However, the name “Philadelphia” means “brotherly love,” which indicates that true Philadelphians will also strive to follow Jesus’ admonition to “love one another” (John 15:12-17). They understand that showing unselfish, outgoing concern for others (instead of sitting in judgment of others) is one of the distinguishing marks of a real Philadelphia Christian (John 13:34-35). As we look forward to the coming year, let’s all look for ways to show more “brotherly love” to others so we can be real Philadelphia Christians.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

It is good to know that we will all experience that true "brotherly love" that Rod Meredith knows how  to spread so well.   Love is in the air brethren!  Can you feel it?

Monday, October 31, 2016

Rod Meredith Smacks Down Jim Franks and Vic Kubik

From an LCG source:

In his recent Living Church News Rod Meredith takes a swipe at Jim Franks and Vick Kubik in his editorial by stating, "We need to “see” His hand as He leads His Church—continuing to have at least one faithful group preaching the whole Truth, doing the Work and practicing the government of God, and so training its members in the exact kind of government we will be administering in tomorrow’s world!"
LCG may pretend to be diplomatic with COGWA and UCG by letting them tour LCG headquarters in Charlotte and by wining and dining them over a meal at Brio's (Meredith takes everyone to the same place) but it's all a farce. He and his ministers continue to preach that LCG is the ONE AND ONLY true church of God; that they are the only Philadelphian remnant; that membership in any other group makes you Laodicean and puts your eternal salvation at risk, etc, etc. 
Usually Meredith tries to be more subtle about his swipes on other ACOGs, limiting them to sermons and private conversations, but this recent slip puts it all out there. I wonder how Franks and Kubik will feel having their noses squashed. 
It's obvious what fruits LCG's "exact kind of government" have produced. Tyranny and abuse without checks and balances. LCG wants to pretend that their form of government is better than voting because it avoids politicking but that isn't true. LCG headquarters is the epitome of politics, favoritism, ass-kissing, back-stabbing.  
LCG's superiority complex is disgusting. If I were Jim Franks or Victor Kubik I'd quit pretending that Rod Meredith is anything other than a lying, greedy, power-hungry, tyrant who uses fear to rule. Take the gloves off and give Mr. Golden Gloves what he deserves.